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Thursday, November 29, 2018


Anika says Tia is fooling you, she is married, I know I could not prove it, but its true, I will prove her lies, pregnancy is fake. Shivaye says even I feel Tia is lying, do anything what you want, I have no issues, I m with you, lets do this together Anika. She gets shocked. Sometime before, Tej asks whats this Shivaye. Shakti asks how can you do such cheap thing. Shivaye says trust me, I have no idea, how did this happen. Tia asks do you mean I m lying. He says I don’t remember anything if nothing happened, what shall I remember. Tia says two months ago, when we went to mom’s farmhouse. FB shows Tia’s mom adding pills in drink. She asks Tia to make Shivaye drink this, he will faint and agree to whatever story we make.
Shivaye drinks juice and falls asleep. FB ends. Tia asks do you remember.
He says yes I remember we had dinner, maybe I had a drink or two, then I slept. Tia asks how can you forget that night, it was special for us. He says I remember nothing happened. Tia’s mom says I have seen you and Tia together in the same room, when I came in morning. He says I was sleeping alone, I don’t believe this Tia. Tia says you are doubting on me, it would be better if you had let me die, than making me humiliated in front of everyone. Tia’s mom asks what did you decide, what do you want to do, Tia is pregnant, I m Tia’s mom and have right to know, will you accept child legally and give your name, will you officially marry Tia and declare her your wife, will you take this child’s responsibility, come on give me an answer. Shivaye looks at Anika.
Shakti says I can’t believe this Pinky. Pinky says try to understand, Shivaye and Tia were engaged, maybe they came close, they are young and maybe got out of control. He asks how will you explain this to world. She says whats the need, world knows Tia is Shivaye’s wife, we have to make them marry now. Tej says my problem is something else Jhanvi, Shivaye’s stocks are touching sky, marrying Tia means merger and more profits, he will go ahead of me in business. She says competition is not done in family, it will be better if you think of this as family problem than business problem, I feel Tia is not victim, Shivaye is victim, he is framed by Tia, Tia is lying. Soumya says even I think so, Shivaye is not lying.
Priyanka says thank God Dadi went to Tirupati else she would have got shocked. Soumya says yes, but I m thinking how can we trust Tia, maybe she is insecure of Anika and doing this so that Shivaye gives divorce to Anika and marry Tia soon, people can do anything to make others agree. Priyanka thinks of Ranveer. Shakti says if Shivaye is saying there was no such relation, how is pregnancy possible, Tia is lying. Pinky says no girl can lie infront of parents and inlaws to spoil her character, and maybe Shivaye forgot, he was drunk, its good, we can get rid of Anika, did you forget Shivaye was signing 36 crores deal, his dream will be fulfilled, then Shivaye will rule in empire, and leave Tej and his sons behind.
Shivaye says its big thing and you did not tell me. Tia says I called you and you did not answer. He says you should have come home and told me, why did you try to commit suicide. She says you are the reason, like you were treating me, I was not confident that you will support me, my existence does not matter to you, you are going close to Anika, I went to Lonavla to de-stress, Anika and your brothers came there after me, I went to mom’s house and you did not call me once.
He says I was going to call, but Anika was stuck in problem. She says again Anika, it was not your problem, how did her problem become yours, your life revolves around Anika, that’s my problem, Anika is imp to you than me, so I was afraid when I got to know I m pregnant, I felt you are happy with Anika and do not need me, look at you, your eyes have no excitement that our baby is coming. He says its because I don’t remember anything, we did not had intimacy. She says enough, you think I m so cheap to do drama of fake pregnancy and try to get you, really, you know I should have died, than facing this humiliation. He says calm down, I will make everything fine. Anika comes. Tia sees her and hugs Shivaye, asking him to promise he will never leave her and the coming baby. He says trust me Tia, I will be there for you, you need rest now. He turns and sees Anika. He leaves.
Tia says you maybe thinking what did this happen, you said you will throw me out of Shivaye’s life, now he will throw you out, not me, as I m pregnant with his child. Anika says you are lying. Tia asks what. Anika scolds her. She says mom and daughter did do drama. Tia says shut up and mind your language. Anika asks why, did truth hurt you, I will throw you out of Shivaye’s life. Tia says keep trying, low class girl like you can never make me leave. Anika says I can throw you out of this lane and locality. Tia says you are so tacky, I feel so sorry for you. Anika argues and asks her to keep her sorry, my eyes are on you from now. She goes. Tia looks on.
