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Thursday, April 26, 2018


Milagros calls Daniela a great actress and cynic and demands to know why she lied to everyone about not being able to walk. Daniela explains that she couldn’t walk in the hospital but she started to have feeling in her legs later but didn’t say anything because she was scared Marcelo would leave her. Milagros warns her that Marcelo isn’t dumb and when he realizes that she lied about being able to walk, he’ll leave her again so she better stops doing stupid things. Daniela shrinks away from Milagros and asks if she’s going to say anything. Milagros tells her that she won’t but she better finds a way to end her charade before Marcelo finds out the truth. She then asks Daniela to never lie to her again, not if she wants her as an ally, and leaves.
Nazario receives a call and tells the other person on the line that he will be there immediately.
Amador walks into his bedroom and asks Brigida what her second condition is but Brigida will tell him when she gets back as she has some errands to run. Amador tells her to not play with him but Brigida has had it. She tells that the one making the rules now is her and they will talk when she gets back. Amador agrees and then Brigida explains that she told Esperanza to move his stuff to the guest room. Downstairs, Esperanza tells him that someone came to ask for him: Vinicio. He asks that she change the sheets in Rodrigo’s room and goes outside to meet Vinicio, who explains that Lucia fired him from the factory because he had a fight with Lalo. Amador tells him that he will try to fix it and Vinicio reminds him of all he’s done for him. Amador asks him to leave and repeats that he’ll take care of it.
Lalo thanks Lucia for defending him earlier and firing Vinicio. Lucia tells him that Vinicio was the reason Nazario was originally fired and she was tired of him anyway. Lalo tells her that he never trusted him because he was Amador’s employee but is worried she will have problems with Vinicio. Lucia tells him not worry about it and then asks when Nazario is coming back. Lalo tells him he doesn’t know and Lucia leaves Lalo in charge of the shop in the meantime. He then thanks her for talking to Sara about Benito and she smiles. They walk off as Lalo complements her perfume.
Nazario arrives at the police station and talks to the policeman in charge. He wants to see Clarita but the police inform him that he can’t because they found no evidence against her and had to let her go. Nazario pissed and informs that, he doesn’t think she killed Trini, he wanted to talk to her about other things. He asks for Clarita’s address but the police aren’t budging. Nazario announces that he at least now knows she’s in Puebla and if they found her, he can find her too.
Clarita arrives home to find an ecstatic Benito. She hugs and kisses him and he tells her that he thought he wouldn’t see her again. Clarita explains that everything is okay now and is even glad that they arrested her because now everything is cleared up and no one is after her. Clarita then gives him the good news that Lalo’s doctor friend will see him soon and gives him another bear hug.
In Mexico City, Marcelo asks Rafaela if she knows an Aida Lugo. He saw her a couple of days ago, and she commented on how much he looked like his father. Rafaela pretends not to know her and tells him that she doesn’t quiet remember her before running off.
Inside the house, Milagros is lighting a candle for Federico when Rafaela walks in with Marcelo. Milagros greets him warmly and Rafaela runs off to do housework. Marcelo suggests that they drop Federico’s ashes in a church like in Puebla and Milagros promises she’ll consider it. She then tells him that she saw Daniela today and she was feeling and looking better. Marcelo is happy to hear it and Milagros tells him that she’s fighting to get better for him. Marcelo explains that she should do it for herself and Milagros ask if he’ll leave Daniela when she gets better. Marcelo won’t but that doesn’t mean he has forgotten Lucia. Milagros tells him that she doesn’t think Lucia feels the same way about him.
In Puebla, Lucia is walking around the empty apartment, remembering her first time with Marcelo. She stops short of the bedroom but walks inside and remembers the night they made love…Just then the doorbell rings and it’s the real estate agent selling the apartment. They introduce themselves.
