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Wednesday, November 21, 2018


As Krishna dials ganga’s number, meanwhile niranjan is talking on another phone. when there is no info from anyone, despite such advertisements, ganga is getting restless and impatient, when the phone rings. krishna wonders whether she should talk or not, as if ganga gets to know, she might just forcibly get her to stay back, and stop her mission. ganga instinctively feels that its krishna at the other end. she continues to talk to krishna, asking her to speak up, and say something as to why she did so. krishna decides not to talk to ganga, as she would take her home, and not allow her to meet her father. niranjan dials back the number, when she is sure that its ganga. as the PCO fellow picks up, niru gets to know thay a small girl came just now. Niranjan asks him the location of the PCO and asks him to keep the girl, but he says that the girl already left for the bus stand. along with niru, Ganga hurriedly leaves asking kashish to stay back home.
Meanwhile, at the bus stand, the kidnapper couple, find that krishna is alone, and is going to chitpur all alone, asking everyone for directions. they decide a plan to nab her. they ask her where she wishes to go, and if she needs any help. she is skeptic. they talk amongst themselves, as to how they shall get late for chitpur and should get going. she is alarmed as she hears the name of the place. niru and ganga arrive and they start their search at the bus stand. krishna asks them if she can come along too. they hurriedly comply, and then ask about the parents. krishna innocently answers, and they are evilly amused, as its the perfect set-up. the bus for chitpur arrives and they all get seated along with krishna. ganga dn niru continue their frantic search. As Ganga arrives anear the chitpur bus, she is oblivious that krishna is on the bus to chitpur, and passing off, with the kidnapper couple, while she is tensed for her daughter’s safety. the screen freezes on her tensed face.
Precap: Ganga is alarmed to know from one of the people, that he spotted the girl, going with a couple. MEanwhile krishna spots sagar on the road, and hollers out to him. he turns back and is shocked to see them. she rushes to meet him, but the kidnapper holds her back, while sagar begs him to leave the girl, as he holds the knife at her throat, and asks sagar not to step at all. sagar asks what does he need as he can give anything, but he should let go of the girl. krishna stands tensedly.
Scene 1:
Location: On the road
sagar rushes to grab krishna as she doses off into unconscious state. he takes her in the arms and rushes to the car, where madhavi is boggled as to whats going on. she takes one look at the girl and is shocked. he asks madhavi to call ganga and give her the update, while he places her in the car. madhavi rushes to the PCO and calls ganga, who is shocked to hear her voice, madhavi informs that krishna is with sagar and hw they are rushing her to the hospital. ganga is stunned into silence. niru takes the phone, and then madhavi informs him too. he takes the name of the hospital. after cancelling, he assures ganga that everything would be alright. Ganga starts imagining what could have happened wrong. niru continuously calms her down.
Scene 2:
Ammaji’s residence
Ammaji remembers the recent happenings and gets lost and tensed, when maharaj comes and asks her to eat something atleast, but she refuses, citing that since sagar and madhavi went, they feel so sad and lonely. they lament at the situation of the house. ammaji says that all is spoilt now, and wonders whether there shall be anymore happiness. just then, she finds juhi throwing tantrums, for having milk, while surpirya rushing after her, to grab her. ammaji and maharaj start eyeing her, as they enjoy. she smiles. maharaj points out how the lord takes from one and gives from the other hand, and how her smile shall bring back the happiness of the house. she asks juhi why is she irritating supriya. juhi says that she doesnt like milk. ammaji starts imagining how she made sagar drink it, and juhi likes that idea too. she rushes after supriya. ammaji laments as to what happened and what could have been.
