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Monday, April 30, 2018


Olegario gives presents to Ana. Lupe comes later. Don Lupe thinks that the most convenient way for his daughter to forget Diego is to give his hand to Olegario
After the night together, Laura wants to return but Vicente retains her. Marijose and Mariana are still arguing.
Dulce tells Mariana that she had gone out with Cacho and is afraid of being pregnant. Mariana tries to console her. Prudencia can not believe what her daughters did.
Mariana gives a sedative to Fede during the wedding night and runs away.
Diego returns to see Ana and is surprised to see him at home. Marijose appears in the middle of an argument between Olegario and Fede and asks to speak alone with Fede. Marijose argues with Mariana because she feels betrayed.
Vicente and Laura end up kissing on their birthday day. Lupe goes to get Ana and Santa to take them home and Ana hug her in the rain and she goes back inside before her parents see her. Dulce makes love with Cacho.



After finding out Dal-po’s real name and what her mother did to his family, In-ha breaks down in tears as she confirms that he’s Ki Ha-myung. She cries over and over, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry…”
Dal-po crouches down and holds her hand, and gently tells her that it’s okay. He narrates that she cried like that for over an hour, and they just kept repeating the exact same words to each other: “I’m sorry,” and “It’s okay.”
After a long while, he wipes away her tears, and she stands up with determination. She asks for his story and promises to listen to all of it. Dal-po narrates that he told her his whole life story, and she listened—sometimes with tears, at other moments fired up with anger.
It’s nighttime when he’s done telling her about his past, and she sniffles back a few more tears as she guesses that he must’ve hated her quite a lot throughout the tears. He says matter-of-factly that he did, and she starts to cry again in earnest, as she guesses that he doesn’t even want to look at her anymore, and she’ll just go ahead and disappear.
He practically rolls his eyes and sighs like she’s being a melodramatic teenager, which is maybe the best reaction to noble idiocy ever. He tells her to stop crying because she’s ugliest when she cries, and complains that she’s been bawling for hours and he’s going to freeze to death trying to comfort her, pfft.
He tells to stop blubbering so they can go inside already, and says definitively that when he was Ki Ha-myung, he did hate In-ha and her mother. He always intended to leave when Grandpa got better, but that’s not the case anymore: “I’m Choi Dal-po now, and I have no intention of throwing that name away.” That reassures her, and her tears finally stop.
She starts in on one last question, but stops herself, though the hiccups just give her away when she tries to deny that she’s curious about something. She asks why he’s keeping his identity a secret from Hyung, and Dal-po asks if she can keep a secret. She immediately says not to tell her then, because she can’t keep secrets and he knows it. It’s adorable that she’s sorry he can’t share the burden with her.
They head back down, and In-ha starts to leave for the station, knowing that if she goes home like this, Dad and Grandpa will just grill her with questions and she’ll end up spilling everything about them and Mom and Dal-po’s past. But Dal-po insists she eat dinner at home, and says he’ll make it so that they don’t ask her anything.
So In-ha comes inside five minutes later and joins the family at the table. And just as Dal-po promised, Dad tells her gruffly to eat and says he won’t ask her a single thing. Grandpa shows off his brand new high-def TV, and Dal-po wonders where he got the money, realizing halfway through his sentence that he got it where he always gets it—Dal-po’s piggies. He runs to his room in a panic and all we hear are his cries from the next room.
On their way back out to the station, In-ha asks what Dal-po said to keep Dad and Grandpa from asking her anything, and he says it’s not a big deal—he simply told them she was on her period and super irritable, and would bite their heads off if they asked her stuff. HA. Okay, I see now why dating your not-an-uncle is a bad idea.
She’s pissed, but he points out that they got to eat in peace, and she agrees begrudgingly that it was a good tactic. I love that their tone is still argumentative as he sticks out his hand for her to hold as they walk away.
But uh-oh, Dad comes out just behind them to take the trash out, and sees them walk off holding hands and smiling starry-eyed at each other. And then he gets extra worked up when he sees Dal-po sneak their hands into his jacket pocket. Notably though, he seems peeved at the behavior, not shocked at the show of feelings.
The minute Dal-po walks into YGN, Gyo-dong stops and asks for the tie pin recorder. Dal-po says a little too urgently that he’ll return it himself, even blocking Gyo-dong’s hand as he reaches to unclip it. That just makes Gyo-dong more determined, and he yanks the tie pin off. Crap.
Over at MSC, In-ha can’t hide her disillusionment and refuses to get into an elevator with Mom. And in the background, Hyung is there again, still stalking her every move.
Mom turns to her cameraman to ask what he said to her earlier that day, and he spills the beans about telling In-ha what happened thirteen years ago, in an effort to warn her about how dangerous Ki Jae-myung is to her mother. But Mom is just angry that he told her anything, and refuses to listen to his fears about Jae-myung.
Gyo-dong listens to the tie pin recording, and says that it’s not evidence that Hyung killed the plant manager, but it’s motive, and enough to get the police to start an investigation. Dal-po panics and blocks the door, and Gyo-dong notes that he seems to have made his choice already.
Dal-po asks why they can’t bury it—the world thinks Hyung is a hero, so why can’t they just leave that alone? Gyo-dong surprises him handing over the tie pin, but says that it’s not because Dal-po is right. He’s giving him some time to figure out that the truth will always come out in some form: “And watching that with open eyes, whether pretty or ugly, is a reporter’s job.” He’s a good boss.
At home, Dad is lost in thought as he remembers Little Dal-po vehemently refusing to search for his parents. And in that conversation he had with Dal-po about his feelings for In-ha, Dad had asked one more time about his past, saying that he’s not nervous about Dal-po because of his lack of money or education, but because he doesn’t know about the family he came from. But again Dal-po had refused to talk about it.
He sighs now, wondering what to do. He asks Grandpa what should be done if a family member keeps secrets and won’t talk, and suddenly Grandpa takes a 50,000-won bill out of his pocket and fesses up to taking it. HA. At this point, it’s really everyone else’s fault for leaving their money lying around so temptingly for Sticky Fingers Gramps.
In the morning, Dal-po finds Yoo-rae with her stethoscope on Chan-soo’s door, and they listen in as Chan-soo presents his case to his boss. He says he’s connected the dots between Hyung, the missing plant manager, and Firefighter Dad, and suggests that Hyung could’ve kidnapped the manager, or worse.
That makes Dal-po gulp, but for now, Chan-soo’s boss says it’s a flimsy reason to start a dangerous investigation into a hero of the people. This could end in nothing but embarrassment for their precinct, so Chan-soo is warned to leave it alone until he’s got something more definitive.
Yoo-rae asks Dal-po why Cap gave him Ki Jae-myung’s phone number the other day, and Dal-po glosses over it, saying it’s nothing. She hilariously chooses to pry it out of him with her feminine wiles, and offers to eat a meal with him if he talks, and when he turns her down, she upgrades to a selca. He turns her down again and she scoffs, thinking that he’s trying to play her hot and cold.
Dal-po takes a moment alone, as Chan-soo’s suspicions, Yoo-rae’s questions, and Cap’s warnings swirl in his head.
In-ha and Beom-jo spend the day manning the tip line at the station, and after taking a million prank calls, Beom-jo declares that the dirty precinct is better than this. When Mom comes by, Beom-jo reports that they have nothing except a bunch of pranksters and callers asking for apologies, and In-ha says she ignored the requests for an apology thirteen years ago too.
Mom points out that she did apologize, and repeats the line she said in her broadcast after Hyung became a hero. In-ha asks bitterly how a person could apologize with so little sincerity, and says that Ki Jae-myung’s anger is understandable.
Mom grits her teeth and asks defensively, “What did I do that was so wrong?” Hm, that question sounds familiar. She asks if she reported the story with some kind of personal vendetta, and shouts, “I didn’t ask because I was curious! The whole nation was curious, so I asked in their place! Why do I have to apologize for that?” Wow, it’s actually more frightening that she thinks she wasn’t wrong.
Both mother and daughter reel after their confrontation, and curiously, Mom has an entire stack of black flip-phones on her desk. That can’t be coincidence—was she searching for her old phone all this time?
