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Sunday, April 29, 2018


Nata-Jero-Berta-Augie-Fina -Renata decides to see Fina to give her a piece of her mind, and to get some kind of explanation for all the evil deeds against her, Gina, and the rest of the family. Jero doesn’t think it’s a great idea, since she will just get hurt as usual by MalaFina. But he supports her decision.
-In jail, Karma bites Fina in the butt for the horrid way she treated her servants. She is assigned to scrub and clean the heavily used toilets.
-Berta and Augie breakfast in bed and plan how they will make Nata’s life miserable (Berta), and separate her from Jero (Augie). Augie seems to have a plan, but he’s not spilling it to Berta.
-In their confrontation, Fina says a ton of stuff to try to make Nata feel bad about herself, and they go down UnHappy Memory Lane hitting on some of the lowlights of their relationship—mainly the times Fina has publicly abused and humiliated Nata. Ah, good times, good times…NOT!
-Fina first tells Nata that she loves her. Nata doesn’t buy it. Then she says that she and Berta got along better because Berta is more like her, while Nata has always been difficult and rebellious. She then says she hates Nata because it’s her fault Roberto dumped her.
-Nata decides she is terminating her relationship with her “mother” and the next and last time they will ever see each other is during Fina’s trial. Fina mocks her, saying that she does not believe that virtuous, loyal Nata would abandon her own mother. Nata begs to differ. She wipes away her last tears, and walks away from Fina’s ugly mocking face with her head held high.
-Jero is waiting outside the prison for Nata with a ready hug and a willing ear. She says she feels better for having confronted Fina.
-They run into Berta on their way out. Berta says she also has the desire to give Fina a piece of her mind.
-When Fina is brought to the visitors’ room, happy and eager to see her favorite (only) daughter, she receives a massive slap as a greeting.
Adri-Matias-Chema-Selene-Julieta -Chema doesn’t show to his appointment to get his test results (I think he forgot). Selene and Adri do, but the doctor won’t give them the results since they aren’t family. Selene blurts out that Adri is his girlfriend, so the doc tells her that Chema has a brain tumor! More tests will be needed to determine the severity. Adri vows to track down his family. Chema is estranged from his father.
-Selene apologizes to Adri for the lie. Adri says it’s ok since Chema thinks she’s his girlfriend too. LOL!
-Chema hears about the shooting at the Center. He rushes to the hospital to support Gina and his “girlfriend” Adri.
-Julieta visits Matias at the hospital, under the pretext of bringing his stepmom chocolates. As they are talking, Chema arrives and Julieta realizes they all know each other. Then Adri arrives and Chema enthusiastically greets his “girlfriend” with hugs and kisses. Matias looks on in resigned frustration. Adri tries to communicate “I’ll explain later” to Matias with her eyes. Julieta looks really confused.
Enseñada-Padre-Tio has had a major relapse. It seems he has pneumonia. Doc Marina calls La Bonita up to get help taking her tio to the hospital in the nearest large town. Laz to the rescue!
-Matilde and Carlos realize that this will be another delay in their wedding plans. Everyone wishes the Padre to get well.
-Zeke breaks the news to Alfie that Doc Nesme is alive and on the loose. He wants her to be prepared if he shows up, so he's going to give her something to protect herself and the kids.
Gina-Toni-Gonzo -Toni begs Gina for forgiveness and she gives it. It really doesn’t matter to her anymore since what’s done is done and Fina is now behind bars.
-Toni is going to the cops to tell them what he knows anyway. He doesn’t have faith that even prison will stop Fina from continuing to do harm.
-In addition to Nata and Fina taking a trip down Memory Lane, we had Gina making the same trip remembering her courtship with Gonzo.
The Man of 1,000 Names
-The Man of 1,000 Names, but unfortunately 1 Face, meets up with an old doctor friend in Tijuana. Hey! It's Fina's crooked doctor who helped her fake a brain tumor. Seems Doc Nesme used to be so ethical (snort!) that he refused to take part in shady business with Doc Tumor. Now Nesme needs some fast cash, so he's willing to do anything.

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