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Thursday, November 29, 2018


prime minister says it was decided that who will win competition, will become heir, whole nation have accepted Sushim as heir and it will bring unrest if we dont announce him as heir, chanakya says but if we hurry in choosing heir then there will be unrest in magdh in future, Chanakya says even if we have to wait to get right heir then its right, sushim says this is injustice, i am getting insulted her, Charu ask him to calm down, Chanakya says when we are talking about Magdh then you should not think about yourself, Sushim gets angry and puts royal sword on Chanakya’s neck, he says who are you stop all this, Ashok and Siamak have made you against me, i will not let you win, Bindu gets angry on him, and slaps, royal sword falls from Sushim hands but Ashok holds it in time, Bindu says he is chanakya, how dare you talk to him like this, you cant control you anger and wanna control whole nation? Ashok gives sword to Ashok, Bindu says do you even know my father used to put this sword in Chanakya’s feet before raising it in war and you raised it on him? Maurya dynasty came into existence because of him only, if he was there then you wouldnt be prince, you have insulted him and royal sword, you doesnt deserve it, put this sword in his feet and say sorry, Sushim says but.. Bindu says you have lost right to say anything, follow order only, Sushim takes sword, looks at Chanakya angrily and puts sword in his feet, he says forgive me, Bindu says taking sword fom you is not enough, you deserve a punishment and Chanakya will decide, he ask Sushim to leaves, Sushim leaves, Charu goes behind him, Noor smirks, Bindu folds his hand and says to chanakya i am sorry on my son’s behalf, you are right, Sushim doesnt deserve to be heir right now, i have to rethink about it, Chanakya says i am sure you will find a right heir for Magdh.
Scene 2
Sushim comes in his room, he break things around, beats soldiers, he burns his clothes, Charu comes and does of fire, she slaps him hard, Sushim cries and hugs her, Charu pushes him away and says you are coward, you lost once and started crying? no, you got lost to your ego and anger, dont show tears because i lost everything today, am i crying? no, what chanakya did, he will have to pay for it, i will insult him in whole court.
PRECAP- Chanakya says to Bindu that we should start finding deserving heir, Bindu says i have one name and you will agree to it that is Ashok, Ashok is stunned. Chanakya says to Ashok that by becoming head, you will protect your land, Ashok thinks how can i decide without asking my mother, dharma comes there.
Scene 1
Bindu says to Chanakya that i am sorry on my son’s behalf, its a sin to insult teacher and it happened infront of me, i am really ashamed, Chanakya ask what are you doing? Bindu says this is to show people that no one have right to insult you when Samrat of Magdh bow down to you.
Prime minister comes to Charu and says what happened today, Bindu is angry with that, we have to calm him down, Sushim have to rebuild his image infront of Bindu, Charu says you are right Sushim have to say sorry to Chanakya infront of all, i will decide time but first i have to pacify Bindu, Sushim says i will do what you want, Charu says whenever you go against me, you destroy yourself, she ask him to control your anger, i will see to it that nobody should become Heir.
Bindu says
to Chanakya that i could have done huge mistake by making Sushim heir, i now even doubt if Sushim will change in future too or not, Chanakya says if such huge decision got stopped today then there must be some reason behind it, you will definitely have a son who will take Maurya dynasty forward, he will write history, i think we should concentrate on one more thing, whoever becomes heir, he will need a strong army head so we should announce army head right now so we can start working on him, Bindu sys i have one kid in my mind and you will agree to it too, Bindu says Ashok can become army head, Ashok is stunned, Bindu ask dont you agree to me? Ashok says i cant take decision in haste, give me some time, Bindu says you take your time but if you dont agree to me then it will hurt me, Dharma listens all this.
Scene 2
Ashok is going, Chanakya comes and ask whom you are finding? Ashok says i am thinking about offer of Bindu, should i become army head or not? Chanykya says i pray that you get what you want, Ashok says Siamak did great by telling truth about Sushim to you and you on right time, stopped wrong decision, and gave Siamak’s name as heir, i believe Siamak will be great king, chanakya not me, but Magdh’s fate will decide who will be Bindu’s heir, whatever will happen in future will have reason behind it, Ashok says what you wanna say that there is someone else too who can be Bindu’s heir? Chanakya says i just want to think about being army head, Ashok says i have so much injustice in palace that i doubt if it will be useful to get any title or not, Chanakya says Bindu lives in palace too, he never did any injustice, in all these tricks, traps around him, he never surrendered to anyone, was it easy for him? but he never compromised, if you think about yourself then you will run away from here but if you wanna do something for your land then you are getting chance to remove enemies from this land, its on your what option you choose, dont forget that by becoming army head, you will be able to protect your mother and yourself, did you talk to your mother?
Dharma thinks that AShok did great work in competition and i didnt even congratulate him, i will go tonight to him. Subhrasi says that Charu must be sad right now, Agni says Chanakya was right, Bindu should not hurry in selecting heir, she smirks, she thinks that after some days there will be no Maurya dynasty, Helena says all decisions are in favor of magdh, Helena ask Dharma what are you doing here, Dharma says just standing, Helena says we will have marriage function Pratelia in which bride gives her some dresses to Greece’s God, you go with Agni to bring her dresses, dharma agrees, she says you will go tonight, Dharma says what? Helena says you have some work? Dharma says no, i wil go with her.