Downstairs, Beom-jo’s mommy comes to hand him a few more cell phones and asks why he’s working so hard to smooth over In-ha’s relationship with her mother. He says that he stole those texts for thirteen years, and wonders if maybe things between them might be different if her mother had received those texts. He feels like owes In-ha a debt, and that’s why he sought her out in the first place.
Mommy says that’s a relief, because she wondered if maybe he had feelings for In-ha. She knows that In-ha likes someone else, and doesn’t want Beom-jo to get hurt. But Beom-jo asks what if he’s already hurting—at first he was just curious about In-ha and it didn’t concern him if she liked another man, but now it’s starting to hurt.
That brings Mommy near tears, as she asks what on earth Dal-po has on her perfect Beom-jo, but he says that Dal-po is the person who makes In-ha laugh and cry. It’s funny that he seems more mature about this than Mommy, who pouts like it’s unacceptable.
So next thing we know, Mommy marches over to see Dad at his real estate office, and he nervously serves her a cup of tea, wondering why she’d come to see him. She cuts to the chase and says that Beom-jo likes In-ha, and when Dad says he didn’t know, her tone suddenly shifts, and dramatic music cues the inner makjang chaebol mother-in-law to come out.
She throws her tea in Dad’s face and asks how he could sit and let his lowly daughter look up at her perfect son, and throws money in his face to take care of it.
Dad blinks in terror… only to have Mommy repeat her first question. Ha, he imagined it all. Dad’s fantasies are the best. To his utter shock, when he assures her that he’ll talk to In-ha and keep her away from Beom-jo, Mommy cries that he can’t do that—she came here to ask for his help in getting them together.
He goes home with this goofy smile plastered on his face, wondering if he’s going to become in-laws with the president of a shopping mall. But suddenly the vision of In-ha and Dal-po walking away hand-in-hand brings his dream to a screeching halt, and he decides to call In-ha to ask her directly.
I love how blunt this family is. He just calls and asks if she likes Dal-po, and she looks over at Dal-po sitting next to her, and just answers into the phone, “Yes, I do.” Dad clarifies that he meant, as a man, and In-ha says very clearly, “I like Dal-po. As a man.” Omo.
Dad just hangs up, and then immediately texts Dal-po to meet him tomorrow. In-ha wonders how Dad found out, and says that she’ll meet Dad instead and explain everything herself. But Dal-po just pulls her chair close (rawr) and says he’s going to meet Dad and do all the explaining, so she needn’t worry.
The next day, Dad preemptively shovels shaved ice into his mouth on a freezing cold day, because his insides are boiling. He asks again about Dal-po’s birth family, reiterating that the only reason he’s against Dal-po is because he won’t talk about it. Dad says that if he tells him, he’ll think about giving him and In-ha his blessing: “That’s not an approval! I said I’d THINK about it!”
So Dal-po finally tells him that his father was a civil servant and his mother was a housewife, but then he lies that he’s an only son. He says that his parents died in an accident and other relatives didn’t want to take him in, and that’s the reason he didn’t want to find his family. I feel like it’s a bad idea to lie when Dad’s being so open-minded, but okay.
Dad seems reassured after that, and starts his speech about In-ha, but Dal-po cuts him off to say that he knows—In-ha is his precious only daughter and he wants her to be protected and happy. Dal-po has memorized this speech forwards and backwards, and Dad nods that it’s okay as long as he knows that. Aw, is he giving his approval?
Dad can’t help but regret the other option though, and whines that Dal-po should know what enormous thing (chaebol in-laws) he’s giving up right now, heh. He doesn’t say it out loud and just gulps down more shaved ice, and Dal-po’s grateful smile just makes him more upset. He adds quickly that he did NOT give an official approval—he’s thinking about it. I luff Dad.
Dal-po narrates that the cost of staying silent about Hyung was sweet… at first. Hyung remained a hero of the people, and Dal-po got to be happy with In-ha. We watch as they sneak hugs in the halls of the precinct like adorable little lovebirds. “But that happiness was slowly disappearing…” We cut to Hyung staring at the flyer he took for the special broadcast news lecture that Mom is giving at MSC.
The YGN news team heads out for a company dinner, and they happen to be seated right next to the MSC team in the same restaurant. MSC loudly toasts to their success as the ratings leader, and the YGN team stews impotently.
All their attempts to counter get shut down Director Lee, but he does perk up when Gyo-dong loudly declares that he won’t be attending the special lecture Song Cha-ok (that Director Lee wasn’t asked to do this year) because he doesn’t need to learn how to make news out of scandal. The YGN team toasts to doing news their way, and bitterly order the cheap samgyupsal as MSC orders more prime beef.
In-ha asks if Dal-po is coming to Mom’s lecture today, and he says that all the rookies were ordered to attend. As she fixes his hair to look presentable, she tells him to say what he wants to Mom, and he says he already said everything during their YGN interview debate. She recalls with a wince and wonders if he’s reminded of her mother when he looks at her, but he just pinches her cheeks and says her face makes him laugh.
Hyung takes his dog to his coworker and asks the ajusshi to take him in, because he’s moving far away. Uh-oh, you’re planning something really stupid, aren’t you?
At MSC, the cameraman who’s worried for Mom’s safety remembers seeing Beom-jo wrist-grab Mom out of the elevator the other day and mistakes that for a crush. He looks Beom-jo up and down and feels up his biceps, deciding that a smitten bodyguard might do some good.
So he tells Beom-jo that Hyung might come to today’s lecture and do something dangerous to Mom, and asks for his help. He’s planning to tail Hyung today just in case, but can’t drive. Beom-jo’s got that covered, and takes him to his garage filled with cars all for his personal use.
They wait outside Hyung’s apartment and watch as he’s greeted fans, and Beom-jo wonders why a hero would do something dangerous. But the cameraman says it’s dangerous to judge a person only the ten minutes that they’ve seen, and orders him to follow. It doesn’t take long for Hyung to notice that he’s got a tail, and he calls his ajusshi friend for another favor.
Dal-po arrives at MSC for the lecture, and comes face-to-face with Mom. She remembers him and admits that she didn’t expect a taxi driver to become a reporter, and tells him to bark all he wants if he’s the wolf he said he’d be.
He tenses up and balls up his fists, fire in his eyes… but then he spots In-ha standing just behind her and holds back. He says he’s here today to learn, not bark, and even bows.
Yoo-rae arrives at the lecture hall proudly sporting her YGN jacket, prepared to cut Mom down to size because she’s still bitter about failing the MSC interview. She sees In-ha in front of her and apologizes, but In-ha tells her to do her best.
Hyung stops during his water delivery route at his coworker’s house, and in the car, Beom-jo hears the rest of the backstory from the cameraman. He’s much more alarmed when he realizes that Hyung could be a danger to In-ha too.
Just before the lecture begins, the higher-ups at YGN start sneaking in with turtlenecks pulled up to their eyes, and discover their colleagues all sitting neardoing the exact same thing. Gyo-dong: “I was just passing by!” Uh, you work in a building thirty feet away.
Mom begins her lecture on Fact and Impact, and gives examples of how most other stations like YGN report the straight facts in the dullest way possible, while her strategy at MSC is to keep the facts but change the way the headline is crafted for most impact, which she calls adding seasoning.
Meanwhile, Beom-jo stays on Hyung’s tail even when he gets on the highway headed down to Busan, determined to keep In-ha safe. But as suspected, it’s Hyung’s coworker behind the wheel of his truck, and when we return to the lecture hall, Hyung is already sitting in the audience.
Mom turns to the floor for questions, and everyone nudges Yoo-rae to go ahead and cut her down with a direct question instead of just coughing up snide remarks from the peanut gallery. So she stands up and proudly introduces herself as a YGN reporter, and then asks if Mom has gotten Botox. Wah waaaaah. The YGN execs shrink in their seats, mortified at the question, and Mom thanks her for a prime example of fact-less and impact-less news.
She looks right at Dal-po as she says that it might be one thing if they didn’t know what a reporter does, but now that they do, it’s hard to just bark without any basis. His lips curl up in anger, and he looks like he’s about to blow. Do it! Stand up!
