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Tuesday, November 20, 2018


Scene 2:
Location: Ganga’s residence
ganga tries to feed food to her, but krishna doesnt open the door, and screams at her reprimanding her for the way she behaved, and then how could she keep her biggest truth and lie to her onface. she says that she would find out herself. outside, kashish tells her to relax, as she is enraged right now. she again picks up the topic of telling her that sagar is the father, but ganga is adamant and vehemently refuses it.
The next morning, ganga finds the door still closed, and starts getting worried. inside, krishna surfs through everything to get a clue but doesnt find anything. then she overhears about some astrologer on the radio and rushes to go there. she leaves a note behind. Later, Ganga enters the room to find krishna noweher to be found, and then finds a letter from her, saying that she has gone in search of her father, and she would come back in the house, only when she returns with her father. she is shocked to read this. she starts trying everyone’s number, starting from kashish, totally dishevelled and distraught, who asks her to calm down. ganga is extremely upset. ganga continuously keeps trying everyone’s number, but in vain.
Scene 3:
Location: Ammaji’s residence
While sagar is packing, madhavi sits tensedly. he senses she doesnt wish to leave. he asks whats keeping her back, as everyone they care for, are leaving with them, and then asks if she is still attached to niru. she gets tensed and he reminds her of what he did to her, and she starts helping him with his packing. she finds some of niru’s clothes mixed in sagar’s, and says that she shall come back having kept them in niru’s room. she leaves. he is tensed.
Scene 4:
Location: Temple
Ganga rushes to the temple, and then vents out her sadness at lord krishna asking him to let her faith in him intact and bring back her krishna to her, as she has been named after her, and was even born on the same day. she says that her belief in him, now lies in his hands. she leaves.
Later, while krishna prays to the lord, she is oblivious as sagar passes by in the cab, along with madhavi, both saddened to be leaving. the screen freezes on krishna’s face, as she desperately prays to find clues about her father.
Scene 1:
Location: Ammaji’s residence
As madhavi goes into niru’s room, to keep his clothes, she gets confronted with him. after an emotional turbuelent eyegaze, he expresses as to how concerned he was and how he doesnt want them to go, and she complains that if it was so much so, then he should have atleast found once, sometime to find out about their well being. she eyes the pic of theirs on the floor, as it falls out of his hand, and they get emotionally overwhelmed. she is about to progress towards him, when sagar’s voice calling her to come soon, reaches, and she rushes out, leaving niru, distraught and apalled.
While sagar is getting things loaded in the cab, madhavi bids a rtearful farewell to ammaji, who asks if going is necessary. sagar says that it is.
she turns to sagar and starts crying her heart out. he somehow manages to console her. pulkit and supriya take her blessings, while she blesses them to be happy always, like this. maharaj gets emotional too. madhavi asks them to come to london soon. then they turn to sagar, while madhavi asks ammaji to stop cryign, as she would come to them. she continues muttering asking them not to go. Madhavi eyes niru in the doorway, and thinks that he didnt stop her then, and today also he wishes to just watch and hopes that he doesnt continue his arrogance. he too thinks the same , and hopes that she stays back, as he cant lose her, since he feels lonely, and if she didnt think last time, she should this time around, and begs her to stay back for him and his family. she thinks that this time, he shall have to say soemthing, as he has been silent for the past 7 years. she thinks that he shall have to speak up. sagar and pulkit talk. they ask him to take care of himself and his mother, and soon they shall come too. he complies. then ammaji starts crying, and sagar has a hard time consoling and telling that soon they shall be together again, and he isnt leaving her. as madhavi turns around, she finds niru waiting for her beside the door, with tear stricken eyes. unable to resist any longer, they both hug each other. but madhavi’s dream is shattered when sagar asks her to come along, and she realises that she had been daydreaming. she finds zoya beside him, and sits hastily. sagar returns his sim to pulkit to use, and then asking everyone to take care, he leaves with madhavi in the cab. Later, niru is trying to pass time, but feels totally restless and tensed as he gets nostalgic for madhavi.
Scene 2:
Location: Ganga’s residence
Kashish returns back with ganga, who is incredibly tensed as to how she betrayed her daughter, and she is rightfully punishing her. she says that she cant bear it any longer, taking the entire blame, and says that she should tell her about sagar, but how she didnt listen anything. she hopes krishna returns back soon. kashish tries to control her. ganga blames herself for being so naive, stupid and stubborn. kashish asks her to stop being tormented and instead file a complain in the police station. ganga complies and hurriedly leaves with her.
