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Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Susana tells Vanessa that it turns out that marina is the daughter of Luis and Prudencia and she indeed got married to Alberto secretly and now she can become part of the family and Vanessa goes shocked.
Vanessa asks her mother if they are going to leave the ranch now that Alberto is no longer an Ocaranzas but Susana replies NO because still before the law Alberto is and perhaps Marina won’t even come back to the ranch or to Alberto because Damiana said that Isauro could be capable of harming her and may be that has already happened and if they are lucky, Marina may even disappear from them forever.
Marina asks Isauro to set her free, because she doesn’t want to be with him and she doesn’t love him but Isauro tells her that their destiny is linked and that they will be together forever because he loves her and he doesn’t want to lose her.
Luis can’t understand that fact that Alberto isn’t his son and he drinks to the maximum point still dreaming that no matter what people say that he isn’t his son, he still knows Alberto is his blood.
Alberto arrives at Isauro’s house to rescue Marina, Isauro tries to stop him and Alberto beats him before he could do that. Marina tells Alberto that she thought that Isauro loved her like a father but that wasn’t so. Alberto tells her that Isauro confessed his feelings for her to him and if he didn’t tell her it was because she never wanted her to be disappointed in Isauro.
Susana suggests to Luis that a test of paternity has to be done to prove that Damiana and Angustias are lying and that Marina is not his daughter and Luis tells Susana to look for a laboratory where they can do that paternity’s test.
Luis asks Vanessa to not leave his ranch because of a mere lie by Angustias and Damiana and Vanessa wants to know from him what if the DNA test turns out to be true and Luis tells Vanessa that in case it turns out that marina is his daughter, he’d rather die than to give his fortune to that Marina. He will prefer to leave all his fortune to her (Vanessa) than leave it to that blind girl.
Susana eavesdrop and hears Luis’ promise to Vanessa and she can’t believe what she heard and Vanessa tells her mother to not get her hopes up because Luis didn’t mean what he said; that when he confirms that marina is his daughter everything is going to change, Susana replies that everything will depend on the DNA test.
Alberto brings Marina home and Prudencia embraces her and thanks God for bringing her home safe and sound and there she seizes the opportunity to tell marina that she is her mother and this hit Marina very much and since she still can’t believe it, Damiana and Angustias step into the conversation and confess to marina that indeed Prudencia is her mother. They the reveal to her how she and Alberto’s destiny were exchanged. Alberto also add up and tell Marina that it’s true because he is not an Ocaranzas but she is the real legitimate daughter of the Ocaranzas. But Marina is still confused and depressed with the truth.
Prudencia speaks with Marina alone and she asks Marina to forgive them all and she will love her and will always support her in everything because now that she’s found her great daughter, she is really happy. Prudencia asks Marina to stay with her and she is afraid that Luis will kick her out again and Prudencia assures her that he wont but even if that that should happen, she promises to leave together with Marina. Marina tells her that Damiana will still be her mother and Prudencia says she has no problem because she owes Damiana a great gratitude for taking care of her for her till date.
Alberto tells Angustias that he is not disappointed in her because her intentions was good and that is to give him a family after the death of his parents but what worries him is that in all their plans of switching them, they never thought of Marina and not he feels bad for occupying a place which belonged to marina instead whiles she goes through lots of hardship to make earns meet and if she had been with her real parents may be she wouldn’t have been blind because a specialist could have been asked to examine her and now he feels responsible for all of the pain Marina has been through till now and he can see he is a monster.

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