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Monday, November 26, 2018


Anika, Om and Rudra go to the resort. Tia is with Robin there in the pool. They get shocked seeing….. Sometime before, Tia talks to Robin and says yes, I m leaving, I paced swim suit. Anika hears her and says whom is she talking to, maybe its her D. Tia stumbles and her bag falls. Anika goes to help her. Tia says don’t touch that. Anika taunts her. Anika sees resort brochure. Tia takes it and keeps in bag. Anika asks are you going somewhere. Tia asks who are you to ask me, mind your own business and stay in limit. Anika says as if you stay in limits. Tia says don’t tell me my limits, if Shivaye stopped you here, don’t think you got permanent place here, he did it to make divorce proceedings fast, we want to get rid of you.
Anika taunts her. Tia says shut up, else I will tell Shivaye
that you were misbehaving with me. Anika asks will you complain. Tia says how dare you and raises hand. Anika holds her hand and asks her to be careful. She says even if I don’t stay in this house, I will not let you stay in this house, this family is good, I will not let you spoil things in their life. Tia says I have no time, else I would have answered your warning. She leaves.
Sahil walks and slips. His walking stick falls away. Shivaye comes and gives his hand. Sahil holds him. Shivaye gives his walking stick. Sahil thanks him. Shivaye says you are welcome. Tia is on the way and talks to her mum. She says no way, I m going to meet Robin, its our anniversary, I have a life too, you can’t stop me from meeting my husband, got it. She ends call.
Rudra asks following Lady baba, I will not follow her even on social media, you remember what happened last time. Anika says yes, we failed, but I m sure we will catch her this time. Om says this is wrong to doubt her. She says Tia is not like she looks. Om says I don’t think she is lying. She says she is lying, we have to catch her lie for Shivaye’s sake, she has gone to meet her husband, its better to clear doubt. Om sees Rudra. Rudra nods. Om says fine, but last time.
Sahil sits eating tiffin food. Shivaye comes to him and asks why are you eating from tiffin. Sahil says I would have been in tiffin and eaten this in lunch time in school, but someone has cut my name from school. Shivaye asks who talks like this. Sahil says me and Anika, some people find our language strange. Shivaye says it seems taunting came from your family line. Sahil says its saying truth. Shivaye asks whats this. Sahil says food. Shivaye asks who made this, who burnt it. Sahil says Anika made it, its not burnt, its tasty. Shivaye says they eat burnt food, so both of them stay angry. He asks Sahil to come with him.
Tia sees Anika, Om following and says she is after me. Anika says where is she running. Tia drives ahead. Shivaye makes hot chocolate fudge for Sahil. He says its okay, you can say its better than burnt food. Sahil says no, Anika’s handmade food is much better than your chocolate fudge. Shivaye thinks of Anika’s words. He says the place where you stayed, maybe power cuts happened much. Sahil asks why do you ask. Shivaye says I mean you and Anika would have got scared after lights go. Sahil asks him to ask straight. Shivaye says you would have friends, you would miss them, do you miss Chutki, do you get dreams. Sahil says ask straightly what you want to know about Anika. Shivaye says nothing, enjoy your chocolate fudge. He thinks both of Anika and Sahil are same, its a task to get any matter out of them.
Anika says Tia’s car. Rudra says Lady baba is missing. Anika says maybe she knew we are following, so she has run away. Tia says thank God, I got taxi on time, petrol ended. Om says petrol ended in her car, I don’t think she did not run. Anika says no, she left car keys. Rudra asks where will we find her. Anika recalls and says wait, I have seen resort book with her. Om says brochure. Anika says I could not read name. Rudra says which resorts, there are many resorts, Tia does not remember directions, she will out location in GPS, check it Om. Om says genius. Om checks GPS and says Bliss resorts. Anika says see I told you she is going to resort. Rudra says we are coming along. They come to Bliss reports. Om says there is no booking by Tia’s name. Anika says maybe she made booking by other name. She recalls and says swimming pool, I have seen her, she took swimming costumes. Tia says baby, I m so happy, I missed you.
Robin says I missed you too and hugs her. Anika, Om and Rudra come there and miss to see them. Tia sees them and says they are finding him, Robin please hide, go underwater and stop breath. He says no, I m not scared of anyone. She pushes him. They see Tia in the pool and come to her. Tia comes out. She says don’t tell me you are following me. Om asks what are you doing here. Tia says what person does in swimming pool. Rudra says why did you come so far, our house also has swimming pool. Tia says there is stress at home too, I just wanted to get away for the weekend, Om I m surprised, you are intelligent and sensible and came in Anika’s words. Anika says stop this nonsense, tell me with whom did you come. Tia asks can you see someone, can’t I come alone. Anika asks alone, by hiding. Tia says I told Shivaye, of course you can call him and check if you have doubt. Om says its okay Tia, sorry we doubted you, come Anika. They leave.
Tia says baby come out, they are gone, Robin, you and your pranks. She looks for Robin in pool. His body comes up and floats. Tia gets shocked. She shouts Robin and asks him to get up, don’t joke, its our anniversary today. She gets blood in her hand. She thinks arguing with Robin and pushing him. His head strikes the pool stairs rod. She shouts Robin, you can’t leave me, its our anniversary, you are dead, universe did big joke with me. She cries.