Ranveer gives tea to Priyanka. She says no thanks. He asks her to drink it and gives cup in her hands. He asks her not to argue. He sits close. She gets away. He smiles and gets away. She asks why are you doing this, why do you call me to meet. He says if we don’t meet, how will we know each other’s likes, habits, dislikes, we should know it. He holds the tea cup and asks her to drink tea. He asks will you talk to your family or shall I talk. She asks what. He says about our marriage. She gets shocked and drops the cup.
Anika goes to Shivaye and says I need to talk something imp. I know you will stop me, there is something wrong, Tia is fooling you, she is married, I know I could not prove it, but its true, I will prove her lies, pregnancy is big lie, all its wrong, I will expose her lies. He says Anika…. She says I will say it, Tia is framing you, you don’t say, she is putting someone else’s child on your name, I will follow her and expose me, you can scold me, but please please don’t stop me. He looks at her. She asks why are you silent. He says you said not to say anything. She asks are you fine. He says yes. She says I mean you did not scold me and did not say shut up. He says this time I also feel Tia is lying. She gets surprised. He says I m almost convinced its not my child, I always remember things, and I don’t remember anything, you do what you want, I have no issues, I m with you, lets do this together Anika, why are you not saying anything.
She says you made me speechless, I thought you will fight with me and scold me, but you agreed, this happened for the first time that we have same opinion. He says yes, its new, one thing is troubling me, I don’t know why is Tia lying, she never lies. She says maybe you did not see this side of Tia, did you think anything, about Tia, how to catch her lie. He says I find a way, to know its my child or not, DNA test, there is one problem. She asks what. He says if I say Tia, how will she feel, you know what, I have to do it. She says you have a right, I know its tough, but truth will come out. He says ya, did you notice. She asks what. He says we agreed on another thing, its weird right. She says I think the day is upside down. Soumya comes and asks them to come downstairs.
They go downstairs. Shivaye sees Dr. Malik and asks whats going on. Tia says Shivaye I know you don’t believe me that this is your child, I know the reason as well, some people are filling your ears, so I decided we should do DNA test. Shivaye looks at Anika. Tia says so I called Dr. Malik, I know you all trust him, he will take your blood sample and test report will be infront of everyone, I hope you will trust me after this. Shivaye agrees. He gives the blood sample. Anika sees Tia smiling. Tej says we want report tomorrow. Pinky asks will we get it. Dr. Malik says yes. Pinky says fine, then we will know this baby is of Shivaye or not. Shivaye looks on.
Shivaye says DNA test report. Anika says its wrong, we will do tests again. Media asks Tia is she really pregnant. Tia says yes its true, I m pregnant. Shivaye and Anika see this news on tv and get shocked. Sometime before, Shivaye talks to Mishra on call and asks how can you be careless, you can telling me about meeting now, what you told me, you should have reminded, now push the meeting. He throws his phone angrily. Anika sees him. Shivaye tries to open the shirt button. She thinks he looks worried, I have to deviate his attention. She holds his shirt. He looks at her. Music plays….
She says you don’t need to take tension. He says who said I m tensed. She says its seen on face, if you did not do wrong, no need to be scared. He shouts ouch, what did you do Anika, what’s this. He shows
button. She says sorry.
Tia’s mom says DNA report is going to come today, did you explain Dr. Malik. Tia nods. Tia’s mom says its Robin’s child, but name should be of Shivaye on the report. Tia says don’t worry, it will happen as we want. FB shows Tia meeting Dr. Malik. She pays him money and says Shivaye’s DNA should match in report. He says don’t worry, your work will be done. FB ends.
Anika says what did I do, button broke as you were moving. He says I did not move, I was standing. She says why are you angry, I was helping. He asks were you helping, you increased my work, I have to wear new shirt now. She says no need, its just a button, I will fix it. She gets thread and needle. He says you don’t know threading the needle. She says its nothing like that, I can put toothpaste back in tube, I can do this easily. He says I don’t have time, give it, I will do this. He puts thread in the needle. He says you can’t do this, check that out. She asks how, I will do and show. She fixes button. He shouts and asks her to be careful, button is to be fixed on shirt, not on body, I think you don’t know stitching, what, seriously. She says there was no one to teach me, so. He says fine, no need to give excuse, if you want to learn, you can learn, nothing is tough to learn by internet, give it to me, its my button. She asks do you know this.
He says yes. She says oh, I forgot you know everything. He says watch me. He stitches the button. She says you throw tailor stitches Sahil’s shirts, I will give it to you. He corrects her English. She says tailor takes 4000rs for stitching suits, and price for cloth also, he has three tempos, I mean its not small work, see you took tension. He says not me, you got tension. She says yes it happens, I get big tension for small things. He says oh, so our fight and talks were to distract me. She says no, it was to deviate your attention. He says distract means same FYI. She says its fine, thanks. He asks did you understand. Priyanka comes and says Dr. Malik has come with reports.
