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Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Starts with the treasure being loaded into carts and GR escorting the treasure. GR thinking I will deliver this treasure to Gawlior and I will get back all the 16 villages and that LB will be very happy. GR thinking abt LB and is very happyEmbarrassed.  Other hand Manu and her soldiers are getting ready to steal the treasure. LB is doubtful abt Karma's intentions. Manu and her sena waiting for the treasure, and suddenly LB thinks she knows GR very well and he is misleading us and he is taking the treasure through some other way. Manu instructs all the soldiers that she is changing her plans and they move to a different location to loot the treasure. Spears is attacked by Manu and her soldiers followed by some awesome sowrd fight scenes.SS takes the cart and runs away. LB beats up Spears and tells this treasure is ours and not yours. Suddenly LB realizes Karma is missing and there Karma attack GR. Karma is mad that there is no treasure and attacks GR. Karma's soldiers get hold of GR and Karma is abt to Kill GR.  Manu comes comes just in time and puts a rope on Karma's neck and GR is stunned. Manu drags Karma away with GR looking dazed at Manu in KG avatar.  Raghunath comes and tells GR we need to leave and that this place is not safe but GR refuses. GR says he can feel that his LB is some where around .There Lord Dalhousie is mad at Spears and tells him he is bringing in a new officer.
A new British officer with a dog is introduced and he is really cruel. Two old men are asking for food and this officers hangs the food on a stick and starts playing with themAngry. Then he gives them a knife and tells who ever kills the other gets the food and one person kills the other personAngry. Just then the officer gets a letter from Dalhousie asking him to come to Jhansi.
GR is in his court, asking minister how did such a secret news leak from the palace. GR says there is really intelligent and seems mad. Just then the new officer Martin arrives and tells GR that he will get his own treasure. GR shuts him up and tells Martin, he is capable of getting the treasure back himself. Martin warns GR that he hopes GR gets the treasure back and he wishes GR and Jhansi good luck. GR thinking abt what spears told abt there leader and also remembers the eyes of the person who took away Karma and think could this be LB.
Precap: LB and GR palying hide and seek in the Jungle and each thinking to themselves they can feel the others presence.
Starts with LB dragging away Karma. Karma gets down and tells Karma our goal was to steal treasure and not killing GR. Karma tells all the villagers that Rani is not our well wisher but GR's spy. Karma further adds, he was abt to punish GR but Rani saved and and dragged him here.
Karma and the villagers are asking LB why she saved GR and where is the treasure. Just then SS arrives with the treasure and everyone is happy. Karma starts again on why Rani misguided them and SS tells Rani is the one who understood GR's plan. All the villagers are mad at Karma and want him to leave the village and Karma vows that he will reveal Rani's true identity. Spears asks Martin why did he give the responsibility to GR to find the treasure. Martin answers, they are just going to sit and watch Indians killing each other and they don't have to waste there energy in killing them. LB is worried that GR and Jhansi might be in trouble because of stealing the treasure, but SS assures her that everything will be fine. GR is remembering Martin's threats abt finding the treasure and the eyes of the person who saved him from Karma.
Suddenly LB's kangan comes rolling to his feet and he pick it up and goes to LB's room to find Sunder. Sunder informs GR that she was sending LB's jewelery for polishing, adn that Vat Savtri pooja is there next day. GR orders her to send the jewelery for polishing and that LB will definitely come. GR is looking at LB (Ulka's picture) and thinks he is missing her so much and that even he is keeping the vrath on Vat Savitri pooja day for her since she left himEmbarrassed. There LB (Rani attire) is thinking she misses GR and will he even recognize her.Suddenly chota LB(Ulka) appears and tells Bada LB that GR has changed and he wont accept you. if he would have wanted to accept you, he would have accepted you that day only when you spoke abt Karam and Dharam. Badi LB tells, no no this cant be true and that Men usually don't express there love and GR does love her. LOL
LB in Mahaarani attire walks out of her hut and guard starts to follow her. LB says that she does not need protection where she is abt to go. LB starts remembering what Chota LB told her abt GR not loving her. LB goes to the place where she saw GR and GR also reaches the place.There Karma kills the guard and puts some money and gun on him, but a villager sees him and alerts the rest of the villagers. They all beat him up.
LB and GR are walking around a trees in the jungle, LB sitting on the ground and talking to herself and still they dont see each other . LB and GR feel each other presence in the Jungle
Precap: LB is dictating a letter addressing GR, that they are ready to return the treasure, but only on one condition that all the 16 villages are given back to GR and Jhansi. LB gives the letter to a person and tells him to hand over the letter only to GR and no one else and it is very important. Karma hears this.
Starts with the 2 love birds walking around the tree in jungle and not seeing each other. Finally the walk away . There in the village the villagers are beating Karma and Rani reaches and asks whats happening. The villagers tell her that Karma killed a person. But, Karma tells he was protecting her and that was was trying to kill her. The villagers find a gun and money in the dead villagers pocket. Karma starts acting and tells Rani that he was only saving her and to believe him. SS assures that Karma has changed and that Rani should forgive him. GR asking Raghunath that how did the villagers got the information that they were taking treasure in a different route. GR again thinks could it be his Maharani. There Karma is telling his men, how his act was and how intelligent he is and now he will know the relation btw GR and Rani instantly.There the villagers are doing Vat savtri pooja. A lady comes and ask Rani to come and join but she denies. SS asks her to go and participate in the pooja, but Rani/LB tells she feel GR is going to be in trouble soon because of her and she is worried. LB tells that now the British will blame GR for losing the treasure and GR will not take this defeat easily and there will be a war for sure. LB tells that her husband is in trouble and Karma arrives saying your husband, but I never saw him. LB is stunned and tells, yes my husband. LB tells that she has decide to write a letter to GR for making peace so they don't have to live in constant fear that British will attack them adn SS is happy. Karma tells his men she will write the letter definitely and stars laughing.
Vahinis are waiting for GR to come so they can eat. GR arrives when they are taunting him of being devadas. GR asks them to go ahead and eat because he is fasting. Vahinis taunt him saying, being a man he is fasting when they are not even sure if LB is fasting for him. GR tells the vahinis that he is sure LB will fulfill both her Dharam and KaramClap. He further adds, that they should have fasted for his brothers also and if they did they would have been alive now.
LB and GR are writing letters simultaneously that if they return the treasure, the 16 villages will be under Jhansi's control and they don't even have to pay tax ever. GR asks Raghunath to send the letter over to the village and person hears this from behind the curtain. He goes to Martin adn informs abt this and Martin is happy and tells Spears that GR is trapped now.There in the village LB summons someone to take the letter to GR and be careful and Karma is watching this from behind. Both GR and LB are confident that this will bring peace to everyone.
Precap: A dead man on horse arrives in the village symbolizing that GR killed him and there in Jhansi a severed head of the person whom GR sent to the village arrives in the court symbolizing that Rani killed him. GR is very angry and tells that he wanted peace but if they want fight, he is ready to fight.

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