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Thursday, November 29, 2018


Scene 2
Ashok is sadly leaving palace, Dharma is running behind him, she tries to stop him but finds Khurasan coming so hides, Khurasan leaves, she comes out and finds Ashok gone, Drupat comes to her and says come with me, Dharma keep looking for Ashok.
Bindu ask Vrahmir to say truth which is sensible, Vrahmir says if truth was so straight then it could be told easily but it not, i cant disrespect truth by telling it half so i dont say truth, Chanakya ask to say straight, Vrahmir says one should not be straight in life, i have learned alot from you, Chanakya says the one who doesnt have intelligence, cannot learn anything from books too, he is like blind person, he ask soldiers to take him, they take him, Chanakya says keep him in prison, time will come when he will be frustrated then he will answer everything.
Dharma comes in Mandir and says to Lord that how can you ignore everything, my son didnt do anything but he is being punished, he is so hurt that he didnt even meet me, i just want to tell him that i am not disappointed with him, he has wone for me, show him way, she leaves. Ashok thinks how to meet mother when i have disappointed her, i cant look in her eyes, he comes to same Mandir and says to lord that mother said nothing wrong happens with right person, Chanakya comes there too, Ashok says that i was close to win, i had sword with me and was going toward finish line when i saw Sushim in danger, i left my sword to help him, i saved his life from tiger as mother wanted me to become like that, he cheated me, took my sword and passed finish line, you are witness to everything then how can you make Sushim heir? my mother was against it but she blessed and i couldnt respect her blessing, i couldnt become warrior so she could hug me with pride, i am liable to punishment and right punishment will be that i should stay away from my mother, Chanakya gets sad for him listening all this.
PRECAP- Sushim sit on throne, Bindu is about to make him wear crown but Chanakya comes there, Bindu says you came on right time, Chanakya says i came to just tell you that you have another son too who deserve to be your heir, Bindu looks on.
Scene 1
Ashok says i have no way to prove myself now, Chanakya comes and says let bygones be bygones, we always have choices, think about that, Ashok says i tried to tell Bindu about truth but he was so happy with his son that he couldnt understand that his son cheated at every level, he said that i cant become 1st then how would he believe me, Chanakya says you did right but if you had told truth then all would have thought that you are crying after losing, truth is only that Sushim won, no one knows what happened in competition, all we know is that Sushim havr royal sword, AShok says this is cheating, injustice with me, and you are taking its side, Chanakya says true, this is injustice and injustice happened to magdh too as he is getting wrong heir.
Charu is playing chess with
Subhrasi, Subhrasi ask Noor to come and play, Noor says i am not in mood, Agni comes and says are you afraid of losing? Noor says winning or losing doesnt only depend on playing, it can observed too, Helena comes there and says i came to announce that we will have marriage with Greece’s culture, Charu says dont worry, we will have grand wedding, Helena says to Dharma that you saved Agni’s life so you will supervise everything, Dharma agrees, Helena says to Agni that i always wanted to have daughter and wanted to do her marriage with greece culture, will you allow me to do it? Agni says i will ask Raj.
Raj says to Helena that we are partners but that doesnt mean we will agree too everything you say, what will i answer to my people if we do marriage with greece culture only? Helena says if you dont follow me then you will b dead, Agni ask are you warning him uncle? Helena says i am just protecting his life, she says in indian culture, there is fire in Mandap and if we lit fire in new palace then everything will catch fire, whole palace will be burned down, we will will die as you know we have made palace such that it will burn with single flame, she says in Greece culture, fire is not used in marriage, no one will have problem with it as Justin is half Greek, Raj smiles accepting her plan.
Scene 2
Ashok comes in palace, he sees Dharma from far and says i am sorry Maa, because of me, you have become dasi, to protect me, you are doing all this and i couldnt do anything for you, i have lost chance to come closer to you and now i will come to you only after proving myself, he is about to leave but strikes with show piece, he hides behind pillar, Dharma look here and there for him but doesnt see him, he leaves.
Siamak says to Khurasan that Sushim cheated in whole competition, Khurasan says it doesnt matter, he won that matters only but you dont worry, you will be chief of army who have all the power, you have Khurasani blood, you will get what you want.
student says to Chanakya that why are you silent, dont you see what is happening here, Chanakya says its not only about blood or not about just being Maurya, one side is Ashok who was winning but to save his enemy, he left his win, he wanted to win because he wanted to serve his land, then there is Siamak, who have clean heart but is burdened under Noor and Khurasan’s dreams, he will lose his personality and then there is Sushim, who is egoistic, have no humanity and cheater, he wanted throne to make his mother happy, if Sushim sit on throne then it will mark black future of Magdh.
Sushim comes in room, he looks at royal sword, he says today i will be officially announced as heir, day is not far when everyone will be under me, Charu comes and says i have waited and worked for this day from years, i am proud of you, she does his Tilak and aarti, gives him Parsad, he touches her feet, Charu says now our dream is going to fulfill, Sushim says once i get crown, i will show everyone that nobody can win over me, our good days are coming, the power you feeling now, its just a pinch of the power i am going to give you in future, Charu smiles.
