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Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Ganga’s residence
Hearing ganga’s ultimatum, krishna lets go of sagar’s hand, and retreats back to catch ganga, while he is stunned and taken aback. kashish stands tensedly. krishna apologises to him and says that she cant leave ganga, as he always caused her pain, but she cant see ganga like this. he gets emotional, and says that she is just like him, as he too was in a similar situation and he chose her mother only then, and hence he cant even be angry at her, but promises that he shall continue trying, and never make them cry ever again. all watch him apalled. he leaves. krishna gets emotional and asks ganga if she said anything wrong or if she is mad at her. ganga hugs and kisses her. kashish watches tensedly.
Scene 2:
Location: Ammaji’s
Madhavi gets tea for him, while niru is busy working on the nightlamp on his office desk. she finds him struggling, and keeping the tea, she goes to help him, fix it up. he eyes her emotionally, as she does it. she asks him to manage with this for now, and then buy a new one. he stands tensedly. she serves him tea. he thanks her, and comments that he wishes relations would be mended like that. she says that relations arent made on managing and compromise, and things once broken, arent ever the same again. they eye each other tensedly.
A disappointed sagar returns back and goes to ammaji, who hurriedly asks what did ganga say. he collapses in her arms, and narrates what happened, totally berserk and distraught. she assures him that soon everything shal be alright. he says that he feels defeated as a lover and as a father. he goes into guilt and self victimisation mode for the torments that he put ganga and krishna through. she asks him not to say so, as she is there with him, and she wont let him be defeated. he starts blaming himself, and curses himself. she asks him not to, as he didnt do anything. he cluches her and cries inconsolably. he then gets up and asks for niru, and leaves hurriedly, while she is alarmed for him. he goes to niru and madhavi, while they anxiously ask whats the matter and what did she say. he instead apologises and says that he has pained him enough and is extremely sorry for having been selfish, not aware of the consequences of his irrational acts. he says that he distanced madhavi from him, for 7 years and he had to stay like that, due to him. he says that he wouldnt have realised it today, had he not been at the receiving end, of what he put him through, as his wife refused to be with him, and justifies that she did right, as he is very bad. he is overwhelmed with apologies, saying that sorry isnt enough. ammaji comes and stands beside madhavi, while he says that sorry just wont suffice and wonders what to do. niru asks him to get ahead and hug his father, as he doesnt need anything else. they are all overwhelmed, as he says that he has no other complaints from him. sagar complies and hugs him tightly, as tears stream down their cheeks. madhavi says that they were waiting for this for a long time, and it feels like her house’s happiness are returning. ammaji says that this is the beginning, but one link is still missing, that needs to be tied together. she leaves, madhavi eyes them emotionally.
Scene 3:
Location: Ganga’s residence
while ganga and kashish and krishna are working, on their own work, ganga gets tensed as she eyes krishna studying. she hears the radio suggesting some party song, and happily decides that the house has been distressed enough and now she needs to take matters in her own hands. she starts smiling. she turns on the radio and strats dancing to the tunes of Kaala Chashma. they are boggled as to what got into her, while she gets them all to start dancing, as krishna is reluctant at first, but seeing ganga and kashish dance freely, she is tempted to join in too. Ganga welcomes her too and the trio dances freely yet again, ending in a bear hug. ganga says that she has decided that they shall enjoy together, eat out, after having finished the homework. krishna complies and rushes to get the homework done. kashish comments as to how they have been happy after such a long time. ganga hopes that everything gets okay soon. she goes to the kitchen to make banana shake for krishna, when the doorbell rings. she asks kashish to find out who is there. ammaji comes and says that she may hide and not face the truth, but that doesnt hide it from others. ganga is boggled. ammaji says that the truth has now reached krishna too, and she cant save the truth from being out now. she asks how can she separate sagar from his daughter and asks why didnt she forgive sagar, after such apologises. ganga asks about her diabolical standards, and asks if she would have done, had sagar and krishna’s situation been replaced, and says that.