Anika, Om and Rudra come home. Rudra says I think Shivaye got to know we followed Tia, don’t take tension, I will handle. Om says whenever you handle something, things spoil. Shivaye asks where were you guys. Rudra says we went on drive, we did not follow, she met us. Shivaye asks what. Om says actually. Rudra says Anika did not see Lonavla, so we went, we got her. Shivaye asks who. Rudra says shanti, heart peace. Anika says Tia. Shivaye says did you meet Tia. Rudra says no, we collided with her, universe is small, we met her. Om says Rudra shut up, actually. Shivaye gets a call and says sorry, have to go. He goes. Rudra asks Om not to thank him. Om says what would happen if we said true. Rudra says it would be big tension, you are truth’s bf, not me, come, we will have food.
Anika comes to room. Shivaye asks whats happening, what was Rudra hiding. She asks him not to worry. He says I want to know. She says I felt Tia went to meet her husband. He asks Tia’s husband, are you mad. She says no, Tia is cheap, she is fooling you, don’t know how did she know I m there and she tricked. He asks whats this language, you are obsessed, FYI Tia told me she is going Lonavla, you followed her with Omru, how did they go with you, Rudra I understand, how did Om go with you, what will Tia think, no one trusts her in this family, Tia is going through tough phase, apologize to her when she comes. Anika says you know how I apologize to girls like her, why don’t you understand, Tia is lying, trust me. He asks trust? Shall I trust you?
Shivaye says you broke my trust, you have spent a night with Daksh, and took a good price for it, 15 lakhs Anika. Daksh catches Anika and shows his face by removing mask. Anika gets shocked. Sometime before, Anika says why don’t you understand, Tia is lying to you, trust me. He says if I have to trust between you and Anika, I would trust Tia, always. She asks him to see what Tia is doing. He says thanks to you, I don’t do one mistake twice, one girl broke trust once, I will not give chance to break trust again. She asks are you saying about me. He says you do good acting of goodness, if I did not know your truth, I would have believed you are an innocent good girl, I know your truth. She asks what truth, please tell me.
He recalls Daksh’s words and says forget it. She holds his hand and
stops him. She says you have to tell me today, you always taunt me that I lied to you, I cheated you, please tell me. He says you did not get shame to do, I m getting shame to say, I will not waste time. She says you have to get time for me, I will hear it from you, what did I do Shivaye, tell me. He says you broke my trust Anika. He makes her hand away. He says who are you to point finger at Tia, when you are a fallen characterless girl. She looks at him. He says don’t know what have you done under this roof. She asks what’s my crime, please tell me Shivaye. He says you have spent a night with Daksh in my house, under this roof, you slept with him. She gets shocked.
She cries and says you really think so. He says don’t you dare to pretend now, I know you have fallen a lot. She asks you think I can do this. He says you have done this, you have spent the night and took a good price for it, 15 lakhs Anika. He claps and says well done, its much for middle class girl, you are very costly. She says Shivaye and raises hand. He holds her hand and says not again.
She says you have told me a lot till now, you did a lot with me, I never broke down, but today whatever you said, you have broken me down, you snatched my life, just respect was left, it sold out today, I have died. He leaves her hand and says stop drama, I have seen your truth by my eyes, I always said everything has a price, I had hope you will prove me wrong, but I was right, I did not think my heart will hurt on being proved right, you are a fallen manipulative gold digger, like kept in market, who can be bought for money for a night, like Daksh bought, this is your truth, that’s why I hate …….. He holds her face and pushes her. He says I hate your face, your thought and leaves. She cries. O jaana…..plays………..
Tia sees Robin and cries. She recalls her mum’s words. Her mum says its good Robin died, you can concentrate on Shivaye now. Tia cries and says I will always love you, I can never forget you. She recalls Robin. She lights Robin’s funeral. She says your death is not accident, its murder, the reason is Anika, if she did not follow me, this would have not happened, I promise you Robin, like you got away from me, I will make Shivaye away from her, I will destroy her.
Anika is at her home and cries recalling Shivaye’s words. Lights go. She gets scared. The door opens. Daksh holds her feet and makes her fall. He comes close and removes the mask. She gets shocked seeing Daksh. She recalls the attack and his words. He says Daksh is back, we meet again. He holds her hair. She says you did that attack on me, that threatening on phone, you did that, leave me. He nods and says I did not know you are a fool, when you did not accept proposal, attacks happened, when you accepted proposal, attacks stopped. She asks why did you do this. He says you did not leave an option for me, I loved you a lot, but you did not see me, my eyes were on you, your eyes were on Shivaye, its wrong, right? So I thought to play this game, scare you so that you come close to me, but you went to Shivaye’s arms, ring mine and married Shivaye, that’s not good Anika. She asks how did you know of my marriage.
He says my eyes are on you all 24 hours, this doll is my friend, say hi, see this, its my eyes, it has camera fitted, whatever you do here, whatever happens in this house, I get to know everything. FB shows Daksh seeing Anika removing the jewelry. He gets angry. FB ends. He throws the doll. She cries.
Shivaye says whats wrong with me, I know Anika did wrong, she lied to me, she cheated me, but why am I feeling bad, she cried and my heart is aching, I have to handle myself. Daksh says you should have not married Shivaye, you are my fiancee right. She cries. He asks did you remove my given engagement ring, our love sign. She says that ring…. He says Anika you really hurt me. He pulls her hair. She screams and cries. He says you will get punished for this. He drags her. Her phone falls down. She sees her phone.
Sahil comes to Shivaye. He says Anika is not at home, no one knows where she went. Shivaye says she will be around. Sahil says she never goes out without telling me. Shivaye asks what shall I do, if you are worried, call her. He goes. Sahil calls Anika. Anika sees the call. Daksh steps on phone and breaks it. Anika gets angry and slaps Daksh. Daksh rages and stares at her.

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