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Wednesday, November 21, 2018


A man in washroom hear Prithvi curtly speaking against Karan. He confronts the man staring at him and gets rude to him. Karan comes out to save the man and says Prithvi is burnt. Prithvi says he is sure Karan spilt the soup deliberately. Karan says he only came to inquire if Prithvi was burnt much. Prithvi deters to destroy Karan, he knows best how to play against his enemies.
He says Karan is jealous of his happiness and his engagement with Preeta, he understands Karan is badly burnt. Karan rejects the idea as he has a standard and doesn’t care about Prithvi’s life. Prithvi says he has an interest in Preeta’s life, he has noticed how Karan looks towards Preeta; his wish to dance with her and always around her. He deters that once they are engaged he would end Preeta’s friendship with Karan.
Karan says he won’t let this happen. Prithvi challenges him to break their engagement now, and go to Sarla right away. He tells Karan that once before as well Preeta’s engagement was broken, the society will now blame Preeta. Karan shouts he can do anything in any situation.
Prithvi challenges him to go right away, and deters that Karan can’t harm Prithvi. When Karan is lost, he will have to fell into his feet and apologize. Karan now takes Prithvi’s challenge and says he isn’t interested in Preeta, but wants to save her from a devil like him; Prithvi better understand this. Prithvi breaks the vase in washroom out of rage.
Sarla serves sweet to Mahesh. Rakhi stops her from offering some more. Mahesh was genuinely happy and offers Sarla any kind of help. Sarla tells Rakhi she is a beautiful person inside out, she understand their love for her daughters.
She assures to come to them if she has any help to ask for.
Rishab comes to Karan and asks about the reason of his anger. Karan tells Rishab that Prithvi is a worse choice for Preeta. He was determined to break his relation with Preeta, and he has challenged him openly today. Rishab was angry and says whatever Karan had to do must be silently.
Karan wasn’t ready to listen. Rishab says they will now see, and takes him along. Sherlin hears the conversation and was worried, she was sure Prithvi must be fuming and she should calm him down. She decides to give him a hug.
Preeta was waiting for everyone and felt strange being alone. She goes to check for them, the waiter brings their dress serving. Karan takes a sip from glass of water. Rishab asks him to go inside. Karan says he would bring that Prithvi, because that bitter Preeta is still inside. Rishab goes to join Sherlin and Preeta.
Karan was happy to read the message of Malishka. He hears Prithvi speaking to a girl and was alert whom he was talking to. He tries to peek behind the wall while Prithvi stood with Sherlin, but Karan couldn’t clearly see the face. Karan wonders if it’s Prithvi’s girlfriend. Rishab joins Preeta and asks why he didn’t eat anything.
Preeta says she couldn’t eat alone, then asks about Sherlin. Preeta says she went to make a call. Prithvi also didn’t return. Rishab asks Preeta why she didn’t mention Karan. Preeta says she doesn’t understand about Karan. She wonders what he does, and why. It seems he doesn’t want her to get engaged. Rishab says that is true.
PRECAP: Karan meets a girl who recognizes Prithvi as her boyfriend in college. Karan was happy to meet her.

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