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Friday, November 30, 2018


Soumya says its written in reports that baby is of Shivaye. Some women covering faces meet the doctor. Anika asks Tia to count down, I will prove its not Shivaye’s child. Sometime before, A lady tells someone that Anika is going to Dr. Chatterjee’s clinic with blood samples, you know what to do and handle doctor. A girl gets ready in nurse’s getup. Anika and Soumya come to clinic. Soumya asks sister where is Dr. Chatterjee’s cabin. The nurse shows them. Soumya thanks her and they go to meet Dr. Chatterjee. Anika says I m Anika. He asks her to sit. She asks did Mr. Oberoi talk to you. He says yes, Tej called me She gives Shivaye’s blood sample and asks about foetus sample. He says don’t worry, I will get it from Malik’s clinic. Anika asks when will we get reports. He says tomorrow morning.
Nurse goes to cabin. Anika calls Shivaye and says we gave samples. He asks when will reports come. She says tomorrow morning, don’t worry, your truth and Tia’s lies will come out tomorrow morning. He says I hope so.
Pinky asks why is Shivaye doing this, he should give divorce to Anika and marry Tia. Jhanvi asks how can he accept child if he feels its not his child. Pinky says but reports said the same, its his child. Jhanvi says if he has doubt, then let him clear doubt, give him some time, he is in tension already. Pinky says he did not eat food yesterday also, I feel hurt seeing him. Jhanvi says relax, come. Anika and Sahil hear them. Anika says its foolishness, he should have food, he is in tension, I have to do something. He asks what will you do, he does not eat cooked by you. She says I m not saying about food, but something else. She smiles.
Sahil goes to Shivaye and says SSO come fast, Anika fell down and got hurt. Shivaye goes to Anika. He says Sahil said you got hurt, you are sitting here, are you okay. She smiles and turns. He looks at her. O jaana……plays…… Anika sits at pool side dressed as heroine. She says you Kanji eyed guy heart spoiled things in my life and your life too, why don’t you spoil heart’s life, what will you do, as you think by mind. He asks are you okay. Sahil says performance will start now. Anika sings and dances on Kajra Re…… Shivaye tries going away. She stops him. Sahil dances along. Shivaye makes her away and asks is this done, can I know why are you giving this great performance. She says we thought to make your tension less. He says watching this, my tension got high. She says all hard work got waste.
Sahil calls him Bagad billa. Shivaye asks Anika to see her brother calling him bagad billa. Anika and Sahil argue. Anika says I have seen, you don’t care even if anyone dies for you, come Sahil. Shivaye holds her hand and stops her. Shivaye starts singing and dancing. Anika smiles and dances. He lifts Sahil and they dance. They laugh. She says you are also cheap 25 paise coin type from inside. He asks what’s this. She shows the 25 paise coin. Shivaye says oh, 25 paise. They laugh.
Its morning, Shivaye asks where are reports. Jhanvi says Soumya went to get it. Soumya comes. She says your reports…. The three ladies meet Dr. Chaterjee. He says I did as you all said, now please leave my son. Tej asks what’s written in reports. Pinky asks what did doctor say. Soumya says its written in reports that baby is of Tia and Shivaye. They all get shocked.
Dr. Chaterjee says I wrote in DNA test that baby is of Shivaye, please leave my son. The lady says your son reached home. Other lady says from now, you don’t know us and we don’t know you. They all reveal their faces. Its, Tia, Rumi and Shwetlana. Tia says I m sure tsunami came in Oberoi house. Shwetlana says there will be havoc. Anika says its also same, how can this happen. Pinky says it means Tia did not lie, Shivaye you are the father, now marry Tia and give child your name.
Jhanvi asks Shivaye are you okay. He says same result again, it means child is mine, I m the father. Tia comes. She says you doubted on me again Shivaye, you felt I m wrong, I got DNA test done, how many times will you hurt me and raise questions on my character. He says its not about you, its about me, I don’t remember anything. She asks you still have doubt, I can’t believe, Shivaye who talks of blood and family line is not ready to accept his own blood, you know Shivaye, you married Anika and sharing bedroom with her, I tolerated, as I trust you and our love, but you don’t trust me a bit, its painful that you are not ready to accept our child.
He says its not like that, I recalled but I don’t remember, fine it was my mistake, its my child. Anika looks at him. He says don’t worry, Shivaye Singh Oberoi does not run from responsibilities, I will look after you and your child. Tia asks your? He says I mean our child. Anika walks off.
She stumbles as her slipper breaks. She says fate broke that slipper broke. Tia says fate left support and now slipper too. Anika asks did you know different between slipper and cheap girl, slipper can get repaired and become fine, cheap girl can’t change into good, slipper has shame, but cheap girl is shameless. Tia says you can just say, after so much planning, you could not do anything, your bags got packed while making me leave, you will vent out frustration, so keep talking. Anika asks her not to raise misunderstanding, I will lose if I compete with you, if I start saying, I will tell everything about your affairs, you are so shameless, you are married and dreaming to marry again, you are putting ex husband’s baby on Shivaye’s name, its good I don’t have proof, till when, I will get proof some day, you start counting down, I will prove its not Shivaye’s child. Ria looks on.
Tia says I pity on you, Shivaye is going to give you divorce. Anika says till divorce happens, I m his wife and this house’s bahu. Tia asks Shivaye to get signs done tomorrow. Sometime before, Anika asks Tia to count down, as I will prove its not Shivaye’s child. Tia asks really, how will you prove, two DNA tests are done and its proved its Shivaye’s child, even he accepted it, how can you be sure. Anika says I trust him, he can never lie. Tia says you regard yourself his wife. Anika says no, Bua… just open your eyes and see his name sindoor in my hairline and mangalsutra in my neck, I m his wife, I trust him and doubt on you, we had a fight always, but from today, fight will be between wife and saut, when wife comes on her own, she does not spare sautan, I will not leave you. Tia gets angry.