In-ha turns around to look at him and sees how much he’s holding back, and raises her hand for a question. Omo, is she going to challenge her mother in Dal-po’s place? She takes the mic and asks if Mom has ever ignored fact in favor of impact. Oooo, them’s fightin’ words.
Mom lies through her teeth that she’s never done that, and In-ha just sits back down. But then her hiccups start, and she pointedly says she can’t seem to understand her answer, when she knows that thirteen years ago, Mom ignored the chances that Firefighter Dad died in the line of duty in favor of breaking the news that he was alive.
She continues to say that Mom chose to edit interviews with the family members to exclude fact and change the story, making them outcasts, and leading a mother to end her and her son’s lives. She calls it a perfect example of how dangerous it is to report news with impact, without fact. Hyung’s eyes fill with tears as he listens to In-ha’s words.
Mom is ruffled, but she says that she did nothing wrong, since all she did was believe the Pinocchio witness. In-ha is reminded of giving that very same excuse in the debate, and what Dal-po had said to her in response. She says Dal-po’s words now to her mother:
In-ha: Someone once said that people believe that Pinocchios always tell the truth. And people believe that reporters only tell the truth, just like Pinocchios. Pinocchios and reporters alike should have known that, and should know that their words are more frightening than anyone else’s. That is what you did wrong—your carelessness destroyed one family. Therefore, you share responsibility in this tragedy. You experienced that thirteen years ago but are still promoting impact—I see that you’re the same trash reporter* you were then.
Slow clap. I know they were Dal-po’s words, but wow do they feel different coming out of In-ha. [*The “trash reporter” is a bit of jargon they learned at the precinct that mashes “reporter” and “trash.” The word is less harsh in Korean, but the way In-ha means it now is as scathing as it sounds.] Mom is stunned and has absolutely nothing to say in defense.
Dal-po crouches with In-ha in the hallway afterwards, and she wonders if she’ll be fired before she ever becomes an official reporter. She asks if YGN might take her instead, and he deflates her with a no. He asks why she did it when even he was doing a good job of holding back, and she says it’s because he was holding back—she could see that and she knew she’d hiccup if she didn’t say something.
He asks if she’s okay, and when she tries to avoid the question running away, he traps her with his arms like before. She admits that she’d like to say yes, but she can’t because that’s her mother, no matter how hateful. But she hates even more that saying that will just make Dal-po worry about her. She asks him to just say what’s on his mind to her mother when he wants, instead of holding it in. He gives a little nod.
Mom tries to remain placid on the surface, but she erupts and throws her lecture notes to the ground, finally showing some signs of human emotion.
The YGN foursome crosses the street back to their station, and Director Lee wonders why In-ha’s words sounded so familiar. Gyo-dong says it’s what Dal-po yelled at her during their debate, and that it seems that the words have been delivered to their intended target at last. The rest of them wonder what he’s talking about.
It’s only when they arrive at a rest stop that Beom-jo sees the ajusshi come out of Hyung’s truck, and he calls Dal-po in a panic to ask where In-ha and her mother are, and warns him about Hyung. Dal-po runs back inside MSC… just in time to watch Hyung take the elevator up just seconds behind In-ha, staring up at her the whole time. Ack, ruuuuun!
In-ha gets off the elevator and takes a call from Dal-po, but Hyung grabs her and pulls her into a storage room before she can say anything. He slams her up against the wall and asks how she knew about those things she said in the lecture, naming the details she added like his dad’s promise to see fireworks and his mother being ostracized in the marketplace.
He says that no one but his family knew those things, and demands an answer. In-ha is terrified, but says she can’t tell him how she knows. He screams at her to tell him, just as Dal-po runs up and slams into Hyung.
Dal-po gets up to check on In-ha (Can’t we run first, check later?!) and Hyung slams him up against the other wall. Dal-po begs, “Hyung, please.” Hyung growls at him not to call him that, but Dal-po finally says, “It’s me, Hyung… it’s Ha-myung.”
A tear falls as he says his own name, and Hyung just stares back, numb with shock. He says it again: “I’m your brother, Ki Ha-myung.


Dev catch his father red-handed playing cards and reminisces Goonjun’s words that his father is acting to extract Payal’s salary. He forces his father to follow him. Balaram tells Indu that he wants to extend his job. She says now Rajath is working well and has taken responsibility of the house, so he should enjoy his retirement. He adds that just like she enjoys doing household chores to be fit and for peace of mind, he also wants to do the same. Indu says nobody can win him in talks and smiles. Meanwhile, Payal prepares Dev’s favorite dishes. Guddi says her brother will gain weight if he eats her tasty food and asks her to also teach her how to cook. Payal says Dev told her that he will be back by afternoon. Just then, Dev comes and Guddi asks him to sit for lunch as Payal prepared his favorite dishes. He starts scolding Payal and asks her to stop trusting his father and family. He continues that she always gives leniance to them, but they misuse it. She asks what happened and asks her father-in-law where is his bandage and wounds. Dev says all was fake and he was acting. Jagadev signals Aditya to speak up. Aditya asks what happened. Dev tells everyone that his father was gambling with Payal’s hard earned money. Santoshi and Guddi are shocked.
Dev continues that Payal works hard for the salary and his father ruthlessly burning the money in gambling. Jagadev asks him to stop insulting him. Dev says he deserves it and says Payal will silently tolerate all this as she married him. He adds that the marriage would not have happened. He further says in this house, women are are always considered to be slaves and he will change this rule from today. He then says he will stand for his mother now. He was happy that Payal considered his mom for the responsibility and gave her salary to run the house, but his dad kicked her and snatched the whole money to gamble. Dev asks him to return the money to his mother. Jagadev asks if he has gone mad and says Santoshi does not know how to run house and will overspend. He was gambling for the house’s prosperity. Payal says the house cannot prosper with gambling money. Dev threatened his dad to return the money to his mother, else he will leave the house with Payal for forever. Jagadev hesitantly gives the salary to her. Payal smiles and tells her mother-in-law that she is sure she can run the house well. Goonjun thinks Payal is controling the house now and soon she will acquire it. Payal happily takes Santoshi to the kitchen.
Jagadev tells Aditya that Payal salary easily went into Santoshi’s hand and if this continues, soon women will control them. He says he is very cruel and knows how to prove that Santoshi is incapable of running the house, then all the control will come back in his hand. He asks how is this idea. Aditya says it is very good. Santoshi calls him for lunch. He says if he eats, he will be energetic and can think more cruel plans. Santoshi serves food to her husband and asks Payal to take the food for Dev. Payal takes Dev’s food to the terrace where he is staying and says he did wrong today and she just wants to say he did good by giving the house’s responsibility to mom, but he should not have threatened his dad to leave the house as this house is theirs and they are his parents. Though they are wrong and they will continue to be on the right path. Adding that they cannot fight with their own parents and should not trouble them. He says he had to do it to teach him a lesson and he had to say that to make them realize that they are wrond and have to change their way. She asks if this way is right. He says he has to use wrong route to get wrong people on track. She asks him to promise her that he will not repeat about leaving the house. He promises her that he will not. He says he is very hungry now. She asks when he is so hungry, then why did he leave the food downstairs. He says he knows she will come up with the food. Their romantic song Nain Matakka song plays in the background, looking at each other’s face and getting shy.
Santoshi counts the money. Jagadev who intend to comes up with a plan to show that Santoshi doesn’t know how to handle money comes to her and acts as apologizing and says she can run the house better than him. She gets happy hearing this and asks if he is telling the truth. He says yes, he apologize to her and calling her darling and tells her to accept the rose flower from him. She shyingly accepts the rose and asks not to embarrass her. He hugs her and says he love her. He makes her sit. He continues praising her. But his plan involves something that Santoshi instantly agrees upon as Guddi comes there and informs them that the debtors are waiting outside. He asks Santoshi to clear his debt and says he will finish all the money. Santoshi instantly says she will clear their debts and leaves with Guddi. Jagadev smirks and says he called the debtors to finish Santoshi’s money. On the other hand, Dev helps Payal prepared food and gets his hand burnt. Payal gets tensed. Their silent romanc starts again. Santoshi enters and says she wants to perform shanti pooja at home. Payal says she knows it's rules and she will also take her mother-in-law’s help.