Alfredo gives Daniela her new phone and tells her it will be the same number but she must manually input her contacts. Daniela tells him that if she has Marcelo’s number in there, everything is okay. Alfredo asks about her Puebla friends and Daniela tells him that she didn’t have any. Alfredo explains that Nora Gaxiola came to visit her in the hospital and told him she was her friend. Daniela prefers a scorpion because Nora betrayed her own sister by sleeping with her fiancée and ensured he left her at the altar. Daniela makes it clear that she doesn’t lament Lucia’s situation but recognizes that Nora crossed a lie she wouldn’t even cross. Daniela then explains that Nora was after Marcelo as well and her mother, Rebeca, too. Alfredo wants to know why she says that and Daniela tells him about the time she saw Rebeca and Marcelo coming out of a hotel and they had the dumbest excuse. Alfredo asks if Marcelo was with Rebeca on the DL and Daniela clarifies that Rebeca wanted to be with Marcelo, not the other way around.
Nora is in session with Roman, who asks her how her day has been, but she’s distracted. Roman then asks about Sergio but Nora is not really paying attention; she tells him that she is no longer interested in Sergio and leaves Roman high and dry.
Mario and Sergio go have a drink. Mario wanted to talk to Sergio as a friend, not employee, about what has been going on with him lately, especially regarding Leti. Sergio confesses that Leti doesn’t want to see him because they broke up and Mario tells him that she requested to be transferred to a new office. Sergio explains that Leti has been weird since they got together and it’s been harder to relate to her now than when they were friends. Mario explains that all relationships are complicated so they should find a balance. Sergio wants to know why he’s suddenly so buddy-buddy with him and Mario tells him that he reminds him of himself when he was younger. He tells Sergio that while women are complicated, they aren’t impossible, and he should shallow his pride and forgive Leti because she is a great woman. They toast.
That night, Ricardo calls Amador to inquire about what happened with Brigida. Amador doesn’t want to discuss it and thanks him for revealing what happened with Ligia in front of Brigida. Ricardo apologizes and then reminds Amador about the money he’s owed and Amador tells him he’ll take care of it and hangs up.
Ricardo hangs up as well as his doorbell rings. It’s Leti who is looking for a shoulder to cry on because of the Sergio situation.
Amador is also having a drink when Brigida arrives. He asks if she’ll finally talk to him and Brigida said she will, now that she’s ready. Amador asks her where she went and Brigida explains that she went to a notary because she wants him to give her all his shares in Talavera Gaxiola. If he doesn’t, she’ll tell Rodrigo and the police what really happened with Ligia. Amador wants to know what she wants with them and Brigida explains that she wanted to hit him where it really hurt with something he really cares about, even more than he cares about his son. Amador explains that he will give her and Rodrigo the shares upon his death but Brigida wants them now. In the eyes of everyone he will still be a shareholder but in private the shares are hers. Amador tells her she’s asking too much but Brigida thinks it’s too little for what he has done to her. He has until tomorrow to make his decision.
Leti is venting to Ricardo about Sergio, Nora and Leti. She explains that Nora has been after him for the past few days and she saw him leaving his apartment tonight. Ricardo tells her that she’s just like her mother, who convinced him to leave Magdalena at the altar. Leti is shocked to know this as Sara hadn’t told her anything. Leti then wonders what her life would’ve been like if Ricardo was with them and Ricardo wonders as well. He tells her that if he knew Sara was pregnant he would’ve been in her life. Leti thanks him for coming back and for talking with her. Ricardo tells her it’s no problem and then explains that women like Nora are only there to pass the time while Leti is the kind of woman you build a life with.
Lalo meets Sara at the hospital and they do a dance of handshakes before sitting down and discussing Benito. She thought he would come with the patient but Lalo explains that Benito felt bad yesterday and hopes she can visit him at home tonight, if possible. Sara tells him that she has a previous engagement but asks that he write down Benito’s address and she will go see him tomorrow. He does and Lalo explains that it’s easy to find but he leaves her with his cell phone either way. He asks if she will go and Sara promises he will. Lalo then tells her he will wait for her outside the complex and says goodbye.
