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Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Scene 1
Aaramak comes to soldiers and says to them keep positions behind Ujjain’s soldiers, we are less in numbers but its war of do or die so muster courage and fight, soldiers go.
Ashok comes in one room and finds many ants on floor, he says there must some stale food here but this palace is new, means food was brought in this room and Chanakya must have brought too alongwith it, he finds soldiers guarding room, he hides and sys now i am sure Chanakya is here, he brings out pricks (herbs) which Vasu gave to him, he says when i will pin these pricks on soldiers’ bodies, the poison on it will make them unconscious, he hits soldiers with pricks, they faint, Ashok starts searching for Chanakya, he opens lock of another room and calls out for Chanakya, he trips, looks
down to find Chanakya lying there, unconscious and tied with ropes, he tries to wake him, he ask him to get up, i found you, he cries and ask him to open eyes, Chanakya is unconscious.
Vasu is wearing Ashok’s dress, Helena’s soldier is following him thinking he is ashok. Ashok brings Chanakya in other room. Vasu comes in ceremony and starts mingling with people, soldier following him is confused, Vasu hides, then reappears, soldier goes and sees its Ashok only, Ashok fools him and runs from there.
Scene 2
Radha says to Aakramak that Chanakya is in this palace only, aakramak says conspiracy is chalked out to kill whole Maurya family, this palace is made from flammable stones, Radha says then we have to find Chanakya at any cost, Ashok comes and says i have found Chanakya but he is not in state to tell anything, he is unconscious, Aakramak says we dont know anything about attack and when it will happen, who is behind all this.
Justin and Agni comes as bride and groom, all smile, Khurasan finds Dharma hiding her face, he doubts her, Dharma leaves from there, Khurasan follows her.
Radha says to aakramak and Ashok that Chanakya have always doubted raj and Helena, if they are present in ceremony this means they have already made plan to get safely out from here, he ask Ashok when will attack happen? Ashok says i dont know, we can only hope to find any lead, ceremony is going on when door of palace gets closed, Bindu ask why gates are getting closed? Helena says so that ceremony is done nicely, its Greece’s ritual, Ashok says to Radha that we all are stuck here now, Ashok says to Radha that we dont have much time, Radha says this means they will attack after ceremony, Aakramak ask him to go and treat Chanakya while i will handle Ujjain’s soldiers, he ask Vasu and Subaho to accompany him.
Scene 3
Marriage ceremony starts, Helena ask Agni infront of all witnesses do you accept Justin as your husband? Agni looks at Justin and says i accept, Helena ask justin to remove her veil, he removes it, Sushim takes Agni from there.
Noor says how can Justin marry even after knowing all this? did he close us in this room? how can he cheat us? Siamak ask what happened? Noor says to Siamak that i have to go in marriage, do something, send me there, she cries, Siamak knocks door, Noor cries.
Dharma is running from Khurasan, she comes in store room and hides, Khurasan comes there, he says i know you are here, come out, Dharma is hiding behind sacks, Khurasan takes out his sword, he is about to come to Dharma when she throws red chilli powder in his eyes which was in store room, she runs from there, Khurasan goes behind her. Helena makes Bindu eat sweets, sweets are distributed in all, Subhrasi congratulate Agni, Raj comes and gives sweets to her too, Agni takes Raj aside and ask where is Ahenkara? our plan is coming closer and she is not seen anywhere.
Ashok and Radha are trying to wake up chanakya by rubbing his feet and fists, Radha starts crying, Radha says to Ashok that i have tried everything but Chanakya is not responding, Ashok gets tensed.
Scene 1
Ashok says to Radha that i know who can make him fine, Radha says you are right, bring your mother, only she can make chanakya fine, Ashok leaves.
