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Monday, November 26, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Ammaji’s residence
Sonu overhears sagar and ammaji’s conversation, and decides to alert zoya about it. Meanwhile, the entire family plays with juhi, while zoya comes and watches her irritably. madhavi presents juhi a gift, while all watch, and blesses them. zoya thinks that she is winning over everyone’s heart, and soon something would have to be done. she asks zoya too, and zoya compli ments her. she gets sonu’s call, and excuses herself. she picks up the call, and then he tells her everything, that he overheard. zoya is aghast to hear this. he talks about how they are getting ganga and krishna back. she is tensed as he abruptly cuts the call, and thinks that this cant be, as her plans shall fail then, and somehow she shall have to stop them, but wonders
how. an evil idea crops in her mind, and thinks that ganga shall listen to her, as she is raahat’s sister, and she wouldnt ever refuse her.
Scene 2:
Location: On the road and ganga’s residence
Ganga mutters in herself, that she doesnt have the answers for the questions everyone is searching for. krishna jerks her out and they realise that they have reached home. they all get down. kashish comes to greet them and then asks krishna to come along. krishna tells what ganga told her. ganga complies. kashish complies tensedly. ganga gets raahat’s call, who informs her that ammaji is cooking an evil, vicious plan about how sagar is planning to take krishna away from her. ganga is boggled. zoya says that she is tensed for her and krishna, and instigates her against it. she says that how pulkit has adopted a child, and that everyone has accepted juhi, but ammaji wants sagar’s child, and as an heir, she is coming to take krishna. she pollutes saying that she would dramatise that she wants her as sagar’s wife, but its just to get krishna. ganga is shocked and says that noone can snatch krishna from her. but zoya says that ammaji and sagar have become very adamant, and continues to emotionally manipulate into putting in bitter words for ammaji and sagar. she asks how would she live without krishna, and ganga assures that nothing like that would happen. but she is shocked as she finds ammaji and sagar arrive. she confronts them tensedly. sagar is reluctant that ganga wouldnt forgive him. but ammaji insists to go and talk to her. she comes to ganga, who asks whats so special that she had to come all the way to her house today. ammaji says that its for krishna. ganga asks why all of a sudden, she started caring for krishna, as she isnt related to her. ammaji says that she feels as one of her own. ganga asks how is that possible as she isnt related to her, then how is krishna hers, as had been established long back, when she left the altar, and she didnt even bother to stop her. ammaji profusely apologises for the same, and asks her to let bygones be, as even sagar is repentant of what he did to her. ganga asks how only she came to talk, and sagar is still in the car only. she says that he doesnt have the guts to meet her in the eye. ganga asks how does he not have the guts to face her, but has the guts to snatch krishna from her. ammaji is shocked and says that they have no such intention, and she merely wants to adopt her. ganga says that she isnt her greatgrand child, as she lost that, when sagar refused to accept her as his child, then why bother to come now. ammaji tries to explain, but ganga refrains back. ammaji emotionally says that she nurtured her, and yet she stands here today with folded hands, begging for forgiveness for sagar, as he is totally alone, and she cant see him tormented like that. ganga is apalled as tears stream down her cheeks. sagar waits in the car, impatient, as to whats going on. but finally, sagar comes and stops her from folding her hands. they both confront each other. sonu watches on. sagar asks whats he doing, as she cant beg for him. she says that she shall do anything for his happiness. he hugs her, and says that he is doomed for pain and torment. ganga asks if he is blaming her for this too. he denies saying that he blames himself, for the extremely wrong way in which he betrayed her, and how she lied about him not being the father. Ganga asks how easily he had told then that he doesnt remember anything. sagar says that he still doesnt at all remember what happened that night. ganga asks him to come then, when he does remember, and then they shall sit and talk. she says that her words dont value to him till then. ammaji tries to talk, but she folds her hand and asks her to leave, and not bother them. they are aghast. she turns and goes inside while they watch on. she eyes them yet again and then closes the door on their faces, as she remembers zoya’s warning. she composes herself behind the closed doors, totally distraught and apalled. she wonders why sagar came back, as she had learnt to live without him, and hopes that he goes away, as she had started hating him, but seeing him, she doesnt want love to resurface, as it shall only bring him pain.
Outside, sagar escorts back ammaji in the car. he says that he had knows this would happen, as some mistakes are irrevocable.
Scene 3:
Location: Ammaji’s residence
ammji paces around nervously, when maharaj asks whats the matter. she says that sagar and ganga are keeping their own ego, and it shall not resolve till they dont talk like this. she says that the entire bone of contention is one night, and wonders how is it possible, that ganga remembers but sagar doesnt. she is determined to find out.
Scene 4:
Location: Ganga’s residence
Inside, kashish tries to talk sense into ganga, as they were genuinely sorry. ganga tells what zoya told her, and vents it all out to kashish too. kashish says that she is unnecessarily arguing, as she chose what she wanted to, and ignored everything else. she points it as her ego, because of which she cant forgive sagar and his family. ganga denies that ego isnt responsible for everything, but she doesnt care who thinks what, as she has faced enough in 7 years, but she never let it fall on krishna. she says that it wasnt a game, abnd talks about how she had to be a single mother, for krishna, who had an entire family, but noone would reach out to her, and if she still thinks, her ego stands in the way, then so be it, as she calls it self respect and she wouldnt compromise with it, at any cost. the screen freezes on her face.
