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Thursday, April 26, 2018


Shashi slaps Samrat and says she’s ashamed of him. She raised him and supported him in all and this is what she gets? Urmi sees this.
Urmi later tells this to Ishaan and he can’t believe it. Urmi gives up and says to Ishaan he was right, Samrat will never accept his mistake and they should just tell his truth to the family. This time Ishaan stops her saying he has faith in her. She changed Samrat’s mother today and same way, Samrat will also realise his mistakes.
Later, Urmi writes a letter for Samrat from the hotel where he was going to spend night with Urmi. She writes thank you for stay on 15th April 2015 and he has won 1000 rupees voucher.
Later, all are in the hall and a servant gives letter to Tani. Tani reads it. Samrat shortly joins in and sees family
discussing about his stay in that hotel. He starts getting worried. Urmi asks what he was doing in hotel when he has house there. Tani asks him the same. Samrat starts cooking up the story that it must be old.. before their marriage. Urmi says but letter says date before 1-2 months and if she remembers properly, he went for some puja for family’s happiness. Tani remembers everything and demands him to tell the truth. Urmi smiles. Samrat starts cooking up another story that he went and priest fooled him and ran away with money which Samrat gave for puja’s prep. Tani says to him that he still lied. Samrat says he wanted to tell her, but he got call from her and she looked so happy, so he has decided not to come home. That was worst night ever for him, he had so much guilt for lying. All family members, including Shashi, can’t believe he can lie this much. Anirudh tells Samrat to stop fooling them. He lied that day and he’s lying again. Samrat acts to Tani that this is the reason he can’t tell the truth in this house. No one believes him. Tani agrees with him and asks Anirudh why they never trust him.
Later, Damini goes to Shashi and asks what her and Samrat are made of. Shashi says she can’t understand. Damini tells her that she knew very well Samrat was lying and they both know where he went, then why she didn’t say anything. Does she get happiness seeing Samrat playing with her daughter’s innocence? Shashi is not able to say anything.
Urmi meets Samrat and says he got saved once again. He should be a story writer. And asks him for how long he will lie? One day his lie will come out, then don’t know what will happen with him. What all he didn’t do. He first risked his own son’s life and then in act of treating him, he wanted to win her. He says what win? He didn’t want to come any close. He just wanted to bother her. She says even if he tells that to Tani, she will throw him out of the house and break his legs so he can never return here. Samrat asks her what she wants. He’s doing what she’s saying and she said she will forgive him. She laughs and says she never made any commitments. And forgiveness is given to person who makes one mistake, not to someone who makes mistakes over and over. She may still have forgiven him for all his mistakes, but she will never forgive him for what he did to her son.
Precap: Shashi suggests Samrat to apologise everyone and leave from there. He says he isn’t mad like her that he will do such silly thing. He’s doing a solid arrangement to shut Urmi’s mouth. Now her mouth will open only to eat, nothing else. Urmi and Ishaan are spending emotional romantic time while someone with a masked face, probably Samrat, glares them.
Update Credit to: Niki
Scene 1:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
Anirudh reprimands her for doing something sop evil, and that too by conspiring with samrat, and is unable to believe how his win wife, could stopp this low. he asks her to think what ishaan shall feel when he gets to know this. damini apologises proufsely, vehemently saying that she wanted this earlier, but not anymore at all. She asks him not to tell this to anyone, and begs to be forgiven. he apologises saying that he cant forgive her at any cost. she is apalled.
Later, while all are sitting, damini asks rani to everyday prepare panjiri for urmi, and give it to her for dinner. sandhya comments how much damini wants and cares for her grandchild. Samrat thinks that its been evening, and urmi hasnt gone out, unlike other days. sandhya
asks whats she doing. urmi says that she is planning for her parents’ anniversary, the day after tomorrow. Urmi gets a call, wherein she tells the person that she shall just leave. she tells damini and sandhya that there’s a food inspection in the hotel, and ishaan isnt picking up the phone, hence she has to go. samrat is very happy. Sandhya says that she is tensed for her, that she shall leave this late. She asks if samrat can go for her. he says thats not possible. he asks how can he go, as its urmi’s restaurant. Shashi too insists that samrat should go. Samrat asks if they have gone nuts. damini asks why is she behaving so weird. Urmi is busy in the work. Samrat says that he wishes to stay away from urmi and her work. urmi tells him that its okay, as he wont have to go. she assures damini and sandhya that she shall easily manage, and shall drive safe too. samrat is happy. urmi asks rani to get the car keys. He thinks that finally, urmi’s life is over, as they might be thinking about saving the child, whereas he is concerned for her death. she finally leaves. But before that, she gets ishaan’s call, and tells as to how she had to go out. She then turns around again, and samrat urgently gets up and asks what happened. they are boggled. urmi informs them that ishaan has already reached and she wont have to go. sandhya and damini are relieved, while samrat is disappointed.
