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Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Jero explains that Nesme and Augie were accomplices and that’s why Augie tried to get rid of him. He explains further about the vine cutting from the La Bonita mother vine that Augie stole with Nesme’s help. Nata has almost as much trouble wrapping her head around why Augie would want to steal such a thing as we did, when he has plenty of his own lovely grapes (because he wants the super duper Rafa grape and doesn’t want to have to do business with Jero to get it), much less why he would kill someone over a mere plant! Jero assures her that Augie is capable of something so horrible, and much more. This is not computing with Nata since the person he is describing is some sort of demon, and Augie has only ever behaved like an angel with her. That’s the kind of two-faced monster he is, says Jero. He makes Nata promise not to reveal to Augie that Nesme is still all too alive. Although she’s still not quite believing all of this, Nata assures him she would never betray his confidence that way. Jero just wants Augie out of their lives for good. To make sure neither of them walks away angry and they’re still good, Nata and Jero hug it out and he tells her he loves her. She still looks dubious. He looks worried.
The next morning, Matilde shows the mother-in-law from Mierda…oops, Mérida, the house she and Carlos will move into once married. She turns her nose up at it since it does NOT reflect in any way the god-like personality of her son, nor the wife of said god. Trying out her role of the “good nuera”, Mati asks just what is this new personality she must take on to be worthy of the blonde curly-haired god named Carlos Estrada? Mama Mierda (MM)…oops, Mérida, looks Mati up and down and tells her they must first start to transform Mati herself to be worthy, before they can transform the house. They head out to shop.
Carlos is telling Jero of the miracle of his mama’s appearance and acceptance of Mati. Happy (likely short-lived) slaps on the back. Then Jero tells Carlos about Nesme’s crazy idea that Jero was going to help get him his “get out of jail free” card. In fact, Jero is going to see the prison director, who is in town, and make sure that’s where Nesme is headed back. Carlos lets Jero know that Kari now knows the truth. Jero will speak to her. He’ll explain what happened, and that it wasn’t Lazaro’s fault. “They don’t deserve this!” (No se merecen esto!)
Gonzo and Gina arrive at Hon and Con’s house to tell them Gina has filed charges against Pepa/Fina. They hope that by the time they come back from honeymoon, the Pepafina monster will be in jail. Hon and Con change the conversation to a happier subject. They’re having a dinner that night to celebrate Adri officially becoming his daughter. It’s a surprise for Adri. Gina knows how much it must mean to Hon. She would also like Roberta to officially take her name and her late husband’s, if Gonzo doesn’t mind. Gonzo does not mind at all. The men happily head off to the office with Gina in tow.
Nata and Jero visit Alfi and the adorable baby Luz Maria. (I still haven’t quite forgiven Alfi for the crack yesterday about a baby uniting two people 4-EVAH to Nata.) Kari looks on sadly. Jero and Nata ask to speak to her about Dr.NotDeadEnough.
Laz is complaining to Carlos that because he told her the truth, Kari’s now mad at the whole world, and not just at him. Carlos says to give her time. But Laz doesn’t think he has time to spare. He’s desperate.
Jero tries to get out of the dog house with Kari, while Renata looks on, by explaining how he got pulled into this whole thing.
K: Oh, I understand Don Jerónimo. But who understands ME?
R: Kari, I understand that you’re angry. And that you have a lot of rage because everyone made decisions for you. But what’s done is done, and now you have two options.
K: What options?
R: Become bitter and do nothing, or take advantage of all of this.
K: And what good could any of this be?
R: Look. Everyone else decided for you, right? Well, now you decide. What do you want to do with your life? You are free. Legally, you’re a widow. What do you want to do with your life? You can do what you want with it Kari. You are no longer the wife of Alvaro Nesme, and you will NEVER be again, even though he’s alive. (Is a light bulb starting to go on over Kari’s head?!)
Adri and Matias arrive home smooching as Connie and the maid set the table for the special surprise dinner for Adri. They are amazed by how much more healthy Connie seems. Connie refuses to spill the reason for the dinner. Matias hints that he and Adri have a surprise for them too, as Adri tries to hide her HUGE engagement ring. They won’t spill the soup either about their surprise.
At the Center, Chema gets a call from Hit&Run Sister, aka Julieta. He actually remembers who she is! She’s checking to see how he is because at the end of partying last night, he didn’t seem to know who she was anymore. (She’s being a WAY better friend than his other friends, and she’s known him for less than a day.) Chema’s surprised he was that drunk. He invites her out to a coffee. His imaginary girlfriend won’t mind.
As they walk through town near the church, Jero notes something odd about Nata. She’s being quiet and seems pensive. The ringing church bells seem to have reminded her of the annulment of their religious marriage that she requested. She’s been thinking that since things are good between them, they are together, and they’ve realized the things that separated them were the fault of the intrigues of others, then there’s no point in going through with the religious annulment.