Scene 3:
Location: Hospital
sagar hurriedly parks, and then carries krishna in his lap, and runs inside. madhavi rushes after him. Ganga too arrives just then, and hollers at her. sagar and madhavi look back. ganga gets berserk begging her to open her eyes. they compose and calm her down, while niru comes from behind, and finds out what happened. both niru and madhavi rush to get a stretcher, and have a romantic moment. they hurriedly place krishna on it and get her in. ganga asks sagar to get the doctor, while he says that they are all here and she should calm down. niru asks them not to bother. the doctor comes, and they rushedly ask him to examine. sagar and gaga are distraught, while the doctor asks for the age. ganga talks about how earlier also, she fainted once, and it was diagnosed that she has a hole in the heart and is a blue baby. sagar and madhavi are shocked to hear this. the doctor decide to rush her to the OT. ganga gets berserk and asks why, but niru makes her retreat as they rush krishna inside. sagar remembers what ganga said about the father. he is shocked as the revelation stands that he is the father, and what all he put her through and how he too had the same genetic defect. ganga isnt allowed in, as she insists. sagar is still in a daze of shock, as they are told that she needs to be operated on. ganga is distraught, as she hugs niru and cries out her heart. he calms her down assuring everything would be okay. he makes her sit down, while sagar is too shaken up, as she remembers how she must have been hurt. he tries to go to her. madhavi stops him, but he gets ahead to ganga and then says that he needs to ask something. niru asks him to let be as ganga is tensed. sagar says that he is tensed too, and asks her why did she say that krishna had the same disease that her father had. ganga is shocked. sagar asks her who is krishna’s father, and she is at a loss of an answer. he hesitates and tries to ask, while niru asks if he still doesnt understand, and asks him not to bother her, in this state, if he cant console her. sagar says that he needs to know, and sits on his knee, and beside ganga, and asks who is the father. she says that he doesnt know him, hence the question doesnt stand a relevance. he says that she knows, and he merely wants to know the name. niru and madhavi stand tensed. she says that she thought she knew him, but realised that she was wrong, and she doesnt know. he begs her to say it out once, as its important for him. niru says that he doesnt have the right to ask this from ganga. but sagar continues on, and before ganga can respond, the nurse takes her away for signing of some papers before the operation starts. she complies and leaves. sagar stands tensed.
Later, madhavi gets water for niru, who himself is concerned for her too. they both the OT where she is being operated on. niru says that he loves her more than anything else, and knows that krishna shall be fine. she also assures him the same, that there are many people praying for her, including sagar. niru gets tensed hearing this. as the operation ends, the doctor comes and tells that krishna is out of danger now. they say that they have inserted a stent in the heart and that she has been shifted to the recovery ward, and they can meet her there. ganga rushes to go. he then tells niru that he needs to discuss financial matters, and talks about how sudden it was, but such a surgery requires huge money. ganga turns around tensedly ad joins the conversation. Sagar steps in and tells niru that they shouldnt stop anything in the treatment, for money, as he would pay for everything. ganga denies point blank, saying that she is her daughter’s both parents, hence she shall bear the cost and noone else. she says that krishna isnt an orphan, and she can take care of her own baby. she says that she can manage on her own ahead too, like the past, and that her krishna’s life, isnt anyone’s sympathy motive. she asks the doctor to continue the treatment, as she shall manage the entire expenditure. she faces sagar sternly and then walks off. Niru says that ganga is still the same as she was, her pride and ego more than anything else, and asks how he forgot that she wont take anything as a beg or in sympathy, and she shall not stop till she gets whats her rightful share. sagar hears tensedly, as niru says that he is proud of her. the screen freezes on sagar’s tensed face.
Precap: Ganga tells sagar that there isnt any need for him in their lives. she says that they have managed easily so far, and shall mnage without him, in the future too. she asks him not to step in their lives now and begs for a favour, and thats to return back to London. he is about to leave, when krishna wakes up, and screams out Junglee Uncle, which makes him stop right tht instant, as he turns back around. ganga is tensed.
Scene 1:
Location: Hospital
As ganga paces around nervously, in krishna’s ward, while she is still unconscious. she is grieved to see her pain and hopes that she should have gotten her share of the pain, and wonders how does krishna bear such immense pain in such a young age. madhavi comes in saying that she too felt the same pain, and recounts how she wished the same, when sagar was operated and was in immense pain himself. she says that ganga might want to, but she cant take anyone’s pain, and that everyone has to bear their own share, like sagar and ganga did, and now its krishna’s turn. ganga is tensed, as tears stream down her cheeks.
