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Monday, April 30, 2018


The police arrives at venue and arrest Purvi taking her from there. Twinkle feels relax and says to herself that Purvi wont be able to blackmail her dad ( Manohar ) now. Seeing that Purvi gets arrested right before the dress up contest, Yuvi thinks that Twinkle failed his plan again, now Kunj and Twinkle can move closer so he have to make another plan to separate them. Just when Twinkle is about to leave from the competition, the host ask all participants to come on stage as the competition must go on. Twinkle thinks she doesn't need to take part now as her purpose for taking part in competition is completed, so she will not stay here and she hope Kunj understands her now, she really miss him. She turns and sees Kunj standing there, Sajna Ve song plays in the background. Kunj asks Twinkle where is she going? Twinkle says her reason for participating in this contest is over so she is going home. Kunj asks if she want to show how great she is and that her husband doesn't support her. Twinkle says nothing like that but she is not in mood to take part and also reminds him that he didn't want her to take part in it. Kunj says he know she is doing all this to act that she is great and can sacrifice anything. Kunj then asks why did she take part in it in the first spot? He reminds her that she is doing all this for Mahi and she can't leave it in middle now. Kunj says he don't know if she care about her reputation or not but he do care for his wife's reputation. She gets happy listening to this and hugs him, Sajna Ve song plays in the background. Yuvi sees this and gets angry. Kunj tells her to come on and show them they are not the one's to run away and show them how to win it, he holds her hand and brings her on stage. The host announce that the participants husbands will have 5 minutes to make their wives ready and whoever do it better will be the winner. The round starts, Kunj picks the saree, ties it on Twinkle, they share eyelock with pleasure, Manmarziyan song plays in the background. Twinkle keep looking at him with love. Yuvi sees them in anger and unknowingly pins needle on Mahi’s shoulder, she screams in pain and he apologize to her for this. Kunj gets more closer to Twinkle and makes her wear bangles, the host announces that only 30 seconds left. Yuvi is concentrating on Kunj and Twinkle. Twinkle point to her neck and he nods to her. Kunj brings the necklace, he comes closer to Twinkle, she feels his closer and closes her eyes. He makes her wear the necklace round ends. Yuvi, who is watching them feels nervous and mistakenly break the necklace he is to put on Mahi's neck and gets hyper. It becomes clear to everyone else that Kunj and Twinkle are perfect for each other and the host announce that Kunj Sarna have won the round, Twinkle and Kunj shares eyelock. Yuvi get more angry.
Twinkle and Kunj comes back home. Bebe gives them her blessings and congrats both of them. She says she was worried when she saw it on Tv, and that Kunj did great work and made Twinkle wear the saree. Kunj says Twinkle was guiding him. Bebe says husband and wife are like this, they together can win in any situation and their couple is special. Yuvi and Mahi comes there feeling jealous them. Yuvi thinks that his plan failed but by making Mahi losing, Mahi is going far away from Twinkle more. Bebe tells Mahi not to worry that many rounds are remaining and she lost only to her sister and asks her to smile. Mahi smiles and Bebe leaves. Twinkle tries to talk to Mahi but she leaves. Yuvi claps for them and says they both are fooling people that they love each other, but they don't have any relation like real husband and wife and this marriage is just a compromise, he leaves while Kunj looks on. Chinki comes there and congrats Twinkle for winning this round and compliment them that they both have awesome chemistry but there is one problem as she have become fat. Twinkle is shocked and says she will have to lose weight now. She asks how she would loose weight within days. Forgetting that it's ladies talk, Kunj who is standing there says she is not fat and don't need to lose weight as he can embrace her easily and that her waist is perfectly fit in his arms. Twinkle is blush, she eyes him that Chinki is standing there. Kunj gets embarrassed after realising this and gets conscious, he says she don't need to lose weight and he have something to do inside, he leaves. Chinki starts teasing Twinkle that if Kunj doesn't have problem then what can she ( Chinki) say? Twinkle asks her to shut up. Chinki asks what's going on between her and him as they both share good chemistry. Twinkle try to avoid her question and jokingly scold her that she say anything she want. Chinki again asks her to tell her what is it? A shy Twinkle runs from there. Yuvi is sitting in his room and recalls Kunj and Twinkle’s closeness. Mahi asks him to apply ointment on her back as the needle was pinned there. Yuvi thinks that he have to pretend to love her and now he have to serve her too. He brings detol chemical. On seeing this with him, she asks if they don't have ointment? She tells him that this will be itchy. Yuvi thinks in his heart that he want her to feel the pain so that Twinkle feels the pain too seeing her. Yuvi lie that they don't have ointment and left with no choice, Mahi tells him to apply it her. Yuvi applies the chemical on her and Mahi screams out in pain. Twinkle comes there and tells Mahi that she have the ointment and offer to apply it on her. Yuvi angrily snatch it from her and says no need that he is here to serve his wife, adding that she ( Mahi) is already in stress and request Twinkle not to make her more tensed. He tells Mahi that he know this chemical is itchy but it will make her fine soon. Mahi says she trust him, and tell him to apply it on her. Twinkle thinks how would she tell Mahi that Yuvi is psycho and just taking advantage of her, she leaves in anger.