J: (smiling) Are you being serious?
R: Of course I’m serious. I’m not sure what’s happening with it, but I’m going to cancel it.
J: Thank you so much my love! (kisses her hand) This makes me so happy. I want to be with you the rest of my life. Till death us do part.
R: We’re going to continue to be married, before God AND man. (dramatically sweeps her arm out)
J: (looking at her like she’s a bit loony) There’s a part that I don’t understand.
R: What don’t you understand?
J: Then we’d have to have another civil wedding.
R: (flirtatiously) You don’t say! Well then, let’s get married again!
J: But in La Bonita. Not in the city.
R: I think that’s a great idea. But I don’t feel like I’ve gotten a proposal. I want a real proposal. Something that makes me feel that you love me…
J: You don’t know what kind of (amazing) marriage proposal I’m going to make you. With little freckles (pequitas) and all.
All this flirting leads to kisses, giggles and te amos. They separate so that Jero can go talk to the prison director and Nata can head home to La Bonita.
Mati and MM return to the little house with a ton of shopping bags. MM pulls out one of the very un-Mati-like outfits and says she will transform Mati into one of the Spanish socialites Carlos supposedly was into when he lived there. (Then why didn’t he stay and marry someone there? Hmm?) Mati wonders if Carlos will actually like her in those form fitting clothes, and has little faith in her abilities to walk in the sky high stilettos MM picked out. MM will teach her. MM claims she’s not a buttinsky suegra. She’s just looking out for the well-being of her children. Mati still looks pretty game and excited to give this a try.
Jero meets with the prison director, who is huge! The director wants an update on Nesme’s health (shouldn’t he know?). They’ve got his new identity and prison transfer all ready to go.
Unfortunately, Nesme isn’t on board with this go back to jail plan, and is lying in wait behind the door of his hospital room. He attacks the attending doctor that had been so nice to him, and steals his jacket, shoes, and keys! He then makes a run for it through the gates and lunges under a parked SUV. (I never knew the guy was so athletic.) He makes a run for it, vaulting over the car barrier, when the coast is clear. A nurse finds the good doctor on the floor, thankfully alive.
Jero and the Director continue to talk about the case when the Director gets a call. Nesme has escaped! They’re beginning a manhunt.
Happy Nata returns to La Bonita and compliments Manuela on how nice she keeps the hacienda. Manuela thinks the change in the house is due to Nata’s return. She always knew Jero and Nata’s love with triumph over everything. Nata admits Manuela has always been on Team Nata-Jero and offers her a bite of her cookie as thanks. LOL! They are interrupted by a call from Jero. He doesn’t waste time telling Nata to immediately get Laz and then get Kari to La Bonita, ASAP! Nata also wastes no time trying to get the details. She runs out to do exactly what Jero ordered, knowing it must be serious.
Berta slinks into Gina’s home office, in her skin tight jeans, wanting to know where Gina’s been. Around and at the center, where she’s leaving things in Inez’s hands while she’s on her honeymoon. Gina tells Berta about the dinner for Adri and invites her. “Thanks. We’ll see.” Gina hands Berta her “real” birth certificate. She wants Berta to go back to being Regina Gamba Soberon. “What do you think?” Berta looks less than thrilled. She tries to stall by saying it would be too problematic to change her name. But she does ask if it will affect her being able to get her inheritance if she remains Roberta. (Gina should see the writing on the wall about where Berta’s priorities lie.) When Gina suggests she might want to share the inheritance with her sister, Berta is quick to say NO…She doesn’t think Nata will need it. She’s going to get the house from Gonzo and she has a rich husband. It looks like some light bulbs are finally going on over Gina’s head, so Berta distracts her by saying she just might take back her real name after all. This gets a tepid smile out of Gina.
Isidro hands Inez the official registration for her cancer foundation, Nadie se Rinde. She is extremely happy and they hug. They are sure Andresito (who is off filming his other tn) will be happiest of all!
Chema’s chopping veggies when Adri arrives. “Hello my love!” She avoids his kiss, and tells him for the nth time that she has broken up with him. He has NO idea what she’s talking about. I feel like we’re in the middle of the movie Groundhog’s Day as Adri once again tells Chema she love Matias, and he once again good naturedly accepts it (albeit with a totally confused look on his face). His eyes fill with tears, AGAIN. (Aww! Poor guy.) Adri wonders if he really doesn’t remember, or doesn’t WANT to remember. He doesn’t understand why she is telling him that they have had this conversation before. She tells him he has to see a doctor because this isn’t normal. He agrees.
At Empresas Monterrubio, the MR men (plus Hon) are happy things went so well at the conference, and are going so well for the business. Hon wants to know how things went between his daughter and Matias. Matias is all smiles, but cagey about the surprise in store for them that night. Adri calls him and tells him of her worries about Chema.