Ahenkara ties blindfold on Sushim’s eyes, Sushim says if i win then you have to do what i want, ahenkara says lets see, he pulls her closer and says i never lose, whats the game? she says i will make you eat different things and you have to tell what is it, he says easy game, she makes him eat different fruits, he guesses them right, she smirks and makes him eat green chilli, he shouts, open his blindfold, she laughs on him, sushim gets angry and say i dont like this game at all, he coughs, Ahenkara becomes serious, offers him water, he throws glass away, angrily looks at her, he pulls her closer and says you have lit
this fire and i will extinguish it in my way, he tries to kiss her but she runs away, he smiles.
Dharma is running from Khurasan, she hides behind pillar, Khurasan is comes there but someone pulls Dharma from there before Khurasan can see her, its Ashok, he ask Dharma why you are tensed? dharma says huge problem is going on, Ashok says you are right and you can stop all this, he takes her.
Helena comes in room, soldier informs her that chanakya is missing from room, dont know who took him away, Helena sys if he reaches Bindu then we all will be gone, i cant see my plan failing, she ask soldier to find him and kill him, the one who have freed Chanakya, must be with him, kill him too, soldier leaves, Helena says i have to hide this news from Raj and Justin else they can get panicked.
Scene 2
dharma comes to chanakya, Dharma ask who did this to Chanakya? Ashok says this can be answered by Chanakya only, you have to treat him.
Helena says to Raj that we cant wait now, we have to stick to plan, Raj says but i have to find Ahenkara, she doesnt even know that this palace is going to burn down, Ahenkara listens all this and is shocked, Raj says nothing will happen with some delay, he ask soldier to find ahenkara and send her to safe place before attack, nothing should happen to her in this Maurya killing, Ahenkara says this means Sushim will be killed too? she gets tensed and leaves from there, Raj finds Sushim in corridor and ask about Ahenkara, he says dont know where is she, Raj takes him in ceremony.
Dharma is treating Chanakya, Dharma says i have to burn herbs, it will be good for Chanakya, ashok says we cant lit fire in this palace, Dharma says then bring oil, she says that oil is present in Agni’s room, she ask Ashok to go and bring it.
Ahenkara thinks that father was making this plan and nobody knows it, i have to tell this to Agni, only she can stop Raj, soldier tries to stop her but she attacks him and runs to meet Agni.
Helena says to soldiers that time has come, after Agni and Justin’s marriage, i will ring bell, lit fire and this whole palace will burn down, nobody should remain alive, not elders, not kids and not that Ashok, kill everyone, soldiers nod.
Scene 3
Charu and Subhrasi comes to Agni and says we have come to take you for last ceremony, Agni says but i am waiting for Ahenkara, Charu says your marriage is happening, till when you will keep sticking to your sister, Justin is waiting for you come, they leave, Ashok comes in Agni’s room, he finds oil there and leaves.
Siamak is shouting to open door of room, Noor is crying, Siamak tries to break lock of door, he gets hurt by stone, he says this stone is weird, Noor sees it and says its flammable stone, this means whole palace is made from it, Justin wanted to save us but that soldier cheated him, we have to run from here.
Marriage is about to happen, Justin looks at Agni and thinks that to spend life with Noor and Siamak, i have to get rid of Agni, Agni thinks i will take revenge from Maruyas now.
Subaho opens door and frees Noor and Siamak, he tells Siamak that there is conspiracy of attack in this palace.
Ceremony starts. Dharma says Chanakya have always protected my son, me and my husband and now its my turn to save him, Ashok comes with oil, he gives it dharma, she starts treatment, Ashok says my land needs Chanakya, he prays to Lord to make him fine, Chanakya doesnt respond to treatment, he hand falls down, Dharma starts crying, Ashok says no, you have to try something, he says to chanakya that you cant leave us and magdh in this hour of need, you have to become conscious, you ave served magdh whole life, you cant ditch it now, you have promised to protect us, get up, open eyes, i promise i will listen to everything you say but just get up, chanakya moves his hands, he open eyes, dharma, Ashok and Radha gets happy, Ashok ask Chanakya when will attack happen? Chanakya says it will happen now only, Ashok is shocked.