Anika goes.
Its night, Tia meets Shwetlana and Rumi. Tia says I will show Anika her right place. Shwetlana says relax, Anika is not at our target, none can think who is at our target and why, don’t bother about Anika. Tia says you are my elder sister and not understanding me, Anika is a big hurdle in our way, I can’t stand her. Shwetlana says then start bearing her, we have to ruin Oberois at any price, I have wasted my life’s many years after Tej for my motive, this game can ruin if you try to fail Anika. Tia says you are right, we have to play big game, so I became part of Shivaye’s life. Rumi says for this, I did have an affair with Rudra.
Shwetlana says our fight is with that family, who snatched everything from our family, what Kapoors had, now Oberois have this, they started this, we will end this, we take an oath to do whatever it takes to ruin Oberoi family. They join hands. They say we have anger of many years in heart, we have annoyance with enemy, we will turn them down to ashes, we are such Nafratbaaz, we will ruin them at any price and any way. Tia says I remember that day when we got that news, we lost our everything. FB shows the little girl hearing people saying bad about her father.
Mrs. Kapoor asks them not to care for their words, just remember Oberois ruined us and killed your Papa, promise me you all will take revenge, our life’s aim will be to ruin Oberois. The three girls join hands with her. FB ends. Shwetlana says we will kill then as they killed our Papa. Rumi says Tia got entry there, what next. Shwetlana says now its turn of our entry. Tia says we have to make Anika out for this, you don’t know there, I know she will be big hurdle in our plan.
Its morning, Shivaye is worried. Anika comes to him and asks are you worried, I can understand it, we did not think that will happen, and what we thought did not happen. He says forget it, I accepted it. She says even if its lie, that’s not true. He says does not matter, none believes me. She says I believe you. He asks on what basis, two tests are done and reports have come, don’t you believe DNA test reports. She says I trust you. He looks at her. He says its too late. She holds his hand and stops him. She says its not too late, person loses when he accepts defeat, how can you lose so soon, you did not lose when Om needed you, when Rudra was in problem, when Daksh almost killed me, why today then, when its about you, why are you accepting defeat. I died and you got me back, the person who can defeat death should not lose to life, I know things are spoiled, but I know you can manage all that. Soumya comes and says Tia…. reporters… come fast. Shivaye and Anika go.
Tia talks to reporters. Tia sees him. She says I can’t answer your questions, please let me go. She goes to Shivaye and says media followed me, so I came here. The reporter asks Shivaye why did you not release any statement. Tia says your silence is making them gossip. The reporter asks are you unhappy with baby, what’s the reason. Shivaye says its my family matter, we don’t want to spread the news in public, I m happy, I don’t need to give proof to you. The reporter asks what’s your reaction on this. He says we are happy, no more questions.
Anika is frustrated on Tia. Tia comes and asks what are you doing here. Anika says I m taking food for Shivaye. Tia says stop acting smart, what are you doing in my house. Anika says this is my house, remember what Dadi said, I m bahu and this is my house. Tia says this house is mine and Shivaye too, as I m giving him the heir. Anika says you are like Satish general store, he puts big brand name on local brand, you are doing same, to have someone child and put Oberoi family name. Tia asks her to get out. Anika says I will go when Shivaye tells me.
Tia says he does not tell even servants, if he not saying out of decency, it does not mean you stay back, you heard what he said to media, I m his wife and mother of his child, you are so cheap. Anika calls her cheap. Tia says I get angry and have more pity on you, very soon Shivaye will give you divorce. Anika says we will see, till my divorce happens, I m this house bahu and his wife, I told you how Indian wives make Sautan right. Tia says your attitude will go when Shivaye kicks you out. Anika is about to add salt in dish. Tia says don’t you dare go to Shivaye by excuse of food, I will take it.
Shivaye sees media making news about Tia’s child and angrily throws the phone. Tia gets food. He refuses to have it. She says then I will also not have it, you have to eat food for my sake, you know its imp to follow diet in this condition. She acts to be unwell. Shivaye makes her sit. She says I m fine, but things are not fine, mom is asking me when are you taking divorce from Anika, she wants us to get married before baby comes. He says I don’t see any problem there, we are married as the world knows. She says you can give divorce to Anika, did you not decide till now. He says there is much pressure of work and then this baby news, give me a week time. She asks why, divorce papers are ready, you can sign tomorrow.
He says its not possible tomorrow. She says fine, have food. He sits to have food. He tastes food and asks what’s this Tia. She asks any problem. He says there is no salt. She asks did cook not add salt. He says salt is sprinkled in my food after cooking. She says sorry, I didn’t know, where is salt. Anika comes and says its here, you forgot. She adds salt in the food. Shivaye thanks her. Tia goes. Anika stops her and says salt is strange thing, its not noticed when its there, and taste spoils in its absence, even salt is sprinkled on burns, right Tia. Tia leaves.
Shwetlana asks Tia why do you get stressed by Anika’s words, you should not take stress in this state, calm down. Tia says I can’t calm down till Anika is there. Rumi says you forgot what we decided, not to get personal enmity come between main war. Tia says this is not personal enmity, Anika is dangerous for us, she believes its not Shivaye’s child, she threatened that she will find out truth. Shwetlana says we understood, now don’t take stress, as its Oberoi’s turn to take stress. Tia asks what. Shwetlana says mom, I think its time to throw Daima’s card. Mrs. Kapoor says absolutely, Shivaye will not forget tomorrow’s day, then Oberoi’s destruction will start, just wait and watch. They all smile.
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