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Wednesday, April 25, 2018


The goon looks shocked as the knife is not at all bloodied even after constantly poking the sack with knife. What if inside? Raghav ji says I told you I am taking old clothes to distribute amongst the poor people. The goons order their men to put check post in the area and check every single vehicle that passes from there.
MLA’s goons have made the real policemen unconscious and have taken over the check post. They check every single vehicle. The goons (who had checked Raghav ji’s car) reach there. They recognize the truck in which all the ladies from the ashram are. Where are you going? Sudha replies that they are going to court to see the proceedings. We will pray that you lose. The goons make everyone get down so the truck can be checked. Pishi Ma keeps sitting as Sudha lies that she has back
pain. They stop the goons from checking the Saraswati idol. You will be cursed. The goons do not check it. The ladies sit inside the truck once again. The goons let them go. Sudha asks Ganga if she is fine. She replies in affirmative. Sudha hides her face again so the goons don’t see her.
Niru, Sagar and Pulkit are waiting for Sudha ji and team to reach the court. Sagar prays that his father wins the case. Hope Ganga returns home soon. MLA Srivastava enters. Raghav ji too reaches there. Niru gets busy talking to him. The judge comes so everyone takes their place. MLA’s phone rings. Judge orders everyone to keep their phones off inside the courtroom of they will be thrown out. MLA wonders why the goons are calling him every now and then.
MLA’s lawyer starts the proceedings. He talks in favour of the MLA. Niru counters him. MLA is anxious to find out if his men got hold of Ganga. My phone is off too. MLA’s lawyer asks Niru to present the proof that he has. Niru requests the judge to give him some time. My witness is on the way. Judge gives him 10 minutes. The court is adjourned for the same time period.
Raghav ji checks on Sudha. They are almost about to reach.
The court resumes. Ganga still hasn’t reached yet. Judge tells Niru that the time is up. Your witness is still not here. MLA’s lawyer calls it a waste of time. Don’t delay in making the judgement. NIru explains that some people have been making efforts to make sure his witness is not able to reach the court. The judge refuses. He starts to give judgement in MLA’s favour when the ashram ladies walk in with Ganga. Niru walks proudly up to Ganga. She is my witness. She never lies. She will say the truth today also. MLA looks on shocked.
Ganga stands in the witness box. Judge pronounces MLA as guilty.
Madhvi is thrilled to know that Niru won the case. Niru gives credit to Ganga for his success. I will be staying back in Allahabad for today to complete the paper work. Sagar and Pulkit will come with Raghav ji. I will go and bring Ganga home tomorrow. Madhvi asks Maharaj ji to get sweets. Amma ji is not at all happy to know that Ganga will be back in her house. Should I celebrate Niru’s victory or be sad at Ganga’s return? I will not give up. I will not allow you to even step inside my house.
The people bless Ganga for helping their loved ones get justice. MLA gets arrested. He looks pointedly at Ganga as he leaves with the policemen. Ganga looks at her hands. I hope you are happy now Bappa. You and the other people got justice after all. You were right. One should open their fist to see and understand what all they are capable of doing. I did it Bappa.
Niru tells Ganga that he is proud of her for what she has done. She asks him if he will take her home with him now. He agrees. I have some work in Allahabad. I will come tomorrow to pick you up. Go with Sudha ji. Pack your stuff. He also asks Raghav ji to take Sagar and Pulkit with him.
Sagar is happy for Ganga. I am not a coward. If I was coward then I wouldn’t have helped you. I felt like helping you so I did. I know you could have done everything on your own but.
Ganga tells Sagar and Pulkit that Babu is happy with her now as everything happened positively. I did what I said I will do. The culprits got punished. I too will come to your home tomorrow with Babu. Sagar corrects her. It is our home. Sudha asks her to come with her. Ganga tells her and the ladies to go. I have to go with Sagar for some important work.
Ganga and Sagar are at the ghaat. She is holding the pot of her father’s ashes in her hands. Bappa left me but I have kept his ashes till date. Sudha Bua says it is a very important ritual so the dead can be at peace. I don’t want Bappa to forget me. He died. He isn’t with me anymore. Now his ashes will not be with me anymore as well. How will I live then? Sagar feels bad.
Precap: Prabha instigates Amma ji against Ganga. Sagar has lost his mind after Ganga. He is always with her or after her. He cannot think of anyone else but her all the time. They already share such a strong bond in childhood. What will happen in the future?