Pinky asks Dr. Malik whats written in reports. He says sorry, I can just give this to Shivaye. Shivaye and Anika come. Dr. Malik gives reports. Anika signs him to see. Shivaye checks it and gets shocked. Tej takes reports from him and checks. Pinky asks Tej to say whats written in reports. Tej says its written that Shivaye is the father of this child. They get shocked. Tia and her mom smile. Pinky laughs and says confirmed, Shivaye is bringing this house’s heir, congrats Mrs. Kapoor. Jhanvi says if mummy ji knows this…. doctor are you sure these reports are right. Dr. Malik says yes. Tia signs him to go. He says I think I should leave now. He goes.
Anika looks at Shivaye. Everyone get calls from media. They all say they don’t know about Tia’s pregnancy. Tej says sorry, we can’t comment, wait for official statement. Jhanvi says everyone knows, what will we answer them now. Tej says how did press know this, who is leaking information from this house. Pinky says such things don’t hide, its happy thing, Shivaye’s child will talk to us sweetly. Jhanvi says people are making this an issue, they are assuming that we preponed Shivaye’s marriage for this reason. Tej asks Shivaye what are you thinking what will we answer them, we have to release official statement. Jhanvi says I think we should decide what to say exactly, statements should be same.
Pinky says Shitia are married in front of the world, now we can get them married secretly. Jhanvi says we have to hurry up, if press knows Shivaye did not marry Tia, it will be big scandal. Tej says its not that easy, Shivaye has to give divorce to Anika before marrying Tia, it will take 6 months after filing papers. Pinky asks Shivaye to get divorce papers, sign on it, also get Anika’s sign, do you have papers, are you listening Shivaye, fine I will get it, you both will sign. Shivaye says enough, stop taking decisions on my behalf, its my life, I will decide what to do. Tej asks what’s your decision. Shivaye says I need some time, please don’t disturb me. He leaves.
Anika takes food for him. He asks her to go, and not disturb him. She says you did not eat food since morning, have food, else you will have acidity. He says stop this nonsense, just go. She asks him to have it. He throws away the plate and asks her to just leave, he won’t have food, that’s it. She picks the food from the floor. He helps her. Music plays…. He asks why did you not leave me alone when I said, just let me be. She asks him will problem get solved if he stays alone, your heart is not agreeing its your child. He says I still don’t believe that child is mine, as I know nothing happened between me and Tia, but how to deny DNA test reports. She says report can be wrong, doctor did tests, he is not Lord, human do mistakes.
He says medical science does not have mistakes, especially in such cases, we know Dr. Malik, he is very responsible doctor. She says but your heart says that report is wrong. He says yes, but till when will I say. He asks why did you get Tabasco, knowing I have allergy. She says how would I know, it was in trolley and I got it. He recalls Tia. He asks Tia did you add Tabasco in my drink, you know I m allergic to it. Tia says sorry, it was in tray and I added it, sorry. FB ends. He says Anika, I m 100% sure nothing happened between me and Tia, I had drink in which Tabasco was mixed, I had allergy, I took anti allergy pill and slept, that’s it. She says then there is nothing to worry, I m sure DNA report is wrong. He asks so what now. She says we will get tests done again, our doubt can get cleared. He says right. Priyanka comes there.
Media asks Tia is this news true that you and your husband Shivaye are becoming parents soon. Tia says no further questions. The reporter asks are you really pregnant. She says yes its true, I m pregnant. Shivaye and Anika gets shocked seeing this on news. Tia says Shivaye and I are happy, give us some privacy.
Pinky asks what, re-tests, what’s the need, are you mad. Shivaye says relax. She says when people become father, they get happy, you are doing tests, wait till baby comes, when you see kanji eyes, you will know, no need to doubt, its not good. He says I doubt on reports and Tia too, so Anika and I decided… She says so Anika did this, Anika is teaching this to my son, what does Anika want, that Shitia do not marry, I told Jhanvi to make Anika leave else she will be here, she wants to get permanent here, Shivaye why are you listening to her. Shivaye says stop blaming Anika, its my decision, I want this test to be done again, Anika is just supporting me, when my mother is not supporting me. Tej says if Shivaye is not convinced, he has full right to get tests done again. Jhanvi says its Shivaye’s life, let him do it. Pinky says fine, do what you want. Tej says we will do test in Dr. Chatterjee clinic. Shivaye says call someone to take blood sample. Anika says no need, I will take it to clinic. Soumya says I will come along. Shivaye looks on.
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