Chanakya ask Ashok dont you wanna talk to her? Ashok says i am punishing myself, i will not go to her till i dont become something, Chanakya says Bindu chose only you to become army head, isnt it enough? go and meet her.
Subhrasi finds Dharma tensed, she ask Helena can i stop Dharm here for a while, she will make Drupat eat, Helena says why not, Helena and Agni leaves, Subhrasi ask Dharma, you wanna go somewhere? she finds Dharma tensed, she ask her what pain you have in heart, i feel you are hiding a big thing from me, i just wanna say that if you want then you can share anything with me and even if you dont trust me, i am fine with it, Dharma says its not like that, 15 years back i got married to a man whom i loved, Subhrasi ask then what happened? Dharma recalls how Khurasan came and burned her house, she starts crying, Subhrasi says i will not ask anything, she says you can go to do Pooja.
Scene 3
Student ask Chanakya why you gave Siamak’s name as heir? Chanakya says its not time to announce Ashok’s name but i had to stop Bindu making Sushim his heir so i gave Siamak’s name.
Khurasan comes to Siamak and says Chanakya have given your name as heir but as much as i know him, he will not allow you to become king, Siamak ask why?
Chanakya says Siamak have Khurasani blood, he will sit on throne but Khurasan and Noor will rule it, then they will rule like others.
Khurasan says to Siamak that become so much strong that even Chanakya cant play with you, he cut his hand and says this wound will keep reminding you what i said.
Helena says to Bindu that new palace is about to complete, we should reward workers of Ujjain so we can start marriage preparations. Charu comes there and says to Bindu that you seem to be still angry with Sushim, Bindu says i am angry with you more, you have not taught him how to behave, Charu says Sushim was doing suicide when i stopped him, he said he will not come infront of you till he doesnt say sorry to Chanakya from heart, Bindu says i will see that. Khurasan ask Siamakt sit beside Bindu, siamak goes and sit beside him, Charu thinks all can play their but only my son will become heir, for that i have to lessen Bindu’s anger at night.
Ashok recalls how Bindu offered him to become army head, he says how can i take decision without asking Dharma but Dharma must busy in palace, he turns to see Dharma coming, he says Maa.. both are emotional seeing each other, Dharma cries.
PRECAP- Dharma says to Chanakya that Ashok is living in place where his father’s enemies are close to him, i am afraid when all will get to know the real identity of Ashok, Chanakya says the one who will attack Ashok, will see Ashok’s valor too so they will also get to know that Ashok’s father is here in Patliputra only, Ashok listens all this hiding behind bushes, he says my father is here?
Scene 1
Dharma meets AShok, they are emotional seeing each other. Bindu have dinner with siamk. otherside Dharma serves food to AShok, Dharma smiles seeing Ashok eat, Ashok ask what are seeing? Dharma says you are eating like your father, AShok gets sad, Dharma says dont be sad, Ashok says i am not sad for person who didnt even think about us, my life is with you only, Dharma thinks dont know how you will react when you know about your father, AShok ask what you think about army head offer given to me? Dharma says you will not listen to me, so be clam and think what is right for you, Ashok says so you think i can become great warrior too, i have to work hard, Dharma says you have choose right path and follow it, Ashok as k did i do wrong by protecting Sushim? Dharma says if you had
not saved him and won the competition then would you be happy? no, humanity should be in you, you should first think about others and that makes you different, Dharma says i will leave now, Ashok says i wanna lie my head in your lap, stay for a while, he puts his head in her lap, she thinks that i wanna do Ganga deshera Pooja tonight which i did with Bindu years back.
Helena ask subhrasi where is your dasi? Subhrasi says she has gone for Ganga deshera pooja, Bindu recalls how he did that pooja with Dharma years back, Noor notices this and goes to him, she holds his hand, Bindu leaves from there.
Scene 2
Dharms is doing pooja. Bindu comes to Dharma’s statue and says its been years since we separate, still i feel you are with me, i feel that if you were alive, then we would have son who would have qualities like, i would have announced him as my heir with proud, i sometime feel alone. Dharma is missing Bindu too, she says i have Ashok and feel that my life is complete but when AShok will know that you are his father then dont know what will happen, i pray that one day Ashok will understand you, she does Pooja. Chanakya comes to her, Dharma says you forced me to come to Patliputra, what if Ashok gets to know that his father is here too, i am afraid of day when all wil know about Ashok, Chanakya says when they will know he is and about his father then they will know about his strength too, Ashok listens all this hiding, he says why Maa didnt tell me that my father is Patliputra, one soldier is spying on Ashok, he says Ashok’s mother is alive? Chanakya is protecting her, what this means that Ashok is Bindu’s son?
Ashok is sad that Maa didnt tell him about father, he says why i am thinking about that person, Bindu comes there and ask if you wanna say something? AShok says no, Bindu ask him to clear his thoughts.
Ashok comes to Chanakya, Ashok says you asked me to become army head, i will accept it but you have to answer me, he says ask it, Ashok says i know my father is in Patliputra, you just tell who is he? Chanakya is stunned.
PRECAP- Ashok says to Chanakya that my father has left my mother when she needed him, dont hide this truth from me. AShok finds old lady, she says you are Ashok? he says yes, she says i know about your father.
Recommendations accepted and warmly welcomed

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