Precap: KRishna is dressed as goddess durga, when she asks the lord to help her find her father. meanwhile, sagar is shocked to know from the police, that yash escaped from the hospital and is here only, while he himself is in the same pandal as krishna. yash meanwhile, grabs krishna, as he comes out of disguise of a beggar, and then holds krishna captive, with her trishul. all are aghast as they rush to save the child. ganga and kashish arrive too, and are apalled. finally ganga overpowers yash,. and takes her down, the same way, Durga took down on Mahishasur.
Scene 1:
Location: Central Jail
Rudra and yash enter into a brawk at the jail, wherein yash instigates him, at the mention of his handicapped sister, ragini, and he gets enraged. he continues to smirk about him, and how sagara nd his family must be treating him, now that he is in the jail. they enter into a scuffle, and in that, they start figthing, and while doing so, they jump over the fence and rush off, rudra after yash. other inmates inform this to the jailor, who immediately rushes after them in jeep. sagar and ragini, who have just come to take rudra, as its his release date today, are boggled as to how and why he must have run today of all days, when he was going to be released. they rush in their car too.
Scene 2:
Location: Durga Pandal
Kashish is tensed as to where
krishna went, and ganga points out how krishna is mingling with her friends, dressed in durga’s avatar. they are sure that she shall win the fancy dress competition today. ganga eyes her overwhelmed with emotions. while ganga talks to other kids, KRishna is dressed as goddess durga, when she asks the lord to help her find her father. she says that ganga got worried and angry as she went out alone to search for her father, and till the time ganga and lord krishna areent impressed with her yet again, she seeks her help to meet her father, and begs for a clue. ganga eyes her praying ardently. Meanwhile, yash enters into the same pandal, having run, and tries to find a place to hide where rudra doesnt see him. he finds a stranded shroud and drapes it over himself, and decides to hide beside the idol. rudra arrives there too, searching for yash. meanwhile ganga gets tensed as she finds niru coming in with his family. kashish sees this and gets tensed too. ganga offers to go, trying to stay away from them, and decides to get krishna. niru mingles with the society people. they talk about pulkit and supriya who are not to be seen. madhavi talks with them, while niru spots rudra and goes to him. both are shocked to see each other. niru eyes him in jail clothes, and asks why he looks tensed. rudra explains everything. while krishna is praying, ganga asks her to come along. krishna asks to stay back a little longer, as the puja isnt done yet. ganga says that she needs to rest. krishna again reminds the goddess as she needs to go rightaway. yash watches thm hiding behind the idol. krishna turns around and leaves, but forgetfully her necklace falls off, and she doesnt realise it. she walks off. meanwhile the police arrives looking for them. sagar and ragini arrive too, and rudra gets emotional seeing her. sagar hugs him too and asks whats the matter. before rudra can explain, the police comes and nabs him, for escaping, for which he shall be penalised again. he tells them that yash has escapes from the jail. sagar is shocked to know from the police, that yash escaped from the hospital and is here only, while he himself is in the same pandal as krishna, totally oblivious of it. rudra says that he came here, but might have taken advantage opf the crowd
Krishna realises her necklace is missing, and rushes back to the idol, while ganga and kashish wait outside, she bends down to pick it up, but while doing so, she spots yash in the shroud and wonders who is there. she goes upto him, and asks whats he doing here, behind the idol. he eyes her, and thinks that she seems exactly like ganga. he asks her to go, and leave him alone. but she insists and asks him urgently who is he. the police is surfing around and she watches them looking for someone. she says that now she knows he is a bad man, and the police is looking for him, and tells that he shall go to the police. Yash meanwhile, grabs her spear and then rushes away, while krishna screams out, as he comes out in disguise of athe beggar. all eye him but cant recognise, while she tries to catch on him. he takes off the shroud and then holds krishna captive, with her trishul. all are aghast as they rush to save the child. ganga and kashish arrive too, and are apalled. Yash asks them not to step ahead or he kills the girl. the crowd is shocked too. ganga begs yash to leave krishna, but he asks her not to come closer, or he kills krishna, ganga begs with folded hands. sagar retreats back obliviously. they all ask him to spare her, as he is making matters worse for himself. but yash is defiant. sagar comes behind him, stealthily. all are shocked to see him. yash senses sagar instinctively and thwarts him behind with a kick. sagar warns yash not to do anything to krishna. ganga asks him to refrain back, and begs yash not to kill her. yash says that only a mother can understand the pain not a father, referring to ganga and sagar. he taunts sagar that krishna would have been killed, had ganga not talked to him. sagar eyes him tensedly, and asks whats going on. yash talks about the drug that was for ganga, but he took it, and forgot everything about what happened. they are shocked as the truth is revealed. he talks about what a plan he and his mother had concocted to ruin them, but overnight everything changed, and they changed his life like that, but they mustnt ever have imagined that one day, he shall kill their daughter. they are distraught to hear this. the screen freezes on sagar’s tensed face.
Precap: Finally ganga overpowers yash, and takes her down, the same way, Durga took down on Mahishasur. she tells him that today not ganga, but krishna’s mother stands in front of him and now he shall know what a mother can do for the child. she says that he is a taint on the society and she shall finish this tarnish on the society today once and for all. all are tensed as they look at her.

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