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Saturday, November 17, 2018


Sagar removes the blanket. He tries to shake Ganga but she isn’t moving. Is she unconscious?
Madhvi runs outside but the car is gone by then. He must have left!
Sagar recalls that his teacher had taught them to rub the hands of the unconscious person. He does so. He checks her breath but she isn’t breathing.
Madhvi calls Niranjan. Who had you sent the mark sheet and application form with? Who submitted it in the new school? Niranjan takes Omkar’s name. He had submitted it even before I could tell him not to. She asks him what Omkar was doing when Verma was in the room. Niranjan innocently replies that Omkar was trying to help him. He was taking my side before Verma which is why he helped me. Madhvi tries to tell him about Omkar but the line is not working properly. He is
unable to hear anything at all. He ends the call. Madhvi connects the dots. Why is Omkar doing this? Madhvi recalls Babli’s words. Ma wouldn’t have died so soon but Bau ji’s behaviour made her die this soon. She thinks of all the past instances. Is Omkar Bhaiya trying to harm us?
Sagar calls out for everyone. Look what has happened to Ganga. Everyone rushes upstairs. They find Ganga lying unconscious on the floor. Omkar gets tensed. I had hidden her. how did she come out? Pulkit checks Ganga’s pulse and breathe but they feel nothing. Madhvi gets tensed. Omkar wonders if he added an extra dose of the sleeping pills. Everyone tries to wake Ganga but in vain. Sagar is worried that she might be dead. Is she dead? Her pulse is not working. She is not breathing. They all are stunned by his words. Omkar gets scared thinking if it is true. Froth is coming out of Ganga’s mouth. Pulkit picks her up in his arms. He reasons that this happens when you take poison. They decide to take her to the hospital. Omkar doesn’t want the truth to come out. they will find out about the sleeping pills then. He calls out for everyone and stops them from going outside. The situation will worsen if something happens to the girl. What will we tell to the police? Niranjan brought Ganga from outside. He adopted her without seeking her parent’s consent. They will believe that we kept her as a maid in the house. Child labour is a crime. Niranjan will land in trouble. Madhvi is more concerned about Ganga at the moment but Amma ji finds sense in Omkar’s words. Ganga wont go to the hospital. Who will believe us if we tell them that we have been taking good care of Ganga? She tells Pulkit to call their family Doc. The matter should stay in the house only. Pulkit takes her to Amma ji’s room. Madhvi tells Maharaj ji to warm water.
Verma scolds Omkar for not being careful. She is a little girl. Pray to God that she is safe. One murder is already on you. Pray that this doesn’t come on you. I cannot help you every time. He ends the call. Omkar is irked. This Girl will make my life a mess if she is alive. What should I do!
Froth continues to come out of Ganga’s mouth. Amma ji calms / holds Sagar somehow. He is berserk. I wont go anywhere till she wakes up. Babli takes him outside. Madhvi is tensed as Ganga is not waking up even after vomiting. Babli assures Sagar that Ganga will be fine. Doc must be on his way. Sagar is in tears. What has happened to her? Pulkit bhaiya was saying that this happens when one takes poison. Why will she eat poison? He recalls his past rude behaviour to her. She must have felt bad because of it. She will be fine once I say sorry to her. She wont die before it right? Babli nods. She will live. She will be fine soon. Omkar knows that he has made a mistake. But I will have to act so no one doubts me. He gives hope to Sagar. I think some evil spirit has case an evil eye on our house. We will do a yagya. You will have to be patient till then.
Madhvi wants to take Ganga to the hospital as her condition is only worsening. Amma ji scolds her. I too care for this stranger girl but I cannot overlook the other things for her sake. Dr. Ghosh enters. Doc checks Ganga. I cannot find her pulse. She is sinking. I have checked carefully but I cannot understand anything. He tries to make her heart beat but in vain. Maid holds Madhvi as she stumbles in her step. She thinks of her bond with Ganga. Amma ji tells them not to say anything to Sagar. Maharaj ji is in tears. Madhvi tells doc not to give up. Do something. Doc wants Ganga to get admitted in the hospital asap. Amma ji requests him to get the equipments here. She wont go anywhere. Madhvi gets in a verbal duel with her but Doc handles the situation. I will call someone and bring it here. Sagar comes there. Ganga will be fine. Fufa ji and I will do a puja. He notices Madhvi’s tears and gets tensed. Amma ji handles the situation. Sagar talks to Ganga and then requests doc not to let Ganga die. I have to say sorry to her. Amma ji sends him outside. Madhvi wants to call Niranjan but Amma ji stops her. He will come right away if you tell him about it. He might drive fast. What if something happens to him! Doc will take care of everything. Pulkit looks on sadly.
Omkar makes Maharaj ji do all the preps for the so called yagya. The diya blows off. Everyone gets shocked. Maharaj ji prays for Ganga’s safety.
Doc injects an injection in Ganga’s medication. Madhvi asks him to save Ganga. She is so young. He suggests her to rub her hands and toes. She will feel warm that ways. She notices that her body is all cold. He insists on shifting Ganga to the hospital but Amma ji stays put. Do anything that you want to, but here!