Scene 3:
Location: Police Station
After filing the complaint, the inspector asks ganga to go now, as they have done the requisite, and shall find out their daughter soon. ganga requests that krishna is very small and gets emotional, while kashish composes her. the inspector assures her, saying that it shall be their priority. then kashish takes ganga and leaves.
Outside, kashish says that they left one place, where they didnt ask, and thats sagar’s. ganga gets disturbed. kashish says that maybe krishna called sagar, or he knows about her. ganga wonders why she didnt think of it. she decides to call him, but it doesnt get through. they get tensed. she wonders if krishna is with sagar only. she calls up niru who asks whats the matter, and she narrates everything. he gets tensed.
Scene 4:
Location: Varanasi Bus stand
Krishna sits on a bench and counts the money that she has, and then she gets the smell of hot samosas and jalebis being made. she eyes the food hungrily, and remembers her mother, as to how she fulfilled all her wishes. she comments at her own stupidity for not having food before leaving. she goes to the stall, and they ask about her parents. she says that she is in search of her father and the mother is at home. they are boggled, and she orders. they silently comply. she is happily gorging on food, totally oblivious of sagar’s cab stuck behind him on the road. they they drive off. she thanks the uncle and leaves. the shopkeeper feels happy and doesnt even demand money. Krishna then wanders on the road, and some kidnappers and human trafficking couple, eye her, wondering where is she going. they indiscreetly follow her, as she takes directions to the nearest temple, hearing the sounds of temple bells. they decide to let go of their following, and decide to wait, before she returns back. as she participates in the arti, she again is oblivious of sagar and madhavi right behind her, totally engrossed in her devotion. the screen freezes on her face.
Precap: Krishna is shown a temple, by a woman, who tells about some mannat bringing tree, on which if a lock is put, with a wish, then the lord fulfills it. she rushes to the locksmith and requests him to give her one, even though she doesnt have enough money. she requests and pleads citing its importance, but he shoves her away. she calls him a snob, and mumbling, she leaves and sits on a bench, coutning the change that she has. meanwhile sagar arrives at the same shop, and finds the shopkeeper grumbling, and asks what happened. he shows her the girl, with her back towards the shop, and narrates everything. sagar eyes krishna from the backside, oblivious of her identity.
Scene 1:
Location: Police station and Ammaji’s residence
Ganga discusses with niru, about krishna’s disappearance, completely distraught and dishevelled, while kashish tries to calm her down. she starts blaming herself for all this, and how she hasnt been able to give a good upbringing to krishna. he tries to make her calm down, and say that this isnt her fault, as she raised a wonderful child, who is mature enough. he assures her that krishna must be just around and would definitely come back home soon, and that she neednt bother so much. he says that she has already filed the missing report, and on top of that, they shall give, video, audio and print advertisements in the tv, radio and newspaper for the same. she complies and agrees to it. he asks her to reach home, as he shall
come straightaway, and asks her not to worry. she complies and leaves with kashish.