Nata begs Kari to trust her and come with her and Laz to La Bonita. She comes, but only because Nata asked.
Down by the waterfront, Nesme outruns the cops and hops on a small boat.
Jero and Carlos have some tea to calm their nerves as they talk about the scorpion (alacran) that is Nesme. Jero blames himself, but Carlos thinks he probably would have done the same thing had he been in Jero’s shoes. Kari, Nata and Laz arrive and Jero breaks the news of Nesme’s escape to everyone. He wants Kari to stay in La Bonita under their protection until he’s found. Jero is pretty sure that Nesme will try to kidnap Kari. Even Manuela has to curse at this news. “All he wants is to destroy Kari’s life.” Kari is panicky. “I don’t want to see him again!” Laz is going to watch over Kari day and night to make sure that doesn’t happen.
The police continue their search of the docks. Nesme crouches down in the boat, unties it, starts it up, and escapes before the cops can shoot.
The conference at La Bonita continues. It seems Kari will now be the one imprisoned, in La Bonita, until Nesme is found. Nata tries to comfort Kari, but the call Jero gets about Nesme escaping in the boat breaks everyone’s calm. Kari hopes he’ll go and never come back. Jero tells her not to count on that. Laz heads to Alfi-Zeke’s to get Kari’s things, and Nata and Manuela take Kari to settle into her new bedroom. Laz tells Jero he will never forget what he is doing for the woman he loves.
Augie, who has not changed clothes, or taken off his windbreaker, in days, continues his slide into madness. But Zeke is the one who’s really crazy since he goes to Cruz de Amor to check on him. He assures Zeke he’s not the kind of weakling like Rafa who would kill himself over a woman. Zeke asks if Nata is the cause of Augie’s funk (the emotional one; not the one that must be emanating from his body by now). Augie denies it, so Zeke wisely drops the subject and leaves. Augie pours himself another drink and dedicates it to Nata. “For you Renata. Because if you think your life will be at the side of Linares, you are very mistaken. If you think I’m defeated, it’s not so. Your place is with me. YOUR PLACE IS WITH ME!!!!!! WITH ME!” (Ah yes, the chest thumping Gorillauggie scene we have been waiting for all week!)
Jero reports to the Bonita Gang that the boat has been found, but not Nesme. Mati is hopeful this means Nesme is gone for good. Nata informs them all that she and Jero have to leave in the morning to attend Gonzo and Gina’s wedding, but they’re coming right back after the wedding and they should contact them if anything at all happens. Manuela assures them they will hold down the fort and guard Kari with their lives.
Berta’s in her bedroom admiring the necklace she stole from Nata. She begs off attending the Adri dinner since she’s tired and wants to rest up for the wedding the next day. Gina buys this.
G: As you wish daughter. Let me know immediately if you need anything.
B: It makes me so happy that you worry about me. I’m so excited about your wedding tomorrow. I never imagined attending the wedding of my parents. (makes gagging face behind Gina’s gullible back)
G: Yes. It’s strange, right. But what’s important is that we’ll officially be a family.
B: Finally, there will be peace.
G: Has Fina tried to contact you?
B: No! I was very clear with her in the hospital. She knows that she’s dead to me.
G: Please. If she tries to communicate with you, tell me immediately. Even if I’m on my honeymoon.
B: Of course mommy. I think what I feel for her, must be very similar to the feelings she provokes in you. She prevented us from forming the relationship we have—mother and daughter.
G: (totally buying this b.s.) Well, from now on, that is how we will live, like mother and daughter. You don’t know how happy I am, and how grateful I am to the Virgin to be able to embrace you.
Berta puts on her most special plastic smile in response to this heartfelt speech.
Kari prays for clarity.
At the special surprise dinner, Gonzo’s worried about leaving Berta alone while he and Gina go away, but Hon is on the case and will be in contact with the investigators. Adri and Matias arrive and the announcements begin. Hon starts first and presents Adri with her new official birth certificate. She is now Adriana Sanchez Beltran. She is his and Constanza’s daughter. Adri gets teary and hugs her papa. She is happy to be their daughter.
Kari comes in to the living room to talk to the rest of the La Bonita Gang.
K: With everything that has happened, I realized that I have not taken my life into my own hands. That’s why you all took it upon yourselves to decide for me.
Laz: Karina. You don’t have to say anything.
K: Let me speak Lazaro, please. According to the law, I’m a widow. I know that I was married in the Church. But I also know that God doesn’t approve of abuse or violence. God is a being of love and mercy (misericordia). As of today, I’m going to give myself permission to separate myself from anyone who has treated me with unkindness (brusquedad) or violence. Be who it may, even if it’s my husband. And as of today, I rid myself of all the fears the people who raised and educated me instilled in me. And today, I assume my rights, and will put limits on others, without feeling guilty. Today, I take responsibility to live MY life as I desire. And so I ask you Lazaro, do you still want to marry me?

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