Payal speak to her mother-in-law about the Grah Shanti Puja at home. Santoshi asks Guddi to help Payal with the arrangements. Guddi makes excuse and goes to her room. Santoshi tells Payal that she will help her. Payal says she will do the work herself and asks her to rest. Dev tells his mother that he will help Payal and asks her to rest. Santoshi gets happy and blesses them. He appreciates Dev for helping Payal. They do the work together. Payal asks Dev to go and sleep. Dev says okay and goes to sleep. Payal gets tensed that pooja item has not reached yet and decides to call her mother for help. She calls her mother up and tells her that she isn’t getting time to talk on phone. She asks about the puja and asks about the things to be used in Puja. Indu tells about the things needed for the Puja. She asks her to come with Dev and disconnects the call. Indu tells her husband that Payal proved her wrong and is taking care of both the house and office. Balaram gives the credit of Payal’s success to Indu’s upbringing and values.
Goonjun comes down and asks if she is doing this too. She says she is working daughter-in-law in day time and house work daughter-in-law in the evening. She asks what she is doing. Payal tells her that she is making preparations for Grah Shanti Puja. Goonjun says she didn’t know anything and asks her if they taught her to hide things from her. Payal says she was busy so she forgot to tell her. Goonjun says she know what is brewing between her ( Payal ) and her mother-in-law. Payal tries to speak but Goonjun asks her to stop and says she won’t let her dream come true of becoming queen of the house and proudly says as she made her greedy father-in-law dance on her tune, so why can’t Payal. She reminds her that she is Goonjun. Payal looks on silent.
Santoshi comes out and sees mud stains on the floor. She calls out to Payal. Payal gets shocked and says she had cleaned everything in the night. Jagadev comes there and says the priest is already on the way and would be reaching here soon Payal gets tensed and Goonjun smirks seeing her situation. Jagadev is also shocked to see the foot steps mud marks. Goonjun sympathizes with Payal and says she splashed the water on her arrangements. Payal says she will clean the floor fast. Santoshi feels for her and she have to work for her in the kitchen. Payal says she already cooked something in the night. Just then Santoshi sees the servants coming back home and says God has come to their house. The servants greet them. Santoshi gets happy and asks them to clean the floor fast.
Balaram and Neelu ask Indu to serve them food fast. He clicks the photo of the empty plate and says he will upload it on facebook. Indu comes there and scolds them for making an issue. Rajath calls everyone and says he have a surprise for them all. He takes them outside the house. Payal on the other hand asks the servant to change the water of the pulses utensils. She says it has rotten and bad smell is coming from it. Payal thinks how can it be possible? She gets the pulses box and sees it empty. She wonders what to do with the pulses. Jagadev tells Aditya that he will make Santoshi use all her money, to make her feel incompetent to take care of the expenses. The priest comes there and blesses everyone. The priest asks him to do the puja and says they will start the puja in 10 minutes. Santoshi asks what it's means? But things get very tense at the house when this “plan” walks through the front door as the priest calls other 10 priest. Santoshi gets shocked to see the 11 priests. Aditya and Jagadev smirks. The priest inform them that 11 priests are needed for this puja. Dev offers to help Payal but she refuses and asks Dev to help his father. Santoshi asks how did 11 priests come here? She then says she didn’t make the arrangements for 11 priests. Jagadev lie that he told her that 11 priest will come. Aditya asks how can she be so careless? Santoshi says she didn’t remember anything. Payal gets tensed.


The police arrives at venue and arrest Purvi taking her from there. Twinkle feels relax and says to herself that Purvi wont be able to blackmail her dad ( Manohar ) now. Seeing that Purvi gets arrested right before the dress up contest, Yuvi thinks that Twinkle failed his plan again, now Kunj and Twinkle can move closer so he have to make another plan to separate them. Just when Twinkle is about to leave from the competition, the host ask all participants to come on stage as the competition must go on. Twinkle thinks she doesn't need to take part now as her purpose for taking part in competition is completed, so she will not stay here and she hope Kunj understands her now, she really miss him. She turns and sees Kunj standing there, Sajna Ve song plays in the background. Kunj asks Twinkle where is she going? Twinkle says her reason for participating in this contest is over so she is going home. Kunj asks if she want to show how great she is and that her husband doesn't support her. Twinkle says nothing like that but she is not in mood to take part and also reminds him that he didn't want her to take part in it. Kunj says he know she is doing all this to act that she is great and can sacrifice anything. Kunj then asks why did she take part in it in the first spot? He reminds her that she is doing all this for Mahi and she can't leave it in middle now. Kunj says he don't know if she care about her reputation or not but he do care for his wife's reputation. She gets happy listening to this and hugs him, Sajna Ve song plays in the background. Yuvi sees this and gets angry. Kunj tells her to come on and show them they are not the one's to run away and show them how to win it, he holds her hand and brings her on stage. The host announce that the participants husbands will have 5 minutes to make their wives ready and whoever do it better will be the winner. The round starts, Kunj picks the saree, ties it on Twinkle, they share eyelock with pleasure, Manmarziyan song plays in the background. Twinkle keep looking at him with love. Yuvi sees them in anger and unknowingly pins needle on Mahi’s shoulder, she screams in pain and he apologize to her for this. Kunj gets more closer to Twinkle and makes her wear bangles, the host announces that only 30 seconds left. Yuvi is concentrating on Kunj and Twinkle. Twinkle point to her neck and he nods to her. Kunj brings the necklace, he comes closer to Twinkle, she feels his closer and closes her eyes. He makes her wear the necklace round ends. Yuvi, who is watching them feels nervous and mistakenly break the necklace he is to put on Mahi's neck and gets hyper. It becomes clear to everyone else that Kunj and Twinkle are perfect for each other and the host announce that Kunj Sarna have won the round, Twinkle and Kunj shares eyelock. Yuvi get more angry.
Twinkle and Kunj comes back home. Bebe gives them her blessings and congrats both of them. She says she was worried when she saw it on Tv, and that Kunj did great work and made Twinkle wear the saree. Kunj says Twinkle was guiding him. Bebe says husband and wife are like this, they together can win in any situation and their couple is special. Yuvi and Mahi comes there feeling jealous them. Yuvi thinks that his plan failed but by making Mahi losing, Mahi is going far away from Twinkle more. Bebe tells Mahi not to worry that many rounds are remaining and she lost only to her sister and asks her to smile. Mahi smiles and Bebe leaves. Twinkle tries to talk to Mahi but she leaves. Yuvi claps for them and says they both are fooling people that they love each other, but they don't have any relation like real husband and wife and this marriage is just a compromise, he leaves while Kunj looks on. Chinki comes there and congrats Twinkle for winning this round and compliment them that they both have awesome chemistry but there is one problem as she have become fat. Twinkle is shocked and says she will have to lose weight now. She asks how she would loose weight within days. Forgetting that it's ladies talk, Kunj who is standing there says she is not fat and don't need to lose weight as he can embrace her easily and that her waist is perfectly fit in his arms. Twinkle is blush, she eyes him that Chinki is standing there. Kunj gets embarrassed after realising this and gets conscious, he says she don't need to lose weight and he have something to do inside, he leaves. Chinki starts teasing Twinkle that if Kunj doesn't have problem then what can she ( Chinki) say? Twinkle asks her to shut up. Chinki asks what's going on between her and him as they both share good chemistry. Twinkle try to avoid her question and jokingly scold her that she say anything she want. Chinki again asks her to tell her what is it? A shy Twinkle runs from there. Yuvi is sitting in his room and recalls Kunj and Twinkle’s closeness. Mahi asks him to apply ointment on her back as the needle was pinned there. Yuvi thinks that he have to pretend to love her and now he have to serve her too. He brings detol chemical. On seeing this with him, she asks if they don't have ointment? She tells him that this will be itchy. Yuvi thinks in his heart that he want her to feel the pain so that Twinkle feels the pain too seeing her. Yuvi lie that they don't have ointment and left with no choice, Mahi tells him to apply it her. Yuvi applies the chemical on her and Mahi screams out in pain. Twinkle comes there and tells Mahi that she have the ointment and offer to apply it on her. Yuvi angrily snatch it from her and says no need that he is here to serve his wife, adding that she ( Mahi) is already in stress and request Twinkle not to make her more tensed. He tells Mahi that he know this chemical is itchy but it will make her fine soon. Mahi says she trust him, and tell him to apply it on her. Twinkle thinks how would she tell Mahi that Yuvi is psycho and just taking advantage of her, she leaves in anger.