As sagar eyes Krishna from the peephole, he wonders whats his connection with hr, and why is he drawn to her so attached in such
a short span of time, and why does every single pang of pain that she feels makes him bleed too. a distraught Sagar resignedly sits beside niru, who sits apalled himself. he eyes sagar, worried. sagar says that ganga isnt his daughter, then why does niru feel the same way, for krishna, even though she isnt his real daughter, and asks if he feels the same way, as he feels for krishna. niru complies, but adds that it isnt what he feels for krishna. he says that he has immense love, respect for ganga, and wants to see her happy, and her sadness saddens him too, but not as much as her father would be hurt. he remembers how he used to be affected by ganga’s pain or torments in childhood, just like a father feels for the daughter, but not exactly like that ever, since he didnt give her birth. he says that only the father can be attached to the child, by such heart, and soul, where the slightest of pain affects him, and asks if he feels the same pain and torment. sagar is stunned into silence and niru asks him to speak up, as to whats the difference between his feelings for krishna and his feelings for ganga. niru tells sagar that he must have found the answer to his qeustion in his own answer. but ganga comes and says that there isnt any meaning to this answer. madhavi stands tensed. ganga asks him not to think that what he rejected all these years, he shall suddenly find out and comply to now. she says that krishna is only her child, and he isnt related at all sagar stands apalled. Ganga tells sagar that there isnt any need for him in their lives, as krushna isnt his child, and he shouldnt care about them. she says that they have managed easily so far, and shall mnage without him, in the future too. she asks him not to step in their lives now and begs for a favour, and thats to return back to Lond, as she shall forget him, once time passes, and asks him to stop showing them false dreams, as she doesnt want krishna to get hurt. she coaxes him that he can do this much atleast. sagar stands stunned. madhavi takes him aside, and asks him not to bother, as old wounds only bleed badly, when brusied, and shall pain him and ganga too, and that its better for krishna this way, and till she keeps seeing him, she shall have loads of unanswered questions. madhavi begins to take him from there, holding his hand. he is about to leave, when krishna wakes up, and screams out Junglee Uncle, which makes him stop right tht instant, as he turns back around. ganga is tensed. krishna fall back unconscious in the bed, exhaustion taking over. he says that he cant leave from here, without solving it all, as he felt that krishna called him, and wants him to stay here, and that there is something thats stopping him, and maybe its an old wound, or painful experience and asks how should he unhear it. he explains that he feels he is leaving a part of his behind, and says that he cant go like this.
Scene 2:
Location: Outside ammaji’s residence
Outside on the road, sagar finds krishna rushing to him, with balloons in her hand. they both tightly hug each other. he asks where was she, as he was missing her. they fly off the balloons together. he turns to see that he had been merely imagining the whole sequence, when madhavi nudges him in his daze from the car. she asks whats he thinking. he says that he has made a grave mistake, a mistake that cant be forgiven. she asks him to step in, as the they have come home. he says that he wants to go to krishna, as she must have gotten awake by now, and how would ganga manage everything alone. he hopes tht krishna gets better soon. she says that he did everything in his capacity, and asks him to respect ganga’s mood, and asks him to come along. maharaj finds them coming in, and rushes to give this news to ammaji. he meets zoya in the corridor, and tells this to her too. she is frustrated.
Meanwhile, ammaji is busy giving lessons to juhi, who intently listens when maharaj rushes in and gives her the news of someone coming, and ammaji rushes out to see who is maharaj talking about.
Scene 3:
Location: Hospital
As kashish and ganga talk about eating something atleast, kashish then tells that she told niru to leave, as she is here to take care of ganga. ganga complies. they both find krishna waking up, she asks if she is okay. krishna looks around and asks where is junglee uncle, and that she saw junglee uncle who rushed into save her. she tries to get up, but ganga puts her down. krishna vehemently asks, while ganga is at a loss of an answer, and finaly says hat he left. she asks how could this hppen without meeting her. ganga reprimands her, while crying, about her rash behaviour to leave like that. she asks her not to cry, as she merely went to meet her father, as she thought she would meet her father, but instead she met uncle and asks if he is her father after all, and ganga is apalled to hear this. she denies, and krishna says that sagar would have stayed with them, had he been. ganga asks her to rest and not talk much, as she isnt well. krishna realises she is in a hospital, and asks how did that happen. kashish cites her the reason of weakness, but ganga says that she doesnt wish to lie, and tells her the truth. krishna asks what if she dies. but ganga vehemently assures that she shall fight and they shall be okay, and nothing shall happen to her. ganga kisses her on the forehead, and gets ready to leave, when the nurse comes and asks them to. they finally come out, and eye each other tensedly. ganga says that krishna should have the strength to fight the world. kashish asks what about sagar, and that today also she lied to krishna, when she said that she wont. ganga denies, saying that a father is always besides the child, to tke care of her in her troubles, and how sagar wasnt ever there, and how she single handedly brought her up, and that sagar cant be her daughter’s father. The screen freezes on her tensed face.
Precap: Sagar calls up ganga, and asks her to name the father of her child. ganga stands apalled listening silently. he says that he is in a big dilemma, and how only she can draw him out of this, andasks if he is the father of krishna. as she hears from a distance, ammaji is shocked to hear tht krishna is sagar and ganga’s child together.

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