Twinkle comes in her room and looks at Kunj, Chup tum Raho song plays in the background, they share eyelock, Twinkle is sad, she goes to her bed while Kunj sits on the couch. Kunj thinks that Twinkle came from Yuvi’s room so she must be tensed, he calls himself an idiot that he knew Twinkle is doing all this for Mahi still he behaved rudely with her. Kunj lies on the couch, Twinkle looks at him, she lies on bed, both look at each other, both ask what? Kunj says nothing, Twinkle says nothing and they both try to sleep. While Kunj sleeps off, Twinkle stare at him with love, she gets up from bed and closes the window as Kunj is feeling cold. She walks toward Kunj and wakes him up. Kunj wakes up and asks what happened? Twinkle says it's cold today. Kunj asks if she is feeling cold? He gives her his blanket but she says she don't need blanket and asks what will he use now? Kunj says he is fine and he dont feel much cold. Twinkle says actually she was saying but Kunj interrupts her asking her what happened? She says he understand himself but Kunj says he will understand only if she speak up. Twinkle says she is saying it's cold so he can sleep on bed. Kunj gets shocked and asks if she is alright that he should sleep on bed and she on couch? A confused Kunj who doesn't understand her tells Twinkle that she won't be able to sleep here as she is not use to sleeping on the couch and tells her to go and sleep on the bed. Twinkle murmurs to herself that he doesn't understand what she is trying to say to him. He asks why is she murmuring to herself. Twinkle says she want him to sleep on bed with her. Kunj is shocked listening this and asks him and her together on bed?. She says yes that he can sleep on bed, him on one side and she on the otherside. She explains to him that they can share bed in a limit. She puts pillows in center of bed to create a wall between them, she says she have made border and he can sleep on one side. Kunj asks if she is fine and is ready to share bed with him? Twinkle correct him that she is not sharing but she have made border and if he sleep in cold area then he will get flu and she will get it from him which she don't want so he can sleep on bed. A nervous Kunj comes to sleep on bed but Twinkle tells him this is her side and he can sleep on the otheside? Kunj goes to the otherside of bed and sit down looking at her. Twinkle closes their room door. Kunj is uncomfortable and lies on bed. Twinkle switches off the lights, she lies on her side of bed, Chup Tum Raho song plays in the background, both look at each other, Twinkle turns away, Kunj looks at her and also turns away too, both are not able to sleep. Just then, Twinkle’s phone rings and since their phones are placed in the middle of the bed, both try to take their phone and Kunj mistakenly holds Twinkle’s hand instead of his phone, she looks at him and takes her hand away. She checks her phone while he looks at her, Twinkle lies down, turns away, he turns away too and both smile to themselves. The next morning, Twinkle is sleeping close to Kunj, she is lying her head on Kunj’s hand without any demarcation between them. Kunj wakes up and sees this, he looks at Twinkle and lovely says she look so innocent and pretty while sleeping like a kid, she look cute but when she wake up, her drama mode is on and she make him fall in her trap too, he tries to take his hand away but Twinkle comes more closer to him in her sleep and holds his hand, Sajna Ve song plays in the background, Kunj gives up and lies down with her.
Kunj tries to wake up and they both fall off from bed as Twinkle moves along with him in her sleep while he try to adjust himself. They both get up, Twinkle asks how did they fall? Kunj says because of her and tells her to get off him and taunt her that Chinki is right that she is fat. Bebe comes in their room and asks where are they? Twinkle gets up from the floor and says yes Bebe, Kunj also gets up too. A surprise Bebe asks why they are lying on the floor? Kunj make up an excuse that they were doing Yoga and his aunt should do it too. Bebe is not convince and says she just came to say that they both should go to Guradvarah temple to pray for the competition’s last round and taunt them to do their Yoga, she leaves. Kunj angrily tells Twinkle that she kicked him and he fell, accusing her that she is a bruce lee in bed. Twinkle blunt out that she sleep on her side only. Kunj laughs at her and says she should see how much she kicked him. Twinkle suggests they should fit camera inside their room and then see who move legs in their sleep like Bruce lee. Kunj is not in the mood to argue with her and tells her to let him sleep. Twinkle leaves. Later, Kunj and Twinkle comes to Guradvarah temple. Twinkle gets her mom’s call, she inform Kunj it's from her mom and she takes it. Leela says she came to her house and Bebe told her that tomorrow is the last round of the contest so she went to pray. Twinkle tells her mom that she want Mahi to win that's why she came to pray for her. Leela is impress with her and praise her that she have big heart as she always pray for others, and advice her that today to pray for herself that hers and Kunj’s relation become more stronger and her love remains same, reminding her that very less people get loving partners who always show them right path in difficult situation, and that she have Kunj in her life to protect her, she tells her to pray that their relationship always remain intact from evil eye and their love should increases. Twinkle lovely looks at Kunj, Sajna Ve song plays in the background, she leaves from there. Twinkle comes inside the temple and prays, she recalls her mom’s words, she thinks that she have question, she wanted a loving life partner and wonders if Kunj is that one? The priest comes there and says she have questions in her mind but she already know the answer, he tells her to just close her eyes and ask from her heart and not from her mind, then she will get the answer, he leaves. Twinkle closes her eyes, and opens it, she looks on. On the other hand, Kunj is serving people in Guradvarah temple. Twinkle lovely looks at him cooking food for the poor, she smiles. Kunj helps people in their work and she admires him more seeing how he help others. Twinkle starts helping in work too, she notices the food is not cover and to avoid sand to spread in the food, she rushes to closes the lid of the pan and her hand gets burned in the process. Kunj sees this and shouts out Twinkle's name, he rushes to her and step on a wounding fire without knowing, she notice this while he comes running to her and blows air on her hand, he puts water on her while Manmarziyan song plays in the background. Twinkle stares at him while Kunj caresses her head and leaves. Twinkle smiles.
