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Monday, November 19, 2018


Scene 1
Sushim throws poisonous arrow at Ashok but Ashok moves, he says who threw arrow at me, who can be here? why will anyone at me. Vasu comes there, he catches Sushim, Vasu says you are doing wrong, if you want to win then attack from front not from back like cowards, you are cheap guy, it will be insult for magdh if you become king, Sushim attacks him with his knife, Vasu falls down, Sushim leaves, AShok comes there and finds Vasu lying there, he says same person must have attacked Vasu.
Khurasan comes to Noor and says you have crossed limits, your brother gave his life for Bindu and otherside is you who is maligning her name, i had hopes from you but nothing will happen, my son sacrificed his life. Noor says if dying is sacrificing then i have died thousand times in years,
i have sacrificed more than you and the one who made me live is Justin’s love, i am not disloyal but its Bindu, he loved someone else when i was his wife, he would take only one name in sleep too that was of Dharma, have you ever thought what it feels like? when he used to get closer to me then he would feel he is cheating Dharma, he didnt love me. Khurasan says i killed that Dharma for you but you couldnt make Bindu love you and you used that cheap justin, Noor says you killed Dharma for yourself as you were afraid that what if Dharma’s son becomes king, you should have killed me instead, Khurasan says i will make Siamak king at any cost and i can kill anyone for that, it maybe khurasani or unani, he leaves.
Scene 2
Ashok brings Vasu in his team’s tent, Siamak says its against rules, you cant bring other team’s member here, Ashok says if competition is more important than our friend? someone attacked him, he was not safe there, Siamak says who attacked him? Ashok says i was attacked too, Siamak says this maybe Sushim’s plan, one student says maybe Sushim sent Vasu here to know our plan, Ashok says no Vasu is our friend, Subaho says he was Sushin’s friend first, he used to roam around Sushim, he cant become your friend so soon, i know sushim, maybe VAsu acted to be your friend as per Sushim’s saying, AShok says then i should not believe you too as you are Sushim’s friend too, Subaho i am not his friend anymore, he didnt save me from marsh, i realized that i chose wrong person to be friend with, he doesnt know humanity leave aside friendship.
Khurasan comes to Justin, Justin ask everything fine? Khurasan says i got to know someone is deceiving bindu, Justin ask who is he? Khurasan says the one who is against Bindu, who wants to malign Bindu’s respect and i can finish him for that, Justin says so go why are you here, Khurasan says i am trying to show you mirror, Justin says dont blame me, Khurasan says he says your brothe, you should be ashamed that you are with your brother’s wife, he puts sword on his neck and says i know whats between you and Noor, dont lie to me, whatever is between you both, it should end now else i will end it in my way, Justin says you.. Khurasan says do what i said, else i will take decision, he leaves.
Vasu becomes conscious, he tells Siamak’s team that sushim was in jungle and he attacked him, Subaho says i dont trust him, AShok says Vasu is saying truth and i believe that he is not involved with Sushim, Siamak says if you are saying then i accept it AShok, Subaho says Sushim can do anything to win competition, you think he will attack his team member? you think Sushim can miss target while throwing arrow at Ashok? this is all plan, Siamak says maybe its Sushim’s plan, he says i cant take any decision that can affect my team, Ashok says if we think like this, if we dont trust Vasu then whats difference between us and Sushim? Siamak says no, i cant trust Vasu, he has to leave from here, Vasu is sad, Vasu says i understand and i accept your decision, he rings bell and resigns from competition, Ashok says what you did, Vasu it was only way to protect my self respect, our friendship is great, Sushim can do anything to win, promise to break Sushim’s ego by winning this competition, AShok nods.
Scene 3
Noor is crying in her room, Justin comes there and says good plan to break my marriage with Agni, why did you tell truth to Khurasan, you thought that tell khurasan, he will spread it and then Agni will say no to marriage, Noor says you are thinking wrong, Jsutin says what you wanted to do, something else has happened, Khurasan came to warn me, he was mad and asked me to be away from you, what if he tells everything to bindu, if it is about justice then Bindu will not think twice while punishing us, he will make sure to set example by giving death sentence to us, you have to make Khurasan believe that our relation has ended, be away from me, hate me but make him believe this, Noor says what will happen with that? will your love or my love for you end? Justin says it will not happen but i dont wanna die and that a ashamed death, Noor says you are coward, got afraid by one warning, if Bindu question us then you will put blame on me, i didnt tell anything to Khurasan, he got to know this seeing my jealousy, if you had not gone to Agni then this would not have happened, Justin says if you have trust on me then there would have been no jealousy, we have protected our relation but now it has become our weakness and all fault is yours, and now you will handle it, he leaves, Noor says true, now everything i will handle as you are a coward and cant help anyone but i will help you, i will give you reason to not marry Agni, if you are not mine then i cant let you go to someone else too, i have love you that much.
Siamak recalls how Sushim said to him that no one is brother in competition, he says we will attack Sushim’s team tomorrow, answer cheating with cheating, Ashok says this is not good, Siamak says i have taken decision, its all about winning now, AShok i can give life for decision if it justified, Siamak asys i have right to take decision and you have to follow me, AShok says no use of winning like this, Siamak says so you wanna lose? AShok says we cant win while cheating, Siamak says its important for me win and there are no rules in this competition, i cant lose, AShok says you are not a warrior if you leave your beliefs cause of fear of losing, Siamak fumes, Ashok says i will not stop you but i will not take your side in this, Siamak ask his other memebers are you ready? they says we will bring back things which was snatched from us.