Ganga descends the stairs of the ghaat. Sagar follows her at a distance. Ganga thinks of the pat moments that she has spent with her Bappa. Tears stream down her eyes. She caresses the pot in her hands. She calls out loudly for her Bappa as she thinks of the stampede. She breaks down.
Prabha finds Amma ji studying something. She starts talking loudly about Ganga. She is so young yet she risked her life. Niru won the case because of her. Amma ji asks her how she is talking so sweetly today. I know you are only adding salt to my wounds. Prabha denies. I am only alerting you. I meant that Niru won the case because of Ganga. He wont be angry with her anymore. Sagar is always after her. Niru will bring her back tomorrow morning itself. Ganga will roam in your house then. Mehri teases / taunts Prabha.
Prabha sends her to bring something for her and Amma ji. She yet again instigates Amma ji against Ganga. Sagar has lost his mind after Ganga. He is always with her or after her. He cannot think of anyone else but her all the time. They already share such a strong bond in childhood. What will happen in the future? What will people say? Amma ji gets thinking. She looks tensed. Prabha asks about Sagar. Has he gone to ghaat with Ganga? Amma ji immediately asks Madhvi to call Pulkit. Ask him if Sagar is with him or not? Prabha calmly sips juice.
A priest notices the pot of ashes in Ganga’s hands. Whose memories are you holding? Free them. They are not with us anymore. You should pour these ashes in the water. One cannot do it after sunset. The priest leaves. Sagar notices Ganga’s FIL at the ghaat. He is here also? He will take Ganga with him if he notices her. Ganga was about to pour the ashes when Sagar pulls her aside. She asks him what he is doing. Why did you pull me here? It is time for sunset. Sudha Bua has also told me to do it before sunset. Sagar has no answer to any of her questions. He goes up to check on Ganga’s FIL. Ganga is about to pour the ashes in the holy water when her Bappa holds her hand. Pour them in the water. Only the body is gone. What will you do with the ashes? Ganga thinks that his love for her will vanish once the ashes are gone too. He will leave her for forever. He shakes his head. What if you don’t come before me if I think of you? He reasons that he will always come for her. Body can end but the relations joined by soul can never end. It cannot end even after death. Pour these ashes. Give the ashes of your Bappa to Ganga Maiyya. She denies but he helps her do it. Bappa disappears. Ganga looks at the ashes in water. Sagar rushes to her side asking her to hurry when her FIL calls out for her.
Madhvi tries calling Pulkit but his phone is not reachable. This irks Amma ji all the more. Madhvi is worried for the kids. The weather is changing. He might fall ill. Amma ji says Ganga’s company is not good for him but in vain. He has gone to ghaat with that problem. Prabha sits down close to Amma ji. You are right. Sagar is not so well. Plus he is out on the ghaat with that girl. She is making him dance on her tunes in childhood. What will happen in future? Madhvi interrupts her. They both are kids. You say just about anything! Madhvi walks away. Prabha asks Amma ji if she was wrong. You dint have to see this day if Didi would have stopped the kids on time. I don’t understand why she cannot see it. I can see it clearly what this girl will do with Sagar in future. I feel bad for you. You had golden chance to get rid of that problem but in vain. I wonder if we will ever be able to do it in life. Amma ji tells her to stop. This is my family matter. I will handle it on my own. Go to your home. Prabha leaves. Mehri goes to ask Amma ji about what she had said. That girl is coming back. Amma ji scolds her.
Ganga looks at her FIL. She thinks of that unfortunate day and of his reaction after the stampede. Ganga’s FIL has come to take her with him. Come with me. She starts retreating. Sagar asks her not to do it or she will fall. She was about to fall when he holds her in time. Their hands are joined in the process. Ganga tells Sagar to tell her FIL to go away. Why has he come here? Ganga’s FIL reasons that he is her FIL. I have come to take you. Sagar points out that Ganga doesn’t want to go with him. Ganga’s FIL tells him not to speak in between them. You had lied to me. You refused to accept it that you know her when I had shown you her photo? Ganga looks at Sagar. Ganga’s FIL makes Sagar leave Ganga’s hand. She is my DIL. She will come with me to her house.
Precap: Ganga lies down to sleep in the ashram. In the morning, Babu will come to take me. Amma ji vows to make sure Ganga never comes back in her house.
Update Credit to: Pooja

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