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Friday, April 27, 2018


Starts with LB seeing GR lying on the ground with arrows. She tries to wake him up and she shouts Nahi. (Oh my god this is not a dream ) There in the village all the villagers are cyring over the dead bodies. Then LB decides to take GR to his camp but hears Martin planning to kill GR if he is taken to his camp.Martin is asking the soldiers where GR's dead body is and he wants his dead body. But, the soldier tells he wont go to get the body and walks out and Martin tells the remaining soldiers to kill him and LB sees this. Martin warns Karma that he needs to get GR's dead body else he is in trouble. GR's Ministers are worried as to where GR is and LB takes wounded GR to her place and is crying . She takes out the arrows one by one.( why is she not calling a doctor). LB goes out to takes out Haldi and sees the villagers crying and shouting. They tell LB that they wont leave GR alive. The sadhu and LB trie to calm the villagers but they don't agree and decide to go and kill GR. LB goes into her hut again and checks if GR is still alive or not and the villagers are going crazy outside.
Its morning now and the GR's men are still searching for GR. The horses suddenly stop moving and Raghunath gets down to see whats under the leaves. Raghunath sees a hand with GR's ring and they find GR's body with his head decapitated.
Shradha is with SS and tells him abt last night events. The villagers are still shouting abt killing GR. Karma comes and tells them to stop and tells them that GR is already dead and they start celebrating . SS, Sadhu and Shardha are shocked. LB hears the celebrations and wonders what is happening and SS tells her that they are celebrating GR's death. There in the palace vahinis are crying in front of GR's dead body with the rest of the clan staring and shedding a few tears .
Precap: Vahini is checking if it s indeed GR or not.
Acronymns:SS-Samar singh, LB-Laxmi bai, GR_Gangadhar Rao
God what a pakaavu episode . They are dragging this endlessly with ample amount of drama and masala . Cannot get any worse than this. Miss the JKR show which I fell in love with
Starts with SS informing LB abt GR's death and maha sad music playing in the background . There Martin is celebrating with Spears and Karma. Martin asks Karma to taste English Whisky. Karma reminds Martin abt becoming the head of 16 villages. But Martin says not yet and he still needs to get his treasure back and then he will become head of 16 villages (serves him right for backstabbing his own people ). Karma leaves promising he will get the treasure back. Martin tells Spears that with money they can buy all indians and they are selfish and dont think abt anyone other than themselves.(bitter truth )
In the palace (drama continues) with vahinis crying crocodile tears and they are still doubtful if its GR or not cause his face is full of blood. Moropant is worried how he will show his face to Manu and the Vahinis taunt him and LB and cry some more . Suddenly Lachho comes in crying more loudly than the other 2 vahinis. The Minister tells Lachho she should nto be here, but Lachho tells the Minister that when GR is not alive who is he to give her orders. Now only who ever sits on the throne can give orders (There they started fighting for the throne again ) In the village Karma reaches SS and tells him we should distribute the treasure. But SS tells the treasure should be used for villagers benefit only. Karma ask by the way where is the treasure and SS tells onyl Rani know where the treasure is .
There LB rani is melting Silver coins in a katora and treating GR (oh my god I am surprised GR is still alive ...this is absolutely shocking ). Then they show how LB brought GR to some hiding place and took his clothes and jewelery and put them on a dead body and hid under leaves . GR suddenly asks for water and LB is happy . LB rani remembers what the pandit told her in Bithur, abt writing Om 108 times with out stopping and then the Vibhudi will become Sanjeevini and she starts with the make GR healthy process
. In the palace Martin and Spears arrive with flowers to show there respect. The vahinis are planning with Spears and Martin to get there kids on the throne. They try to lure the two of them with money. Spears and Martin are making fun of the vahinis that these fools think they will get the throne but the throne will only go the British . There GR has high fever .........and LB is doing more pati seva but with no results. LB decides to go bring a doctor and asks god to protect GR while she is away and Sawaariyaa comes and sits on the bed . LB goes to the doctor and Karma sees this (wow this is an awesome never seen before twist ).