Scene 2:
Location: Temple
Sagar retreats away, while madhavi and krishna continue to pray. madhavi gets ahead, oblivious as to who is krishna. before she can see her, krishna rushes away from there, distracted by a ritual, that a woman performs locking on a particular pivot. she comes and asks whats the matter. Krishna is shown a temple, by a woman, who tells about some mannat bringing tree, on which if a lock is put, with a wish, then the lord fulfills it, and she has to take one old lock from heer and when her wish is fulfilled, she has to bring it back. she asks if her wish shall be fulfilled too. the woman complies. krishna asks what if someone takes her lock. the woman says that guarantees the fulfillment immediately, and then says that she needs to return the lock that she took when she wanted her wish to be fulfilled. the woman explains everything, and krishna hurriedly asks where can she find the lock. the woman shows her the locksmith. she rushes to the locksmith and requests him to give her one, even though she doesnt have enough money, after having selected one nicely. the shopkeeper gets irritated and frustrated, as she continues to pester him. she requests and pleads citing its importance, but he shoves her away. she calls him a snob, and mumbling, she leaves and sits on a bench, coutning the change that she has. meanwhile sagar arrives at the same shop, and finds the shopkeeper grumbling, and asks what happened. he shows her the girl, with her back towards the shop, and narrates everything, complaining as to how the parent’s upbringing is wrong in this. sagar eyes krishna from the backside, oblivious of her identity. sagar gets back to selecting a lock for herself. the shopkeeper says that even the girl selected this one. sagar eyes the girl, still from her backside, and then pays for it, and an additional one, and asks him to give the lock to her. he calls the girl, after sagar leaves. she hurriedly goes to the shopkeeper, who gives her the same lock. krishna tries to give money, but the shopkeeper shows sagar from the backside, who paid for her. she decides to thank him and rushes after him, having taken the lock. sagar meanwhile obliviously walks on the streets. but madhavi meets him up just then, and they both get to doing the ritual, while sagar feels that someone called him. she takes him from there, seconds before krishna arrives there. sagar performs the lock ritual, while madhavi watches on tensedly. after they are done, krishna comes happily, wishing that the person who paid for the lock, should have his wish fulfilled. after she ties her own lock, she starts looking for the lock that she should take, and wonders which one should she take. she closes her eyes, and as fate would have it, her hands fall on sagar’s lock itself. she takes it off and leaves.
Meanwhile, madhavi remembers that sagar didnt get another lock in return. he is reluctant, but madhavi asks him to comp-lete the ritual, and badgers him into going back. he complies. as they return back, krishna is finished taking his lock by then. as destiny demands, sagar takes krishna’s lock only, as they stand obliviously on the two sides of the wall, each ignorant of the other’s presence. they both take the other’s locks, and then go their own ways. krishna is however distracted by a little girl speaking to her mother as to how much she misses her and begs her to come back soon. she starts getting emotional remembering ganga, and her concern for her. she decides to call ganga once, and tell that she is okay, and she shouldnt bother.
Scene 3:
Location: Ganga’s residence and Varanasi bus stand
Niranjan tells her and makes her listen about the disappearance and the missing report that he got broadcasted on the radio, and then says that soon there shall be news on the media too, and before long, krishna shall be found. ganga is tensed even though they try and assuage her, to calm her.
As Krishna dials ganga’s number, meanwhile niranjan is talking on another phone. when there is no info from anyone, despite such advertisements, ganga is getting restless and impatient, when the phone rings. krishna wonders whether she should talk or not, as if ganga gets to know, she might just forcibly get her to stay back, and stop her mission. ganga instinctively feels that its krishna at the other end. she continues to talk to krishna, asking her to speak up, and say something as to why she did so. krishna decides not to talk to ganga, as she would take her home, and not allow her to meet her father. niranjan dials back the number, when she is sure that its ganga. as the PCO fellow picks up, niru gets to know thay a small girl came just now. Niranjan asks him the location of the PCO and asks him to keep the girl, but he says that the girl already left for the bus stand. along with niru, Ganga hurriedly leaves asking kashish to stay back home.
Meanwhile, at the bus stand, the kidnapper couple, find that krishna is alone, and is going to chitpur all alone, asking everyone for directions. they decide a plan to nab her. they ask her where she wishes to go, and if she needs any help. she is skeptic. they talk amongst themselves, as to how they shall get late for chitpur and should get going. she is alarmed as she hears the name of the place. niru and ganga arrive and they start their search at the bus stand. krishna asks them if she can come along too. they hurriedly comply, and then ask about the parents. krishna innocently answers, and they are evilly amused, as its the perfect set-up. the bus for chitpur arrives and they all get seated along with krishna. ganga dn niru continue their frantic search. As Ganga arrives anear the chitpur bus, she is oblivious that krishna is on the bus to chitpur, and passing off, with the kidnapper couple, while she is tensed for her daughter’s safety. the screen freezes on her tensed face.
Precap: Ganga is alarmed to know from one of the people, that he spotted the girl, going with a couple. MEanwhile krishna spots sagar on the road, and hollers out to him. he turns back and is shocked to see them. she rushes to meet him, but the kidnapper holds her back, while sagar begs him to leave the girl, as he holds the knife at her throat, and asks sagar not to step at all. sagar asks what does he need as he can give anything, but he should let go of the girl. krishna stands tensedly.

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