In morning, Siamak with his team mates come to Sushim’s tent, Sushim’s team is sleeping, Indar wakes up, Siamak team runs with stuff and food, he wakes up Sushim, Sushim ask him to catch, they run behind Siamak’s team. sushim comes, he points arrow at Siamak who is running, he throws arrow at Siamak, it hits his feet, Siamak shouts in pain, Ashok comes to his help, Sushim says now you cant become king.
PRECAP- Siamak says my any wound cant break my mother’s trust on me, AShok says you will prove this. Subaho and Danda says that you are now baggage for our team, they leave. Sushim comes and says one is injured and other is shaking(pointing AShok). later AShok is shown running with Siamak on his back.
Scene 1
Ashok brings Siamak in tent, Siamak says first time i tired to cheat and this happened, God always with cheaters, AShok says it maybe that God doesnt want you to cheat, he ties cloth on his wound, soldier says i will inform Acharya, Siamak says i have not accepted my defeat, Subaho says how can you fight in this state? siamak says i cant break my mother’s trust, no wound can break it, Ashok says you will fulfill that promise, he goes to bring some medicine for Siamak. he comes out and is sad for Siamak, he cries, Sushim comes there and says great, what a friendship, one is in pain and other is crying, one’s leg is broken and other is shaking, Ashok gets angry.
Prime minister Khalatak to Bindu that Sushim lost his two team members but Siamak lost only one, Bindu
says Sushim is great but the way siamak have passed fog area is great, Chanakya says Ashok helped them, he used his mind, made them drink water, and made them go out of that fog area, Bindu says you are right, in Vann Ashok told me about different things, Chanakya says AShok and Siamak have become friends too, Bindu says AShok have calmness which my both sons lack, Siamak will learn alot from him, they will give competition to Sushim, i want to see who wins this time, Chanakya thinks that only Ashok will win and then i will have to tell you that Ashok is your son. Bindu ask Khalatak about marriage preparations, he says today there is some ceremony.
Scene 2
Helena says to Ahenkara that there ceremony bride gives her toys to younger sister and takes jewelry from groom side telling the world that now she is ready to become women from girl, this marriage is combination two different nations, today there is bridal shower Agnishika.
Charu says to dasi that all queens will apply Ubtaan to bride. Dharma is making Ubtaan for Subhrasi, Subhrasi says comes and says by applying ubtana, we bless bride, Dharma says all rituals means to bless bride and groom to have happy married life, Subhrasi says you have great thoughts, i will gift you something, Dharma says i dont need anything.
Noor’s dasi has made poisonous ubtaan, Noor says the much pain you have given me Agni, i will give more pain than that.
Agni comes in venue, all smiles at her, Helena ask her to sit.
Subaho and Danda says that you are now baggage for our team, they leave., Siamak says to Ashok only you can win over Sushim, you cant lose just to help me, go forward, leave me, AShok says dont say like this, winning is important for me but not that much that i leave my friend here, we will go together, lets leave. Siamak tries to move but shouts in pain, Ashok gets tensed.
Helena ask Charu to apply ubtaan to her first, charu applies ubtaan to Agni, she blesses her, then Helena ask noor to apply, Noor brings Ubtaan, she smirks at Agni, Agni says if by Noor’s ubtaan, i get a little beauty like Noor then Justin will not look away from me for a second, Noor says you have already trapped him, you dont need any Ubtaan, i am just doing formality, Noor applies Ubtaan on her hands and face, then Subhrasi comes with Dharma, she applies Ubtaan on her body, Subhrasi blesses her, Agni starts feeling itchy, she shouts, she says something is wrong with this ubtaan, i feel like my body is burning, Noor ask what happened, Helena ask to call doctor, Susbhrasi says how can we call male here when Agni is in this state, Helena says to Noor that you must have mixed something, Noor says how can you blame me, Charu and Subhrasi also applied ubtaan to her, Dharma thinks that her skin get become worse, i have to help her, Noor thinks i have peace seeing you in so much pain, Ahenkara tries to pour water on her body but dharma stops her and says water will worse her situation, only milk can lessen her pain, Noor ask how can you see, Dharma says trust me, she will get peace, Subhrasi says i trust her, let her do what she is doing, Helena ask dharma to do what you want, Dharma brings milk and pours on her body, she ask Ahenkara to pour it on her body, she makes some cream with herbal medicines meanwhile, she comes and applies it on Agni’s body, Agni feels peace, Helena ask if its less now? Agni says yes, i am feel less pain now, Helena says to Noor that you have done this, what you mixed it, Noor says i doubt this dasi (dharma), how she made her pain less in seconds, it means she knew what was mixed in ubtaan and how to less its effect, Dharma nods in no.
PRECAP- Acharaya Shrist says this competition is about intelligence and hardwork, the alliance between Siamak and Ashok is example of it. Ashok has Siamak on his back and running, he gets tired and puts Siamak down for a while, Siamak rings bell pointing that he resigns from compeition, Ashok is shocked and says why you did it, Siamak says promise me you will win over Sushim, Ashok hugs him and says i will do it.

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