Twinkle comes in her room and looks at Kunj, Chup tum Raho song plays in the background, they share eyelock, Twinkle is sad, she goes to her bed while Kunj sits on the couch. Kunj thinks that Twinkle came from Yuvi’s room so she must be tensed, he calls himself an idiot that he knew Twinkle is doing all this for Mahi still he behaved rudely with her. Kunj lies on the couch, Twinkle looks at him, she lies on bed, both look at each other, both ask what? Kunj says nothing, Twinkle says nothing and they both try to sleep. While Kunj sleeps off, Twinkle stare at him with love, she gets up from bed and closes the window as Kunj is feeling cold. She walks toward Kunj and wakes him up. Kunj wakes up and asks what happened? Twinkle says it's cold today. Kunj asks if she is feeling cold? He gives her his blanket but she says she don't need blanket and asks what will he use now? Kunj says he is fine and he dont feel much cold. Twinkle says actually she was saying but Kunj interrupts her asking her what happened? She says he understand himself but Kunj says he will understand only if she speak up. Twinkle says she is saying it's cold so he can sleep on bed. Kunj gets shocked and asks if she is alright that he should sleep on bed and she on couch? A confused Kunj who doesn't understand her tells Twinkle that she won't be able to sleep here as she is not use to sleeping on the couch and tells her to go and sleep on the bed. Twinkle murmurs to herself that he doesn't understand what she is trying to say to him. He asks why is she murmuring to herself. Twinkle says she want him to sleep on bed with her. Kunj is shocked listening this and asks him and her together on bed?. She says yes that he can sleep on bed, him on one side and she on the otherside. She explains to him that they can share bed in a limit. She puts pillows in center of bed to create a wall between them, she says she have made border and he can sleep on one side. Kunj asks if she is fine and is ready to share bed with him? Twinkle correct him that she is not sharing but she have made border and if he sleep in cold area then he will get flu and she will get it from him which she don't want so he can sleep on bed. A nervous Kunj comes to sleep on bed but Twinkle tells him this is her side and he can sleep on the otheside? Kunj goes to the otherside of bed and sit down looking at her. Twinkle closes their room door. Kunj is uncomfortable and lies on bed. Twinkle switches off the lights, she lies on her side of bed, Chup Tum Raho song plays in the background, both look at each other, Twinkle turns away, Kunj looks at her and also turns away too, both are not able to sleep. Just then, Twinkle’s phone rings and since their phones are placed in the middle of the bed, both try to take their phone and Kunj mistakenly holds Twinkle’s hand instead of his phone, she looks at him and takes her hand away. She checks her phone while he looks at her, Twinkle lies down, turns away, he turns away too and both smile to themselves. The next morning, Twinkle is sleeping close to Kunj, she is lying her head on Kunj’s hand without any demarcation between them. Kunj wakes up and sees this, he looks at Twinkle and lovely says she look so innocent and pretty while sleeping like a kid, she look cute but when she wake up, her drama mode is on and she make him fall in her trap too, he tries to take his hand away but Twinkle comes more closer to him in her sleep and holds his hand, Sajna Ve song plays in the background, Kunj gives up and lies down with her.
Kunj tries to wake up and they both fall off from bed as Twinkle moves along with him in her sleep while he try to adjust himself. They both get up, Twinkle asks how did they fall? Kunj says because of her and tells her to get off him and taunt her that Chinki is right that she is fat. Bebe comes in their room and asks where are they? Twinkle gets up from the floor and says yes Bebe, Kunj also gets up too. A surprise Bebe asks why they are lying on the floor? Kunj make up an excuse that they were doing Yoga and his aunt should do it too. Bebe is not convince and says she just came to say that they both should go to Guradvarah temple to pray for the competition’s last round and taunt them to do their Yoga, she leaves. Kunj angrily tells Twinkle that she kicked him and he fell, accusing her that she is a bruce lee in bed. Twinkle blunt out that she sleep on her side only. Kunj laughs at her and says she should see how much she kicked him. Twinkle suggests they should fit camera inside their room and then see who move legs in their sleep like Bruce lee. Kunj is not in the mood to argue with her and tells her to let him sleep. Twinkle leaves. Later, Kunj and Twinkle comes to Guradvarah temple. Twinkle gets her mom’s call, she inform Kunj it's from her mom and she takes it. Leela says she came to her house and Bebe told her that tomorrow is the last round of the contest so she went to pray. Twinkle tells her mom that she want Mahi to win that's why she came to pray for her. Leela is impress with her and praise her that she have big heart as she always pray for others, and advice her that today to pray for herself that hers and Kunj’s relation become more stronger and her love remains same, reminding her that very less people get loving partners who always show them right path in difficult situation, and that she have Kunj in her life to protect her, she tells her to pray that their relationship always remain intact from evil eye and their love should increases. Twinkle lovely looks at Kunj, Sajna Ve song plays in the background, she leaves from there. Twinkle comes inside the temple and prays, she recalls her mom’s words, she thinks that she have question, she wanted a loving life partner and wonders if Kunj is that one? The priest comes there and says she have questions in her mind but she already know the answer, he tells her to just close her eyes and ask from her heart and not from her mind, then she will get the answer, he leaves. Twinkle closes her eyes, and opens it, she looks on. On the other hand, Kunj is serving people in Guradvarah temple. Twinkle lovely looks at him cooking food for the poor, she smiles. Kunj helps people in their work and she admires him more seeing how he help others. Twinkle starts helping in work too, she notices the food is not cover and to avoid sand to spread in the food, she rushes to closes the lid of the pan and her hand gets burned in the process. Kunj sees this and shouts out Twinkle's name, he rushes to her and step on a wounding fire without knowing, she notice this while he comes running to her and blows air on her hand, he puts water on her while Manmarziyan song plays in the background. Twinkle stares at him while Kunj caresses her head and leaves. Twinkle smiles.
Twinkle is serving poo food to the people in the temple but she is unable to hold the spoon properly because of her burnt's hand. Kunj notice this, he comes there and takes the container from her as her hand is burned, he starts serving the people while holding Twinkle’s hand, they both serve them the food to the poor together and Twinkle keep looking at Kunj, he looks at her and she smiles. Kunj comes to the lake side of Guradvarah temple and prays. Twinkle recalls the priest’s words to close her eyes, she will know the answer. Kunj starts coming to her, Twinkle recalls their first meeting at Guradvarah temple, how they both came closer, Sajna Ve’s new version song plays in the background, she recalls their marriage, how Kunj saved her in Goa and she realises that she's fallen in love with him. Kunj comes to her. Twinkle bends and touches his feet to takes his blessings, Rab Ne Banadi Jodi song plays in the background. Kunj is surprised to see this change behaviour from her and asks what is she doing and why did she touch his feet? He then asks if she have gone mad? Twinkle says she feels like doing it and smile. Kunj says she is weird and do stupid things, he tells her not to touch his feet again as it feels weird and it doesn't suite her too. Twinkle smiles at him and asks if they can leave? They start to leave while Twinkle is continuously staring at him.
While Leela is busy in work at her house, Twinkle comes there, she thanks her mom and hugs her, she continuously thanks her. A curious Leela asks for what? Twinkle says for everything, for being there with her, for taking right decisions for her, for thinking about her future and for Kunj as Kunj is so nice, she is so lucky that he is her partner. Leela asks her what happened to her? Twinkle says she just felt like thanking her and she peck her mom on her cheek. Leela says Kunj is lucky too that he got her and she( Twinkle ) is not less than him, and they both are perfect for each other, she hugs her. Twinkle thinks that in this compromise wedding, she fell in love with Kunj but she don't know if he loves her or not. After realises that she has fallen in love with Kunj, she decides to find out as she fears that he doesn't feel the same. Meanwhile, Yuvi says to himself that now it's time to play his last trump card, Kunj and Twinkle can never be together, in final round of the competition and Twinkle will lose her respect, her dignity and everything, and happily says just wait and watch. Twinkle and Mahi comes to the competition venue, Leela says they both are same for her. Twinkle calls out to Mahi, Leela asks Mahi if she will not wish her sister? Twinkle says it's okay, she is elder to her so she will wish her, she wishes Mahi to win the competition.