Omkar tells Maharaj ji not to let anyone interrupt him in the jaap. I will not eat or drink anything till she gets better. Amma ji tells Omkar that there is no hope. Doc talks to someone regarding the case. Madhvi sits beside Ganga and is in tears.
Sagar asks Fufa ji to begin the puja. How will Ganga get well otherwise? Omkar tells AMma ji that he will do the havan for Sagar’s satisfaction. She nods. Omkar sits down for the puja. How could I do this! I dint want to kill that girl. It was all unintentional. I don’t know what will happen now. He begins the yagya. Amma ji is glad that Omkar is doing so much for their family. Madhvi is not impressed by it though. She heads back inside Amma ji’s room.
Sagar tries to pull his brother to sit in the puja but Pulkit stays rooted to his place. There is no point in doing anything now. She is gone. He thinks of how positive she was about the situation and how she helped him. Sagar too thinks of Ganga and how she has always been with him, helped him, has supported him in everything.
Doc notices
some movement in Ganga’s fingers. He checks her pulse. There is a hope that she will be saved. Maid informs everyone else. Pulkit tells Sagar that his puja is having the desired effect. This is no less than a miracle. Omkar is surprised yet the puja continues. Pulkit too joins them for the puja. Maharaj ji offers water to all three of them but none of them take it. Madhvi too prays for Ganga’s recovery. Listen to these kids atleast.
Ganga coughs. Doc checks her. He announces that Ganga is gaining conscious. Everyone gets thrilled. Amma ji congratulates Omkar and Sagar for their belief. Omkar says it is all Lord’s blessings. They all go inside. Omkar is tensed.
Madhvi helps Ganga in sitting. Doc tells them to make her drink lemonade. It will give her strength. Maid goes to make it. Doc asks Ganga if she can recall in case someone gave her anything to eat or drink. Omkar is worried that Ganga might tell them about him. She too thinks of the same thing. She looks at Omkar who is staring back at her wide eyed. She points out her finger at him. Everyone looks at him in surprise / confusion. Ganga says he mixed sweet tablets in the water. I started feeling dizzy afterwards. I don’t know what happened then. They all look at Omkar pointedly. He replies that he had given water to Ganga. She had come from outside and her face was all red. Maharaj ji had brought the water. Maharaj ji nods. Omkar adds that he only mixed sugar tablets so she gains strength. Ganga disagrees with him. You had mixed something else. She asks Madhvi to take her to his room. I will tell you what he had given to me. Omkar is trapped.
They all reach Omkar’s room. Ganga points at something kept on the table (sugar free). Omkar repeats that he dint add anything wrong. Madhvi notices something lying next to the side table. She looks closer and finds one of the tablets lying on the floor. This is sleeping pill tablet. It can kill someone if the intake is high. This info shocks everyone. Omkar stays put. I don’t know anything about it. Everyone eyes him suspiciously. He shouts that he dint do anything. She might have mixed it on her own. He turns to Ganga. You only had said that you will mix it on your own. You might have added it. You cannot read. Ganga denies. I dint add anything. I only mixed what you had added in water. Omkar acts all sad. I hurt my hands while doing the havan, stayed empty stomach but the very same girl is blaming me for her attempted death. Why will I kill such a sweet girl? I should leave from this house now. I have had enough. Amma ji stops him. He refuses to stay where he has been insulted. He tells Babli that she will get married in Gazipur only. Amma ji requests him to stay. He tells her not to do so. You are like my mother and will always be but I wont stay here! Amma ji scolds Ganga for creating mess. You have ruined my family. Amma ji, Madhvi and Pulkit go after Omkar.
Sagar looks angrily at Ganga. Ganga says I wasn’t lying. Why would I lie? He doesn’t know why she would do so. I thought you will die so I wanted to apologize to you. I sat with Fufa ji and did puja for you but you are framing him. He is right. It will be your fault only. Why will he do so? He was so concerned about you! He did yagya for you overnight. Why would he try to kill you then? The truth is, you don’t like him. he loves you so much. He is leaving the house because of you. You are very bad. He walks out of the room with her following him. He doesn’t want to talk to her or hear her. You are bad. I was mistaken. You are very bad. I will never talk to you. She says you will realise it one day that I am not bad. You are doing wrong. You will repent behaving like this with me. You will surely repent. I never lie. I dint lie today as well but you don’t accept it. Let it be. I am mad to call you my friend. I saved you so many times; got scolded because of you and you are behaving so badly with me. you have changed all of a sudden. He withdraws his hand from her grip and leaves. She thinks / vows that one day he will come to her on his own and will say sorry to her.
Madhvi does so unwillingly. Drishti’s roka is going to happen soon. Omkar doesn’t want to be insulted anymore. Sagar stops his Fufa ji. Ganga made a mistake. Please stay back. You are a very good man. Please stay back. Omkar acts to be touched by Sagar’s affection. Omkar touches his head. I am feeling weak. Amma ji tells Maharaj ji to bring food. He hasn’t eaten anything since yester night. Amma ji assures Sagar that she wont let his Fufa ji go anywhere. Omkar, Amma ji and Sagar leave. Pulkit heads upstairs.