Roman visits with Lucia in her garden and invites her out to dinner. She suggests that they dine at her house so she can see how her relationship with her aunt and sister is. He agrees and then, UNETHICALLY, tells Lucia that Nora was distant at therapy today and he fears she’s bordering on a new crisis. Lucia thinks about it for a bit and deduces that Marcelo getting back with Daniela and leaving to Mexico City may have something to do with it. Roman asks if Marcelo leaving also affects Lucia. Lucia is quiet for a second and Roman takes it as a cue to change the conversation. He asks if she’s excited about the trip and Lucia confirms that she is. He asks that she wake up early to make the most out of it and Lucia agrees. As they mingle, Nora watches them from the stairs, slightly crying. Rebeca comes behind her and asks if she wants to go to the dining room because Lucia and Roman are staying for dinner. Nora tells her that she isn’t hungry and Rebeca asks why she’s unhappy that Lucia is with Roman. Nora explains that everyone, even Daniela, but her and it makes her feel worthless. Rebeca asks about Sergio and Nora tells her that he’s crazy for Leti and she has no one to love her. Rebeca tells her that she loves her but Nora tells her that it’s a different kind of love and runs off.
In Mexico City, Daniela and Marcelo are out dining for the first time since her accident. They toast to that and Daniela asks if he’s embarrassed to be seen with her in a wheelchair. Marcelo isn’t and she shouldn’t be either because it’s temporary. He then asks when she’s starting therapy and Daniela asks why everyone is pressuring her. Marcelo makes it clear he isn’t, he just wants to help her and be there for her as much as possible. He notices her new cell phone and realizes he forgot his in the car and goes to get it. Daniela takes the opportunity to stretch her leg.
Rodrigo is down in the dumps thinking about Sergio’s advice that he forgot Lucia and move on, possibly to Daniela Suarez. He takes the opportunity to call her and she answers, surprised. He tells her that he’s happy she’s better despite her accident. Daniela is surprised since she blamed him for Ligia’s murder but Rodrigo has let bygones be bygones. He asks her to dinner but Daniela explains that she’s no longer in Puebla and hangs up before Marcelo comes back. Rodrigo continues to be frustrated.
The next day, Roman and Lucia are off their romantic getaway. He jokes about how much she packed and he offers to carry her to their cabin, along with the bags. When they get there, Lucia comments on how gorgeous the place is as Roman leaves the bags upstairs. Lucia notices a ceramic piece from the factory in the living room as Roman comes back and proposes that they take a swim in a nearby lake. Lucia agrees and goes off to change while Roman lights the chimney.
In Mexico City, Alfredo wakes up Daniela to say goodbye as he’s leaving the city. Daniela wondered when he would finally leave and Alfredo explains that he has business to attend to and it would be good for them because their relationship is becoming toxic. Before he goes, he gives her the card to her therapist and announces that she starts today. Daniela is less than happy but Alfredo is adamant that she start ASAP and leaves. When he’s gone, she stands up and looks at the card.
Sara introduces Clarita and Benito at Clarita’s apartment. She thanks Sara for personally coming and then leaves to find the previous doctor’s tests on Benito as he explains what happened to him to Sara.
Daniela’s new chauffeur introduces himself and Daniela makes it clear that they’ll go where she wants to go, not where her father ordered.
Magdalena is shocked to know the police let Clarita go and refuse to divulge her address. Nazario is just as shocked and then proposes they find her via the internet. Magdalena doesn’t think Clarita would even be online but she will try. She asks Nazario for her full name and promises that she will find her.
Sara explains to Clarita that she will need to see Benito’s previous tests and come back with a diagnosis. Clarita thanks her and asks her how much the consult costs. Sara tells her that it’s free since she’s doing it as a favor for a dear friend. Clarita thanks her again and Sara gives her a card and ask that Clarita write down her information as well. They say their goodbyes.
Daniela’s chauffeur has brought her to Marcelo’s apartment and goes outside. He welcomes her and Daniela tells him that she has a surprise for him. She slowly stands up and keeps her balance. He’s happy to see her progress and asks how long she has been able to do that. Daniela explains that she’s been having some feeling in her legs the past few days but didn’t say anything until she was sure. One things for sure, she won’t need therapy anymore. She then asks for a reward and kisses him. Marcelo gives in and Daniela asks if they can go to his bedroom. He obliges.
Inside Roman’s log cabin, Lucia and Roman come back soaking wet. They sit in front of the fire and she asks him for a hug. He obliges and they begin to kiss. They separate and he looks at Lucia, asking with his eyes if she’s ready. She kisses him again and they fall on the sheets.
Both Lucia and Marcelo try to find love in the arms of someone else…

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