The competition starts, the host says in this round. The wives will go in swimming pool, they have to find heart shaped cushion and bring it to her husband and the one who do it least time will win it, adding that all wives have to wear swimming costume. On hearing this, Twinkle recalls how Kunj was reluctant about her wearing swimming costume, Twinkle thanks the host for giving her this opportunity but she can't wear swimming costume as she feels uncomfortable wearing it so she quit, she leaves. Kunj is shocked. Mahi asks Yuvi how can she wear swimming suit? He says it's okay. Kunj comes to Twinkle and asks why is she quitting? Twinkle says because she is Sarna family’s daughter-in-law and she can't put their respect at stake for a competition. Kunj asks if she will leave the competition just because of a suit? Twinkle reminds him that even him said that people comment by seeing girl in short dresses. Kunj says he know how much hard work she did to come till here so she can't leave it now, she have to take part in it and order her to come with him. Kunj brings Twinkle to the host and says their is a was confusion and informs the host that Twinkle will take part in the competition. Yuvi is shocked and thinks Kunj ruin his plan. Both Twinkle, Ruhi and Mahi comes in swimming suit. Ruhi goes in the swimming pool first but can't find the key so she quits. It's Mahi’s turn and Twinkle wishes her all the best. Mahi goes in swimming pool, she somehow manages to finds the treasure box there, she opens it's lock and finds the heart, she comes out and show it to everyone. The host announces that Mahi took 2:22 seconds to find it, Twinkle congrats Mahi but she leaves and ignore her. Then host then announce that it's time for Twinkle to go in. Twinkle goes inside the swimming pool. She tries to open the treasure box but is not opening with the key given to her. Kunj gets worried and asks why Twinkle is taking so much time. Mahi gets worried for her


Soni goes to the temple to pray. She prays to god to take care of Jeet and to let whatever bad that has to happen, happen to her but not to Jeet. While she is climbing down the steps, she suddenly feels faint and Cherry is shown walking in front of her pouring oil on the steps and immediately turns her back at her. Soni doesn't notice it, she slips and falls down the stairs of the temple. Cherry is pleased and people rush to help her and take her to the hospital. Soni pleads to the doctor to save her kid. Jeet and her family come there while Soni is being operated on. Mahi and her mom reach there too. Jeet wonders how this has happened. One lady come there and tells Jeet that she fell down the temple steps. Durga is angry why Soni went there alone and why does she have to climb the temple despite knowing that it's so high. The family thank the people who brought Soni to the hospital but Durga is more concerned that the baby should be fine. A worried Jeet looks at his wedding ring and recalls he and Soni exchange ring, he kiss his ring and pray nothing happened to both Soni and her baby.
Durga keeps insisting that they save her Veer's baby. On hearing this, Jeet scold her that she is not bothered about Soni. The nurse informs them that she is also very serious and the doctors are trying to save them. Soni’s incident leads to a tragic end as the doctor comes out and tells them that they could not save the baby. Everyone is shocked and sad. Cherry overhears this and is glad that her plan worked out. She smirk.
The doctor further says that it will take time for Soni to recover from this and she needs all the possible support. Mohini and Mahi breaks down into tears and they both hugs each other. Jeet is helpless seeing this. He also breaks down but his father console him and hugging him to calm down. Durga storms in Soni's room and starts calling her names and cursing her. Mahi is shocked to hear all this. Durga tried to strangle her but Jeet and his family stop her and take her outside. Soni is discharged from the hospital and Moni tells Jeet that only he can help Soni right now. Jeet assures them that as long as he is there noone can do any harm to Soni for killing the baby. Soni has a blank look on her face. Jeet gets Soni home and is taking Soni upstairs when Durga stops him and says she will not live in his room. Durga again starts cursing Soni but Jeet stops her. She blames Soni for the accident and accuses her that she purposely killed the baby. She goes to hurt Soni but Jeet stops her and tries to make her understand. Durga says that now she will also take Jeet away from them. Jeet tries to feed Soni but Soni is just sitting all the while like a stone. Jeet tries to talk to Soni but she sits there unmoved. Shabd comes home. Mahi is about to hug him when Rahul comes there and hugs Shabd. He is happy that his father is home but Shabd does not recognise him. Rahul tells him that he is his son. Shabd is shocked when he finds a child at his house, claiming to be related to him.
Mahi tells Shabd everything about Rahul. Shabd is furious and asks Mahi why they have kept the child in his house like this and they should have made him go home by now. Everyone come there and Aunt Billo tells Shabd that they even tried the police station but even that didn't help. Shabd tells them that they should have asked him his address. He then suggests they should ask him his address and Mahi makes a face as he is saying. Shabd goes near Rahul who is sitting on the couch and he asks him about his address. Rahul says he is very funny because he knows where Rahul lives. Shabd angrily asks him again but Rahul says he stays with his mom and Shabd knows where his mom lives and that he is joking just like his mom does. Shabd holds him with his both hands and starts shaking him and angrily asks him to tell his address. Mahi comes there running and makes Shabd leave Rahul. Rahul goes crying from there.
Soni meanwhile is sitting on the bed motionless when Jeet comes there, he tries to help Soni deal with her loss asking her to talk but his efforts go to waste as Soni doesn't even say anything. Jeet gets upset and yells at her not to stay like that. Mr Khurana and Jyoti come running to their room hearing Jeet's voice. Durga follows slowly but Mr Khurana and Jyoti ask worriedly about Soni. Jeet goes to his mom and asks her to make Soni talk. He puts his head on his mom's shoulder pleading to his mom to somehow bring Soni out of the shock. But a flabbergasted Durga says it's better that she like it like that. Then she move near Soni and tells her after kiiling her grand-child, she should knows what she is after now. She shouts at her and says she wants to kill Jeet now. Jeet tells her to stop it and angrily leave.
Rahul is watching TV and Mahi tells him not to but he runs away. Mahi comes near the TV and sees "Choti Bahu" ad and sits to watch. Seeing Mahi really involved watching TV, Mohini and Aunt Billo come there and ask what she is watching? Mahi says she is watching this ad of CB which is set in Vrindavan and is about Radhika who loves her little sister Vishaka. Mohini suggests she is just like Mahi. Aunt Billo says God knows if Radhika will become Purohit family's daughter-in-law. Mahi says to know that they will have to watch the show. Rahul says They should thank him. Aunt Billo asks why? And Rahul says it's because of him that they got to watch the ad. Everyone laughs to this.
Mr Khurana angrily asks Durga what happens to her. Durga says Soni will never come out of shock and she deserves it. Jeet comes there and says Soni won't stay like that and he will bring her out of the shock. He goes to the room and gathers all toys and kid-clothes. He shows one to Soni and says if they had a son, he would have made him wears the army fatigues on his first birthday and if they had a daughter, he would have made her wear princess dress. Jeet cries waiting for a response from Soni.


Starts with Rani doing GR seva and GR is slowing waking up. Rani is thinking abt good old days in Jhansi and her talk with Moti bai (Ulka is shown) and abt how she could not understand abt SR. Then she tells herself now she understands everything and that GR is the best man in the whole world. GR is talking in his sleep and calls out for LB. There in the palace Raghunath, TG and ministers are discussing abt GR being alive. They decide to keep it a secret and first search for GR. Moropant tells TG to bring back Manu along with GR and TG promises that he will.Raghunath and TG leave to find GR, but TG forgets his sword and goes back inside. In the village SS is searching for Rani and Karma is also there. Rani comes there and Karma asks her how did she get hurt and Rani denies getting hurt. Karma mentions his talk with the doctor and Rani tells she hurt her hand so she went to the doctor and leaves from the place. Karma thinks Rani is definitely hiding something and decides to findout. Back to LB-GR, LB thinks if GR knows its LB he will go awya from here in this condition.GR is waking up and he cannot see me and decides to disguise as a man.