Maharaj ji shares with Madhvi that he finds something weird in Omkar’s behaviour. Everyone knows thta he doesn’t like
Ganga yet he was taking very good care of her. he did yagya for her. I belive Ganga. Madhvi suggests him not to think of this way about Omkar. He is the SIL of the house. Maybe Ganga was mistaken. Don’t say this in front of anyone, especially Amma ji. She gives him breakfast to give to Omkar.
Madhvi gives lemonade to Ganga and sets the bed for her. Ganga tells Madhvi that it was yumm. My Bappa used to make similar lemonade for me when I used to return after playing with my friends. It keeps head light and calm. I am feeling better. She lies down to sleep but Madhvi asks her if she had mixed those sugar pills / tablets herself. She thinks of the incident and then agrees. I only mixed what Amma ji’s SIL had poured in it. I dint even touch the box. She recalls Omkar threatening her. he had warned me one day to stay out of his way or it wont be good. What does it mean? It means he wants to kill me? Madhvi shakes her head. why would he do it? Anyone can make mistakes. It is nothing. Ganga sleeps.
Madhvi thinks that she comforted Ganga but she herself doesn’t know what the truth is. That what Ganga said or that what Omkar had been telling us? She tells the maid to bring her phone. I want to talk to Niranjan asap. Maid goes to bring her phone.
Amma ji tells Omkar to eat properly. The roka is tomorrow. Maharaj ji brings kheer as Amma ji had got it especially for Omkar. Maharaj ji next scolds Maid for not helping him in the kitchen. Maid tells him that she is looking for Madhvi’s phone. She wants to talk urgently to Vakil Babu. Omkar gets alert. He notices Madhvi’s phone lying under the table. He asks Amma ji for water and meanwhile goes to pick it up. Amma ji sends maid to the other room as Omkar is eating here. She too goes to take medicine. Omkar decides to make sure that Madhvi should not be able to talk to Niranjan. He adds another digit in Niranjan’s number. She wont realise it as she will be in haste. He notices the landline next. I will have to do something.
Omkar disconnects the cord of the landline phone. Now I will see how they both talk. Niranjan will immediately return if he finds out about Ganga’s health. He will then also find out that I haven’t submitted the form. It is time to take the next step now which will take me closer to my aim. Omkar keeps the phone over the clothes. Maid is washing them. Madhvi is looking for her phone. Omkar gives it to her. He scolds the Maid for not being careful. Maid is confused. I searched the entire house but couldn’t find it. Amma ji asks Madhvi if she spoke to Niru. Madhvi says I am doing that only. She tries Niranjan’s phone but is not able to get through. The landline is also down. Amma ji suggests her to call Niru through Pulkit’s phone. He is not home yet. Amma ji sends Maharaj ji to bring someone to fix the phone but he tells her that they are on off. Omkar gets glad that things are working in his favour.
Niranjan calls Babli. He wants to talk to Madhvi. I tried her number but it’s not connecting. Babli calls out for Madhvi. Mama ji wants to talk to you. Madhvi hasn’t heard it but Omkar has. He gets tensed. He asks for a medicine for headache from Madhvi. She goes to bring it. Babli is heading towards kitchen. She tells Niranjan that Ganga is not well. She heads to Amma ji’s room as he wants to talks to Ganga first. Omkar gets tensed thinking what if Ganga tells Niranjan everything. Omkar is worried that his own daughter might ruin things for him. Babli gives the phone to Ganga. She requests her not to tell anything to Mama ji. I only said to him that you aren’t well. He is very far. Niranjan asks her about her health. She is in dilemma as she cannot lie to him. She starts talking about other things instead. He tells her about Allahabad. She wants to go to Allahabad. He tells her to study hard for that. I am very happy that you learnt all the tables. You will have to write an essay on my family without anyone’s help. She makes faces. He guesses that already and she is surprised. Can you see it through the phone? He denies. I know my Ganga so well that I can guess her reactions. You can start studying if you pass in this exam. Don’t worry, try to write. I know you can do it. I have full faith on my Ganga. You are very smart. There is nothing that you cannot do. She agrees to write the essay. Omkar wonders what they are talking about. Amma ji finds him peeking inside her room. She asks him what he is doing here. He lies that he came here to ask about Ganga’s health. She calls him big hearted. He nods. I am elder. I cannot keep grudges with a kid. She tells him to come as Madhvi has made tea for him. He cannot hear Ganga’s convo now.
Niranjan tells Ganga that she will get all the happiness in the world if she studies. You must learn how to read or write. She thinks of Sagar’s outburst and agrees to do whatever he will ask her to. He says that’s good. I will talk to you when I am back. She smiles broadly.
Ganga comes to Sagar’s room. He is playing with his toys. He senses her presence. She tells him that she knows what he feels. You think I cannot do anything? But Babu has told me that I can do anything. I will do the task that he has given me. You will see for yourself, just wait and watch!

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