Scene 1
Helena’s soldiers lits fire on arrows and throws it on palace, palace catches fire, chaos is created in palace, Bindu is confused, prime minister says seems like all gates are closed, soldier says we will get burned here. Raj comes to Helena, he ask where is Agni and Justin? Helena says Agni has gone to find Ahenkara and Justin saw noor, Nicator says palace is catching fire, we have to leave, Raj says but Agni and Ahenkara is here too, Nicator says i dont want to be burned down, lets leave, Helena says what about Justin? Nicator says lets wait for them near dungeon.
All are running in palace, Bindu ask Subhrasi and Drupat to stand still. Chanakya says to Ashok that you have to protect royal family, Ashok says i will go to protect them, Dharma says no you will not go
anywhere, Ashok says no this is my responsibility, you should bless me, if anything happens to Chanakya then i wont be able to forgive myself, Chanakya says to Ashok that find the way from which enemies will go out of palace and remember dont move back to help anyone, its your responsibility to finish all enemies, you have to be alert to find them and finish them, if you can do it then accept it? Ashok says i accept this responsibility and i will do anything to fulfill my duties, he touches Dharma’s feet, she blesses him, Chanakya blesses him and ask him to go, Ashok leaves, Dharma cries.
Scene 2
all are running, soldier says we will burned here, Prime minister says it will not happen, he tries to find wat out, Helena’s soldiers are killing people with arrows too, Drupat faints due to heat, Bindu ask charu and Subhrasi to hide behind pillars because of arrows hitting them, Charu hides behind pillar and says where is sushim? Aakramak says to Vasu that if we dont stop these soldiers from attacking then our soldiers wont be ale to protect Bindu’s family. one soldier is about to kill dasi, Ashok stops him and ties him with curtain, he takes his sword and starts fighting with Helena’s soldier. one soldier attack Sushim but he fights with him, Ahenkara finds dagger there, she takes and leaves from there, Sushim is shocked to find her gone, he fumes in anger.
Noor and Siamak are running to go out of palace, Noor says i wont let anything happen to you Siamak, she finds Helena’s soldiers there, they surround them, Noor beats them, snatches sword from them, siamak also fight with them, Khurasan sees them and is about to go to them, soldier attacks him and is about to kill him but Justin saves him by killing soldier.
Agni meets Ahenkara and says i was finding you, we have to leave from here, Ahenkara says you knew about this compiracy? Agni says this revenge for my father’s death, Ahenkara says he died while protecting his land and if you wanted revenge then you could have attacked from front, will you be able to forgive yourself for doing all this? whats fault of Bindu’s family and sons in all this? Agni says we will die here, lets leave, Ahenkara says its better to die then run like cowards, she leaves from there.
Khurasan ask Justin to save Siamak and Noor, Justin comes to them and fights with soldiers. soldier attacks noor on head, she faints in Justin’s hands.
Ashok is trying to figure way out, he recalls ways to go out from dungeon, he says i entered dungeon from left side so outside way will be on left side.
Scene 3
Bindu is fighting with soldiers too. Justin makes Noor lie on floor, he goes to find Siamak. Nicator says to Raj till when we will wait here? Raj says i will not go without Agni and Ahenkara, Helena says i will not go without my son, i didnt give him birth to see him die here, Nicator says he is dying to his love and you are caring about him, Helena says i cant let my son die here, she goes to find Justin, Nicator says to Raj that there should be someone remaining to enjoy deaths of mauryas, if you want to wait for your daughters then stay and wait for death i am going, he leaves, Raj also runs from there.
Agni comes and finds Noor lying on floor unconscious, she recalls how justin confessed that he loves Noor alot, she recalls how Noor used to taunt her, she points dagger at Noor. otherside Helena’s soldier catches drupat and points sword at him, Bindu is stunned. Ashok is also caught by soldier.

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