GR wakes up and finds Raja and Raja tells GR she found him in the jungle and brought here. GR tells Raja that Rani attacked him adn Raja is stunned. GR wants to leave and is trying to get up but suddenly faints. There in the palace TG hears Martin and Spears talking abt taking over Jhansi throne in 48 hrs using Doctrine of Lapse rule and TG decides to bring back GR with in 48 hrs. Raja is cooking for GR and burns his hand and GR helps him and asks why is he still not married. Raja tells he is married. Then Raja ask GR if it is true LB deceived him and GR tells know it is not true and its him who wronged LB. Then Raja asks why did’nt he ever try to search for LB. GR tells he did and that is why he is here since heard that head of the village was a woman leading the fight against the British. GR further adds, he came here so he could get the 16 villages back and his LB also. But, now he is sure that Rani is not his LB as LB would never attack him. Raja tells maybe someone is trying to bring a feud btw Rani and GR and Rani might not be the one who attacked him. GR says maybe. Then Raja asks will he accept LB if she is the leader of the group fighting the British and the JKR ends finally
Precap: Raja is walking in the jungle hurriedly to the village and some one calls her out. She turns and sees Karma
Raja asks Raja GR if he will accept LB who is the head of Kranti dhal. GR gets mad and says, my Maharani is not the queen of the dhal who tried to kill him. He is abt to faint adn Raja goes to get water, and Raja GR utters ” LB I will wait for your return till my last breath” and then Raja enters and asks did you say anything Maharaaj. But GR faintsD’oh. There in the palace the 3 vahinis and Martin are planning to take over Jhansi in the next 48 hrs and Moropnat walks in and says, only Maharani has the rights to take any decision. Vahinis mouth a few dialogues abt LB also being dead and Moropant loses his temper and tells GR is alive. Martin tells that within 48 hrs GR has to come back else the throne will be taken away from himSleepy. Martin leaves saying even is GR is alive he wont return to Jhansi alive and they thank Moropant. There near the village Raghunath and TG are searching for GR and go to the place where GR is hidden and knock on the door, but Raja does not open the doorSleepy and TG leaves. Karma is badkofying the villagers against Rani that she ran away with the treasure. All the villagers agree with Karma and they decide to go look for Rani and the treasure. Raja is rushing towards the village to give food to the villagers and Karma catches Raja. Raja tells he got lost and Karma shows him the direction and asks him to leave immediately. Raja goes in a hut and changes her clothes into LB and comes out and Karma sees her. LB reaches the village and SS informs LB abt Karma badkofying the villagers. SS asks Lb why she is worried and if GR is alive and LB answers in affirmative. LB tells SS abt GR’s condition and tells SS that she has to leave to get medicine for GR.
LB and Raghunath/TG are walking towards eachother and miss at the last minuteSleepy. TG and Raghunath ask a villager if they have seen any one in hurt condition and the villager bad mouths GR. Suddenly TG hears SS name and walks towards him and both are happy to see eachother and they finally hug.TG asks SS abt Manu and SS take TG to Rani’s hut and tells TG this is your Manu’s hut. TG is maha happy. SS tells TG he cannot tell him where Manu is. SS asks TG why he is here and TG tells SS abt the kale badal on Jhansi and that he came looking for GR. SS tells TG that he knows where GR is and he will be back in Jhansi in in 48 hrs. Karma again heres this.In the palace Martin is talking to the people present in the Jhansi court and the 3 vahinis are dreaming abt sitting on the throne. Then Martin tells that if GR does not come back in 48 hrs Jhansi will be come taken over British. All the Vahinis are shell shocked, so are the rest of the clan in the court. There SS reaches the place where LB is doing pati seva and Karma also reaches the place and sees GR alive.
Precap: SS tells Manu they should not let the British win and Manu tells whatever happens she will make sure GR and the treasure reach Jhansi.
Starts with Rani getting GR ready to go to the palace. There Karma is badkofying the villagers against Rani and all the villagers are ready to kill Rani. The villagers stop Rani and SS from taking GR to the palace and Karma continues with his natak and badkofying. There in the palace the 3 Vahinis are praying to god that GR should come back or they will have to leave the palace .
Karma vs. Rani drama continues for abt 10-15 min and then TG arrives. GR is taking his beauty sleep all the while when Rani is shouting at the top of her voice that she will protect GR and will take him to the palace. Karma tires to get close to GR but LB gives him some kick and blows. TG/SS/Sadhu tell Rani to take GR to the palace before sunrise and that they will take care of the villagers. Finally Rani tells the villagers to trust her and she will not break there trust and the villagers let Rani go. Karma is fuming.
Precap: Rani becomes Raja again. Raja and GR reach Jhansi border and see that British soldiers are searching everyone. There in the palace British flag is being put up with all the spectators watching and Martin announces its just few more mins before Jhansi is theirs. There Raja tells GR Raja that he will reach the palace no matter what.

GTV to Premier Three Sides of Ana Tres Veces Ana 30TH APRIL 2018 ON GTV

Three Sides of Ana Tres Veces Ana on Monday 30th April @9:00pm, Checkout the Plot Summary

Tres Veces Ana is a Mexican telenovela produced Angelli Nesma Medina for Televisa. It is a remake of Lazos de amor produced in 1995. It premiered on May 23, 2016 and ended on October 24, 2016
The series stars Angelique Boyer as Ana Lucia, Ana Laura and Ana Leticia, Sebastian Rulli as Santiago and Marcelo, David Zepeda as Ramiro, Susana Dosamantes as Ernestina, Blanca Guerra as Soledad, Pedro Moreno as Iñaki and Eric del Castillo as Evaristo.
The production of the telenovela began on January 4, 2016 in Mexico City. Alex Sirvent has been confirmed to perform the thematic songs of the telenovela. During the process of casting and pre-production, the telenovela was titled “Like three drops of water”.
On December 22, 2015 Angelique Boyer confirmed through her Twitter account that the last title of the telenovela was Frente al mismo rostro. In March 2016 the title was changed again, becoming Tres veces Ana.
Synopsis Tres Veces Ana
Ana Lucia, Ana Leticia and Ana Laura Alvarez Del Castillo are identical triplets with very different personalities. His parents died in a car accident when they were younger. It was believed that Ana Lucia had drowned in the river in which the family car fell and only Ana Leticia and Ana Laura survived. The local woman, Soledad Hernández, who suffered the loss of her daughter, finds Ana Lucia in the river and raises her as his.
Several years later, Ana Laura is a sweet but calm and solitary girl who wants to find her missing sister, refusing to believe that she is dead. He also lost a leg in the car accident. He falls in love with Ramiro but does not feel worthy of his love and thinks he feels sorry for her.
Ana Leticia is glamorous, selfish and manipulative, always needing to be the center of attention, especially with her grandmother, Ernestina (who also believes Ana Lucia is alive), and her uncle, Mariano, the guardians of the twins. It allies with Iñaki, who becomes his lover and accomplice of his evil plots and deceptions. In San Nicolás, Ana Lucia meets Santiago (actually Marcelo) who had an accident caused Evaristo Guerra from orders of Ana Leticia, his wife, 3 years earlier and as a result, has no memory of his true identity or past and is presumed Dead.
Given a house of Remedios, Santiago leads a daily life as a taxi driver and dreams of Ana Leticia, but his face is blurry which makes him confuse the sisters. Soledad does not want Ana Lucia near Santiago, because Marcelo had threatened her before the accident, and they separate. Ana Lucia and Soledad come to Mexico City, where they meet Remedios and unexpectedly cross with Santiago. Ramiro, Marcelo’s best friend, finds him and Ana Lucia.
Remedios knows the secret of Soledad but remains silent. The bonds of blood will finally unite the sisters, interlocking their lives in an unexpected way, bringing back what was once separated.
Main Cast Tres Veces Ana
Angelique Boyer as Ana Lucía / Ana Laura / Ana Leticia
Sebastián Rulli as Santiago García / Marcelo
David Zepeda as Ramiro Fuentes
Susana Dosamantes as Ernestina Rivadeneira
Blanca Guerra as Soledad Hernández
Pedro Moreno as Iñaki
Eric del Castillo as Evaristo Guerra


At the hospital, Rafael and Rodrigo start arguing again about Aurora and their parents try stopping them but it yields to nothing but Onesimo arrives to stop them.