Ganga, in her distressed state, tells ammaji, when she comes to her, in front of kashish, that agreed, she might have forgiven sagar but she shouldnt think, that, under any circumstances, would she ever allow herself or krishna back in sagar’s life. she says that his will shall not get away all the time. ammaji says that this is not her but her ego speaking, and asks how can she be so selfish that she forgets krishna’s welfare. ammaji says that every child needs the name of a father, while ganga agitatedly works around the kitchen. ammaji continues that krishna has the Chaturvedi blood in her veins, that shall give her a normal life. ganga says that she gives her everything that she can and krishna is happy. ammaji reminds her of the Chaturvedi blood in krishna’s veins and she shall take sagar’s daughter from her and that too soon. ganga is apalled. ammaji asks her to continue hiding from the truth till then. kashish and ganga eye her tensedly, as she storms out.
Scene 4:
Location: Sagar’s residence
Sagar is emotional seeing his past pics with ganga, when niru and madhavi come to cheer him up. niru asks if he would like to play carrom as he used to. sagar smiles and complies, saying that he always lost. they turn to madhavi to decide. she asks them to play and find out. the game is set. happy family time ensues, as father-son duo starts playing, while madhavi happily watches. he says that he doesnt even rememebr when they sat like this last. madhavi instantly reminds that it was a month before they left. niru is shocked andtensed that she still remembers. all get nostalgic. sagar says that it feels good to be with people, who you love and who love you. niru comments that sometimes proximity doesnt ensure intimacy, and sagar says that sometimes, separation doesnt really makes them forget, as the memories continue to haunt. he walks away, again lost in his sadness. they get to him. he asks if they think that ganga shall ever return back to him. niru says that its immaterial as to what they feel, and all depends on him. he is told that a child, when makes the mistakes, continues to apologise, till the teacher or family not forgives them, and he has to do the same with ganga, and gain her trust and her love back. The screen freezes on his tensed face.
Precap: At the dining table, zoya joins ganga and her family. she tells ganga, that she has an idea, that she should take krishna and kashish and leave benaras, to a far away place, to stop being bothered by chaturvedi family. ganga is shocked. Later ganga talks to kashish and says that despite everything thats happened, the truth is that she still loves him and that she hasnt been able to take out sagar from her heart. krishna hears this from hiding and gets tensed.

Scene 1:
Location: Ammaji’s residence
niru tells sagar that he has to pull out all meories and instances that pain ganga, and reminds him that this path of regret and guilt abstinence is a long way ahead and difficult too. sagar eyes tensedly. niru asks him to have patience.
Scene 2:
Location: Ganga’s residence
As ganga, krishna and kashish are excited to get out, all dressed up and ready to go, ganga is still lost in what ammaji said. they are about to leave, when an unusually bright and perky zoya rushes in, with food, saying that its been a long time, she paid a surprise, and how she shall have a sleepover with them, along with dinner. she finds them tensed and non responsive, and asks whats the matter, and if they didnt like her coming here. krishna informs
her about the plan. zoya apologises for not informing, and asks them not to cancel the plan for her sake as she can come some other time. but ganga insists that she stays back. krishna wishes to go out, but they all get her to agree to stay back, as its good food. krishna eyes ganga tensedly, and resignedly gets to playing video games, while cursing Zoya for the change of plans. the ladies get to laying the dinner. zoya hesitantly brings up the topic of ammaji coming here, as she overheard when madhavi was speaking to sagar. ganga refuses to talk. zoya insists and tries to take info out of her. she says that she understands everything, as they wont leave her so easily. kashish hears tensedly. she starts exaggerating, and talks about ammaji not really liking the adoption of juhi, and actually wanting krishna to come back. Ganga hears tensedly. at the dining table, zoya tells ganga and her family, that she has to do something, and fast, as they are powerful people and shall go to any lengths to get what they want. ganga asks zoya what should she do, as she said what she had to. she tells ganga, that she has an idea, that she should take krishna and kashish and leave benaras, to a far away place, to stop being bothered by chaturvedi family. ganga is shocked. krishna is taken aback, ganga doesnt realise how it shall materialiose, with their current lives. zoya talks to ganga about selling the house, and the cash that she gets shall be enough to settle and start a new life, as they both shall get job easily, and krishna shall get admitted in a new school today. ganga doesnt realise what and how to react, as she talks about how attached she is to the house, and this city too. zoya says that she realises her inhibitions, but the truth is she doesnt want to return to that place, as there isnt any place left for sagar in her life, then why would she want to go. ganga doesnt respond. kashish notices this. zoya says that even krishna doesnt need him, and beforelong she loses krishna, she shall have to decide, and asks what shall happen if they take away krishna, as she is her lifeline. ganga gets extremely upset at that.