The next morning, while samrat reads the paper in the balcony, he overviews urmi, all dressed, ready to go out, and thanks the lrod, for this golden oppurtunity, but just then ishaan calls her from inside, and then asks that he forgot something. he presents her the good luck charm, that this shall keep her safe frm all evil spirits and wrong doings. he himself dons it to her. then he pesters her to stay back, but she says that its important. He allows her to go on one condition, thats to give him a good luck kiss. samrat thinks that this just might be their last kiss. he kisses urmi on the forehead, then get into a fight as to who shall go first. finally, urmi leaves waiving ishaan goodbye. ishaan eyes her and then goes inside. samrat, in the balcony, is amused, that urmi took her car and left. he thinks that the countdown begins, for her last breath.
Scene 2:
Location: On the road
urmi is in a wonderful mood, while driving the car, when suddenyl a truck comes in front, and she tries to control her speed, by pulling the brakes, and is highly tensed when the brakes dont work. she is extremely worried and scared. finally, she sees an inevitable collision, with the bus.
Scene 3:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
While all go about their daily routine, samrat anxiously hopes that any minute now, the news of urmi’s dfeath shall come. the phone finally rings, and samrat is alarmed. but it turns out to be anirudh’s bnusiness call. he is disappointed. Ishaan asks if he is planning to leave, and if he is, he cant go this week, as this friday, they ahave planned for his anniversary. samrat is shcoekd, while tani reprimands him for not remmebering. they both too tell that he cant leave. Anirudh says that they have grown beyond all this, and that there’s no excitement too like before. damini is hurt. ishaan asks her to convince anirudh not to go, as they are all very excited. she tries to badger him, but he lashes at her, saying that work is work, and he cant ignore his professional business. ishaan asks how can he talk like this, since he has always placed family over business. saamrat is frustrated, thinking that soon there shall be grief in the house, with the news of urmi’s death. damini asks him not to go. he angrily says that he doesnt wish to celebrate. all are shocked at his behaviour. Anirudh gets up and says that he shall never ever celebrate and she shouldnt tell him what to do or not to do. he also comments that he has to focus on whats going on in the house, instead of celebrations, and eyes samrat suspiciously. he leaves in a huff. tani comments as to what happened. damini cites that this must be work stress, and excuses herself too. All are boggled, especially ishaan.
In his room, Anirudh is in a fit of anger, when damini comes in asking whats he doing, as by behaving like this, those who dont know shall know too. but he is very angry. she again tries to vehemently deny that she doesnt mean harm now. ishaan, overhearing all this from outside, wonders why she has to apologise. anirudh keeps reprimanding and finally spills out,t aht he cant believe that she had the diea of separating urmi from ishaan, and how she was planning to spoil their marriage, and for that she conspired with the lowlife, samrat. ishaan is shocked to hear this. she asks him to be quiet, and says that she accepts that she made a mistake, and that she apologised, but there’s nothing more she can do for now. ishaan is in a daze. just then, his phone rings and he leaves to receive it. he gets a call from the hotel, asking for the elctricity bill. ishaan asks the receptionist to have urmi speak with him. but he is informed that she hasnt reached there yet. he is boggled as she had left an hour back. he begins to get worried for her, but says that she must be trapped in traffic jam. the screen freezes on his tensed face.
Precap: All are worried, by the eveing, when they dont find any clues about urmi’s whereabouts. sandhya tells them that she didnt receive any calls too. anirudh and ishaan leave to search for her. samrat thinks that its all in vain, as now all they should await for is news of urmi’s death to arrive. On the road, anirudh and ishaan search for urmi and her car, and find that the road ahead is blocked in a particular area. Ishaan asks a traffic inspcetor whats the matter that the road is blocked. the police informs them that there was a car accident of a female in the morning. they are shocked and apalled thinking and hoping that it isnt urmi. they are highly worried.
Update Credit to: Rimjhim

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