Precap: The pandit announces that GR's body needs to be taken to the cemetery, but Moropant stops them saying Manu will definitely come. Suddenly some one walks in (only well manicured legs are shown )and everyone is shocked (another awesome surprise waiting for us on Monday...hold your breaths )
Acronym's: SS-Samar Singh, LB-Laxmi Bai, GR-Gangadhar Rao
Starts with SS informing LB abt GR’s death and maha sad music playing in the background. There Martin is celebrating with Spears and Karma. Martin asks Karma to taste English Whisky. Karma reminds Martin abt becoming the head of 16 villages. But Martin says not yet and he still needs to get his treasure back and then he will become head of 16 villages . Karma leaves promising he will get the treasure back. Martin tells Spears that with money they can buy all indians and they are selfish and dont think abt anyone other than themselves.
In the palace (drama continues) with vahinis crying crocodile tears and they are still doubtful if its GR or not cause his face is full of blood. Moropant is worried how he will show his face to Manu and the Vahinis taunt him and LB and cry some more. Suddenly Lachho comes in crying more loudly than the other 2 vahinis. The Minister tells Lachho she should nto be here, but Lachho tells the Minister that when GR is not alive who is he to give her orders. Now only who ever sits on the throne can give orders . In the village Karma reaches SS and tells him we should distribute the treasure. But SS tells the treasure should be used for villagers benefit only. Karma ask the way where is the treasure and SS tells onyl Rani know where the treasure is .
There LB rani is melting Silver coins in a katora and treating GR . Then they show how LB brought GR to some hiding place and took his clothes and jewelery and put them on a dead body and hid under leavesSleepy. GR suddenly asks for water and LB is happy. LB rani remembers what the pandit told her in Bithur, abt writing Om 108 times with out stopping and then the Vibhudi will become Sanjeevini and she starts with the make GR healthy process. In the palace Martin and Spears arrive with flowers to show there respect. The vahinis are planning with Spears and Martin to get there kids on the throne. They try to lure the two of them with money. Spears and Martin are making fun of the vahinis that these fools think they will get the throne but the throne will only go the BritishClap. There GR has high feverSleepy………and LB is doing more pati seva but with no results. LB decides to go bring a doctor and asks god to protect GR while she is away and Sawaariyaa comes and sits on the bed. LB goes to the doctor and Karma sees this
Precap: The pandit announces that GR’s body needs to be taken to the cemetery, but Moropant stops them saying Manu will definitely come. Suddenly some one walks in and everyone is shocked .
Rani takes the doctor to treat GR. The doctor assure that Maharaaj will be fine. The doctor leaves and is stopped Karma. He tries to lure the doctor with money to tell where he went. But the doctor tells Rani was injured so he went to give her medicine and leaves from there.There in the palace the drama continues with the vahinis and the rest of the clan shedding tears. Everyone is ready to take fake GR’s body to cemetery. But Moropant says we need to wait for Manu. Just then Moti bai walks in and wants to take foot print of GR. Moti bai takes the foot print and looks confused and is abt to say something but keeps quiet looking at the 3 witchesClap. TG notices a confused Moti bai. There Dalhousie, Martin are planning to take over Jhansi using Doctrine of lapse rule .
In the village Karma is thinking abt where Rani could have hid the treasure and SS comes and asks what he is doing in Ranis hut. Karma asks where Rani is and SS says he does not know.SS warns Karma that he should never enter Rani’s hut again without his permission. In the natunkai palace they are abt to take fake GR’s body and Moropant objects, but Vahinis reject and finally GR’s body is taken away. Vahinis are all smiles looking at the throne and imagining god knows what.
All the cartoons leave with fake GR’s body and Moti bai stops Moropant and tells him the body is not GR’s body. Moti bai tells that GR has a mole on his right footROFL. TG and Moropant are shocked out of there wits and there LB is doing pati seva
Precap: GR wakes up and asks how did he come her. Rani is KG avatar comes out and says she brought him here.

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