Later, while working in the kitchen, kashish asks ganga why didnt she clearly refuse that she doesnt love sagar at all, when zoya asked her about it, which means that zoya was wrong, and she still loves him dearly. ganga denies. kashish asks her not to lie, as her eyes speak the truth of her feelings, as loving is easy, but to forget it is very difficult, and she realises it, remembering pulkit. an emotional ganga talks to kashish and says that she is right as she tried everything, and despite everything thats happened, the truth is that she still loves him and that she hasnt been able to take out sagar from her heart. she says thats why it pains, as had she forgotten, she wouldnt have been affected. krishna hears this from hiding and gets tensed.
Krishna rushes to her room, happily, saying that she is happy ganga still loves sagar but wonders why they dont stay together and wonders how to get them together, and stay under the same roof. she decides to herself do something, and then apologises that she had promised ganga, that she would never bother her, but today she shall have to break it, and is ready for punishment. she says that she might be angry now, but would get happy later on, when she finds that she was doing it for her only. then she calls him up, and as sagar hears her sounds, he immediately stands alert. he asks if everything is okay. she says that she wishes to talk about something important and asks if he loves her. he complies. she says that ganga too loves him. he asks how does she know. she says that she cant tell right now, and has to meet up, to tell him about a lot many other things. she reminds him his promise, and says that she too wishes ganga to be happy, and she shall get him friends with ganga, after which they shall stay together. he is overwhelmed with happiness. she asks if he hears her, and shall help him. he excitedly says yes, saying that this is what he wants. she says that if ganga decides to leave the city, then there would be huge problems. he is shocked. she asks him to meet her tomorrow, outside her school then. as she wishes him goodnight, and places the phone back, she realises that ganga is standing behind her. ganga reprimands her, and doesnt listen to anything, and puts her to sleep. krishna silently complies. ganga takes the phone and walks out. Outside, she wonders why was krishna doing this, as today she was talking, tomorrow she might meet, and already they are trying to snatch her, and what if she gets distracted. as zoya comes out with kashish, ganga hurriedly says that she is ready to sell the house, and asks her to arrange it soon, as she wishes to leave asap. kashish is tensed too, and asks her not to be hasty and sit and decide calmly. zoya is all smiles. but ganga says that she has thought and there isnt any other option left, as her own daughter isnt listening to her, and they have to leave soon. zoya says that she shall miss them, but seeing the situation, she has taken the right decision and shall arrange for the selling tomorrow itself.
Scene 3:
Location: ammaji’s residence
ammaji is shocked as she finds sagar rushing out hurriedly, telling her that he needs to go right now, as ganga is planning to leave banaras, and she needs to be stopped. she is shocked, as he hastily leaves.
Scene 4:
Location: On the road
As krishna is ready for the school bus, she tries to get ganga to talk, but she resiliently stays quiet. krishna says that she knows she is angry at her for yesterday but promises that it wont be repeated. ganga doesnt pay much attention and asks her to focus on school, and that her leaving the city is final. krishna gets tensed. the bus comes and she is sent off by ganga, along with other children.
As ganga comes back to her house, she finds the room all set for selling of the house, with zoya in charge. she reminds ganga that she wanted her to get the house sold. she says that the auction shall start today at ten, and she can take her part and leave very far away, forever, as she shall get that much that she can easily settle in. ganga asks if she would plan everything out, and leaves it on her, and decides to go packing. she asks zoya to finish up before krishna comes back, as she doesnt want her to see this and get disturbed. zoya smirks evilly, as ganga is determined that she wont let sagar take krishna away at any cost. The screen freezes on her evil face.
Precap: Sagar meets krishna and asks if she had a talk with her mother. krishna says that she isnt saying anything, and just wants that she leaves banaras, and goes very far away. meanwhile the auction begins at the ganga’s house, and ammaji comes in placing an exorbitantly high bid, over the other bids. ganga is shocked to see her.
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