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Monday, April 30, 2018


Starts with Rani doing GR seva and GR is slowing waking up. Rani is thinking abt good old days in Jhansi and her talk with Moti bai (Ulka is shown) and abt how she could not understand abt SR. Then she tells herself now she understands everything and that GR is the best man in the whole world. GR is talking in his sleep and calls out for LB. There in the palace Raghunath, TG and ministers are discussing abt GR being alive. They decide to keep it a secret and first search for GR. Moropant tells TG to bring back Manu along with GR and TG promises that he will.Raghunath and TG leave to find GR, but TG forgets his sword and goes back inside. In the village SS is searching for Rani and Karma is also there. Rani comes there and Karma asks her how did she get hurt and Rani denies getting hurt. Karma mentions his talk with the doctor and Rani tells she hurt her hand so she went to the doctor and leaves from the place. Karma thinks Rani is definitely hiding something and decides to findout. Back to LB-GR, LB thinks if GR knows its LB he will go awya from here in this condition.GR is waking up and he cannot see me and decides to disguise as a man.
GR wakes up and finds Raja and Raja tells GR she found him in the jungle and brought here. GR tells Raja that Rani attacked him adn Raja is stunned. GR wants to leave and is trying to get up but suddenly faints. There in the palace TG hears Martin and Spears talking abt taking over Jhansi throne in 48 hrs using Doctrine of Lapse rule and TG decides to bring back GR with in 48 hrs. Raja is cooking for GR and burns his hand and GR helps him and asks why is he still not married. Raja tells he is married. Then Raja ask GR if it is true LB deceived him and GR tells know it is not true and its him who wronged LB. Then Raja asks why did’nt he ever try to search for LB. GR tells he did and that is why he is here since heard that head of the village was a woman leading the fight against the British. GR further adds, he came here so he could get the 16 villages back and his LB also. But, now he is sure that Rani is not his LB as LB would never attack him. Raja tells maybe someone is trying to bring a feud btw Rani and GR and Rani might not be the one who attacked him. GR says maybe. Then Raja asks will he accept LB if she is the leader of the group fighting the British and the JKR ends finally
Precap: Raja is walking in the jungle hurriedly to the village and some one calls her out. She turns and sees Karma
Raja asks Raja GR if he will accept LB who is the head of Kranti dhal. GR gets mad and says, my Maharani is not the queen of the dhal who tried to kill him. He is abt to faint adn Raja goes to get water, and Raja GR utters ” LB I will wait for your return till my last breath” and then Raja enters and asks did you say anything Maharaaj. But GR faintsD’oh. There in the palace the 3 vahinis and Martin are planning to take over Jhansi in the next 48 hrs and Moropnat walks in and says, only Maharani has the rights to take any decision. Vahinis mouth a few dialogues abt LB also being dead and Moropant loses his temper and tells GR is alive. Martin tells that within 48 hrs GR has to come back else the throne will be taken away from himSleepy. Martin leaves saying even is GR is alive he wont return to Jhansi alive and they thank Moropant. There near the village Raghunath and TG are searching for GR and go to the place where GR is hidden and knock on the door, but Raja does not open the doorSleepy and TG leaves. Karma is badkofying the villagers against Rani that she ran away with the treasure. All the villagers agree with Karma and they decide to go look for Rani and the treasure. Raja is rushing towards the village to give food to the villagers and Karma catches Raja. Raja tells he got lost and Karma shows him the direction and asks him to leave immediately. Raja goes in a hut and changes her clothes into LB and comes out and Karma sees her. LB reaches the village and SS informs LB abt Karma badkofying the villagers. SS asks Lb why she is worried and if GR is alive and LB answers in affirmative. LB tells SS abt GR’s condition and tells SS that she has to leave to get medicine for GR.
LB and Raghunath/TG are walking towards eachother and miss at the last minuteSleepy. TG and Raghunath ask a villager if they have seen any one in hurt condition and the villager bad mouths GR. Suddenly TG hears SS name and walks towards him and both are happy to see eachother and they finally hug.TG asks SS abt Manu and SS take TG to Rani’s hut and tells TG this is your Manu’s hut. TG is maha happy. SS tells TG he cannot tell him where Manu is. SS asks TG why he is here and TG tells SS abt the kale badal on Jhansi and that he came looking for GR. SS tells TG that he knows where GR is and he will be back in Jhansi in in 48 hrs. Karma again heres this.In the palace Martin is talking to the people present in the Jhansi court and the 3 vahinis are dreaming abt sitting on the throne. Then Martin tells that if GR does not come back in 48 hrs Jhansi will be come taken over British. All the Vahinis are shell shocked, so are the rest of the clan in the court. There SS reaches the place where LB is doing pati seva and Karma also reaches the place and sees GR alive.
Precap: SS tells Manu they should not let the British win and Manu tells whatever happens she will make sure GR and the treasure reach Jhansi.
Starts with Rani getting GR ready to go to the palace. There Karma is badkofying the villagers against Rani and all the villagers are ready to kill Rani. The villagers stop Rani and SS from taking GR to the palace and Karma continues with his natak and badkofying. There in the palace the 3 Vahinis are praying to god that GR should come back or they will have to leave the palace .
Karma vs. Rani drama continues for abt 10-15 min and then TG arrives. GR is taking his beauty sleep all the while when Rani is shouting at the top of her voice that she will protect GR and will take him to the palace. Karma tires to get close to GR but LB gives him some kick and blows. TG/SS/Sadhu tell Rani to take GR to the palace before sunrise and that they will take care of the villagers. Finally Rani tells the villagers to trust her and she will not break there trust and the villagers let Rani go. Karma is fuming.
Precap: Rani becomes Raja again. Raja and GR reach Jhansi border and see that British soldiers are searching everyone. There in the palace British flag is being put up with all the spectators watching and Martin announces its just few more mins before Jhansi is theirs. There Raja tells GR Raja that he will reach the palace no matter what.

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