Scene 3
In court, all are waiting, Sushim comes in court with full attitude, he is given warm welcome, he sees his throne and crown, Noor is sulking, Drupat ask Dharma where is Siamak? Dharma says all must be waiting for him, Bindu says we have to wait for Chanakya, let him come then we will do official work, Sushim thinks Chanakya have always come in my way, let me become king then i will see him, Charu points to Prime minister, prime minister sys to Bindu that good time will slip if we wait for Chanakya, lets start, Helena agrees with him, Bindu allows to start function, priests does Aarti of Sushim and says a good Samrat is one who learns from his father and always think good for his people and Magdh, Throne is waiting for you, Sushim sit on throne, he looks at Charu who is all smiling, Sushim looks at royal sword and Crown infront of him, priest ask Bindu to come and make Sushim wear crown, Bindu gets up from his throne, takes crown and is about to make Sushim wear it but Chanakya comes there and says please stop Samrat, all looks chanakya coming in court with Siamak and Ashok, Dharma is happy seeing Ashok.
PRECAP- Bindu says you came on right time, Chanakya says i came to just tell you that you have another son too who deserve to be your heir, Dharma panics, Bindu looks on, Sushim fumes.
Scene 1
Noor says what Siamak and Ashok are doing with Chanakya. Bindu says to Chanakya that you came on right time, Chankaya says when its about Magdh then right time is important and when its about choosing Samrat then you should not hurry, Bindu says we are doing everything on right time, Chanakya says should we give importance to time or to safety of Magdh? Chanakya says i announced Sushim as my heir yesterday only, Sushim is my elder son, Chanakya says so its all to become heir? from competition, we can check kid’s skills but not his approach, its about future of Magdh, think before you take decision, Bindu says if you have any problem then tell me, Chanakya says i just came to tell you that you have one more son who deserve to be heir of magdh, all know about his intelligence,
strength and good heart, Dharma panics, chanakya says to Bindu that i think you should think about your decision and think about your son, by not considering his skills we are insulting him, Bindu says i respect you but can i can ask you something? you have doubt on my decision? Chanakya says no but i dont want you to forget your past and do another mistake, history has witnessed that its not important to be elder, to be from same blood to become king, Bindu says you have confused me, chanakya says just answer my question, he ask about Nand dynasty and tells tha its heir was not elder son, no, Chanakya says then Dhanand was son but was not deserving, bindu says then you fought with him, chanakya says it was not possible without your father Chandragupt, he was simple kid but i could see talent in him to rule whole India, Bindu says my heir will have talent to rule like him, why you think that Sushim is not capable of it? Chanakya says king is pillar of power of country, King should have justice, humanity, valor, bravery, broad thinking, patience and quality to keep people united are must, its not like that Sushim will not have these qualities but at this time Sushim doesnt have these qualities right now and without these qualities, it will be difficult fro Sushim to maintain respect of throne so you should see that which son will have these qualities the most, all looks on, Chanakya says will it be in Sushim or in Siamak? Dharma have sigh of relief, Sushim says Chanakya.. dont forget that i have won over Siamak, Chanakya says he lost because he got injured and only he can tell how he got wounds, if he would have not injured then he would have won, he tried to be in competition even after winning and not only this, this common guy Ashok showed such good performance that he surprised all, these wounds have taken Siamak’s win but these wounds can never take goodness from him, ignoring these kids is like ignoring Magdh and also injustice to Magdh, Noor says i agree with Chanakya, my son should get a chance, Justin sys i agree with him too, Charu says just because my son didnt get injured, you will take chance from him, will it be justice? prime minister says it was decided that who will win competition, will become heir, whole nation have accepted Sushim as heir and it will bring unrest if we dont announce him as heir, chanakya says but if we hurry in choosing heir then there will be unrest in magdh in future, Chanakya says even if we have to wait to get right heir then its right, sushim says this is injustice, i am getting insulted her, Charu ask him to calm down, Chanakya says when we are talking about Magdh then you should not think about yourself, Sushim gets angry and puts royal sword on Chanakya’s neck, he says who are you stop all this, Ashok and Siamak have made you against me, i will not let you win, Bindu gets angry on him, and slaps, royal sword falls from Sushim hands but Ashok holds it in time, Bindu says he is chanakya, how dare you talk to him like this, you cant control you anger and wanna control whole nation? Ashok gives sword to Ashok, Bindu says do you even know my father used to put this sword in Chanakya’s feet before raising it in war and you raised it on him? Maurya dynasty came into existence because of him only, if he was there then you wouldnt be prince, you have insulted him and royal sword, you doesnt deserve it, put this sword in his feet and say sorry, Sushim says but.. Bindu says you have lost right to say anything, follow order only, Sushim takes sword, looks at Chanakya angrily and puts sword in his feet, he says forgive me, Bindu says taking sword fom you is not enough, you deserve a punishment and Chanakya will decide, he ask Sushim to leaves, Sushim leaves, Charu goes behind him, Noor smirks, Bindu folds his hand and says to chanakya i am sorry on my son’s behalf, you are right, Sushim doesnt deserve to be heir right now, i have to rethink about it, Chanakya says i am sure you will find a right heir for Magdh.
Scene 2
Sushim comes in his room, he break things around, beats soldiers, he burns his clothes, Charu comes and does of fire, she slaps him hard, Sushim cries and hugs her, Charu pushes him away and says you are coward, you lost once and started crying? no, you got lost to your ego and anger, dont show tears because i lost everything today, am i crying? no, what chanakya did, he will have to pay for it, i will insult him in whole court.
PRECAP- Chanakya says to Bindu that we should start finding deserving heir, Bindu says i have one name and you will agree to it that is Ashok, Ashok is stunned. Chanakya says to Ashok that by becoming head, you will protect your land, Ashok thinks how can i decide without asking my mother, dharma comes there.
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