Twinkle is serving poo food to the people in the temple but she is unable to hold the spoon properly because of her burnt's hand. Kunj notice this, he comes there and takes the container from her as her hand is burned, he starts serving the people while holding Twinkle’s hand, they both serve them the food to the poor together and Twinkle keep looking at Kunj, he looks at her and she smiles. Kunj comes to the lake side of Guradvarah temple and prays. Twinkle recalls the priest’s words to close her eyes, she will know the answer. Kunj starts coming to her, Twinkle recalls their first meeting at Guradvarah temple, how they both came closer, Sajna Ve’s new version song plays in the background, she recalls their marriage, how Kunj saved her in Goa and she realises that she's fallen in love with him. Kunj comes to her. Twinkle bends and touches his feet to takes his blessings, Rab Ne Banadi Jodi song plays in the background. Kunj is surprised to see this change behaviour from her and asks what is she doing and why did she touch his feet? He then asks if she have gone mad? Twinkle says she feels like doing it and smile. Kunj says she is weird and do stupid things, he tells her not to touch his feet again as it feels weird and it doesn't suite her too. Twinkle smiles at him and asks if they can leave? They start to leave while Twinkle is continuously staring at him.
While Leela is busy in work at her house, Twinkle comes there, she thanks her mom and hugs her, she continuously thanks her. A curious Leela asks for what? Twinkle says for everything, for being there with her, for taking right decisions for her, for thinking about her future and for Kunj as Kunj is so nice, she is so lucky that he is her partner. Leela asks her what happened to her? Twinkle says she just felt like thanking her and she peck her mom on her cheek. Leela says Kunj is lucky too that he got her and she( Twinkle ) is not less than him, and they both are perfect for each other, she hugs her. Twinkle thinks that in this compromise wedding, she fell in love with Kunj but she don't know if he loves her or not. After realises that she has fallen in love with Kunj, she decides to find out as she fears that he doesn't feel the same. Meanwhile, Yuvi says to himself that now it's time to play his last trump card, Kunj and Twinkle can never be together, in final round of the competition and Twinkle will lose her respect, her dignity and everything, and happily says just wait and watch. Twinkle and Mahi comes to the competition venue, Leela says they both are same for her. Twinkle calls out to Mahi, Leela asks Mahi if she will not wish her sister? Twinkle says it's okay, she is elder to her so she will wish her, she wishes Mahi to win the competition.
The competition starts, the host says in this round. The wives will go in swimming pool, they have to find heart shaped cushion and bring it to her husband and the one who do it least time will win it, adding that all wives have to wear swimming costume. On hearing this, Twinkle recalls how Kunj was reluctant about her wearing swimming costume, Twinkle thanks the host for giving her this opportunity but she can't wear swimming costume as she feels uncomfortable wearing it so she quit, she leaves. Kunj is shocked. Mahi asks Yuvi how can she wear swimming suit? He says it's okay. Kunj comes to Twinkle and asks why is she quitting? Twinkle says because she is Sarna family’s daughter-in-law and she can't put their respect at stake for a competition. Kunj asks if she will leave the competition just because of a suit? Twinkle reminds him that even him said that people comment by seeing girl in short dresses. Kunj says he know how much hard work she did to come till here so she can't leave it now, she have to take part in it and order her to come with him. Kunj brings Twinkle to the host and says their is a was confusion and informs the host that Twinkle will take part in the competition. Yuvi is shocked and thinks Kunj ruin his plan. Both Twinkle, Ruhi and Mahi comes in swimming suit. Ruhi goes in the swimming pool first but can't find the key so she quits. It's Mahi’s turn and Twinkle wishes her all the best. Mahi goes in swimming pool, she somehow manages to finds the treasure box there, she opens it's lock and finds the heart, she comes out and show it to everyone. The host announces that Mahi took 2:22 seconds to find it, Twinkle congrats Mahi but she leaves and ignore her. Then host then announce that it's time for Twinkle to go in. Twinkle goes inside the swimming pool. She tries to open the treasure box but is not opening with the key given to her. Kunj gets worried and asks why Twinkle is taking so much time. Mahi gets worried for her

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