Luca flirts with Maximina at the restaurant and Corina watches them from afar.
After taking Severo’s statement and Aurora’s, the police frees Severo and Aurora decides to go with him to his house so she can attend to him as he looks really ill but Onesimo looks a bit scared for Aurora because he knows Severo hates her very much but aurora still insists to do that to reciprocate Severo’s nice gesture towards her she sees a bit of kindness in him more than the great wickedness people think of him.
Onesimo tells Monica that Gloria gave her statement in Aurora’s favor and inwardly, she becomes very annoyed.
Epifania goes to go far away from Jeronimo to deprive her child’s father the right over his child since he refuses to marry her and Apolonia tries making her to understand and accept Jeronimo’s decision to be with Elsa but Epifania can’t stand seeing that and so agrees to leave the ranch.
Before Aurora could go with Severo, she establishes certain conditions to Severo in order to go with him and that is paying her a salary for every service she renders her and also wants to sleep in a different room and not with him and will also have a working schedule because she has to continue studying for her college and lastly, doesn’t want him to reveal to anyone that she stays under his roof because it’s better for the townsfolk to think she went out of town and bonus is, he should drive Rodrigo and Rafael away from his property without harming them in case they decide to come there looking for her and Severo agrees to them. Onesimo then threatens Severo that if he dares hurt even a string of her hair, he will have to contend with him.
After Onesimo took them home, he gives Aurora a gun to use as a protection to scare Severo in case Severo tries hurting her and also his phone also so she can get in touch with him anytime and she thanks him very much.
Aurora wants Severo to take his bath whiles she goes to prepare some meal for him but he tells her that he’s washed his face and therefore needs no bath but Aurora asks him if he’s not heard of personal hygiene before which can also be helpful for his recovery but Severo careless about what doctors say about that.
Rafael, Brigida and Camilo arrive in the police headquarters asking for Aurora and all Camilo is concern about is low business sales if Aurora doesn’t come back to work in his bar.
Severo laughs at Aurora’s wishes to study but Aurora about his teasing and he promises himself to teach Aurora a lesson. Aurora warns Severo to never call her a cursed girl again but call her by her real name but Severo still insists on calling her any name he wants.
Xochitl wants to look for a great sorcerer above her mum so she can break the spell Macrina made on Wenceslao because she wants nothing bad to happen to him.
Onesimo since he really does confide very well in father Basilio, he tells him that Aurora is living with Severo.
Macrina goes to see Severo and the latter throws her out of his house.
Onesimo doesn’t understand Aurora’s decision of going with Severo.
Loli tells Ines that she doesn’t want to separate from her because she is really a nice person though her mum Emma her mum feels sad seeing her staying with Ines and Ines promises to Emma.
Corina tells Luca that she knows what Brigida’s plan is to hurt Aurora by stealing all of her savings and wants to know if he wants to swindle Maximina too. Luca then confesses the truth to her and also begs her to not tell anyone since he is willing to leave Brigida and look for a woman who loves him.
Rafael ill speaks about Ines and Chalo puts him a limit because she is the love of his life and Apolonia thinks Chalo is happy with her so she is okay.
Onesimo doesn’t tell Apolonia nor Rafael where Aurora is even though they look desperate to know.
Aurora goes into cave secretly in the night and finds letters from Severo and Carmen trying to express their love to each other. Searching thoroughly, she finds a love hole in the sanctuary and wonders what it meant.
Stay tuned to AMAYA on UTV from Fridays - Sundays at 8:00pm - 9:00pm and repeat from Tuesdays - Thursdays at 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Sunday, April 29, 2018


Ishita talking to Raman over Ruhi. She says we were losing hope on Ruhi, but she loves Pihu, her heart is so clean and then how can’t she love me, we are on track, its such a nice feeling. He holds her. She asks him to have food. He makes her eat the food. Yeh hai mohabbatein………..plays………
Adi tells Aaliya that its not like she is thinking. Aaliya says its because Mihir is your Mamu, how can he reject Priyanka, he did not think how will Priyanka feel. He says Mihir did not reject your friend, he said he is not ready to marry. Adi and Aaliya argue. Amma comes and asks Aaliya what did she do. Aaliya says sorry, I forgot to switch off flame, its because of Adi. Adi goes. Amma says this burnt completely. Bala gets Pihu there. Pihu asks for breakfast. Amma
says Aaliya burnt the sambar. Pihu goes to get room freshener. She sees the cupboard open and says mumma always tells me to shut cupboard. She sees the photo frame stuck, and sees Raman, Ishita and Ruhi’s pic. She thinks when did she get this pic clicked and asks Amma. Amma gets shocked and asks her to have fresh idli. Pihu says don’t change topic, tell me when did you click this pic, I will ask Dadi. She goes.
Amma asks Bala what will we do now. Bala says I will come along. Amma says Aaliya does not know cooking, stay here. Pihu asks Bhallas about the pic. Amma comes there and tells them about Pihu getting pic. Elders get quiet. Ruhi and Adi manage to lie to Pihu. Raman says I look handsome in this pic. Pihu agrees. He says this aunty looks my mummy. Pihu says no, she looks pretty, but she looks prettier in real life. Ruhi makes Pihu busy in talks and Adi gives photo to Amma. Pihu apologizes to Ishita for talking rudely. Shagun takes Pihu with her. Ishita thanks Ruhi. Amma says we got saved today. Mrs. Bhalla says all thanks to Ruhi.
Amma tells Appa what happened today and how Ruhi saved them. She asks Aaliya to have sambar, and cook good one tomorrow. Aaliya says sorry, I will make good sambar. Vandu comes there dressed in western clothes. Aaliya and Amma compliment her. Bala asks Vandu where is she going. She says college. He says I did not see you wearing such clothes before. He says I thought to try something new. He says nice, I will drop you. She says no, I m getting late, you will take time. Aaliya signs her. Vandu leaves and thinks I had to refuse to Bala because of Aaliya. Aaliya thinks now to so soon Vandu, make him more jealous, then he will value you.
Mihika serves paratha to Romi. Raman asks for his paratha. Ishita thinks now they will fight for paratha. Romi sees Ruhi and offers his paratha to Raman. Raman says how will I go to office without my watch. Romi recalls Raman gifting his watch to him before and gives his watch to Raman. He says Ruhi is not here. Raman asks why will I wear your watch. Romi reminds that moment and Raman’s words, and thinks to keep this as a return favor. Raman accepts the watch. Mihika and Ishita smile.
Aaliya talks to Vandu and tells about Bala’s reaction. She sees Mihir and scolds him for rejecting Priyanka. She asks him to answer. Mihir says how shall I explain you. Adi comes and says I will answer you. He says Mihir rejected your friend’s proposal as she asked Mihir to do so, she loves someone else and did not had courage to tell her brother Anil, she wanted Anil to feel guilty to get Mihir’s proposal and then accept her boyfriend. Aaliya apologizes to Mihir. Mihir says its okay, I did not wish to marry, I told Anil that his sister should marry someone of her age, who loves her. He goes. Adi tells Aaliya that I told you Mihir can’t hurt anyone. She says sorry. He asks her to leave and meet her Appa. He goes. She says I need to ask Priyanka. Romi compliments Raman. They all smile. Romi gets a call and asks what. He tells everyone that IT raided on my factory…..
Vandu trying to make Bala jealous. Bala does not get jealous by seeing Vandu with her colleagues. Her plan fails. He asks Vandu to come with her, he did shopping for her and he is sure she will love it. He goes. Aaliya tells Vandu that plan did not work. Aaliya thanks the men and they leave. Aaliya asks Vandu is Bala normal, he did not get jealous seeing you with others, we have to plan something new, just take care of my instructions.
Mr. Bhalla asks Mrs. Bhalla to have medicines. Amma asks her to rest. Adi asks them to go, all the work is done. Ruhi says we have to start early tomorrow morning, so that all orders end soon and get delivered. Romi agrees and thanks everyone.
Raman has backache. Ishita asks shall I apply balm. He says no, its okay, I felt
glad seeing Ruhi manage everything. She says yes, it was a good sight. He says Ruhi tied everyone together. She says but will she change her decision, will she stay with her family. Mrs. Bhalla is much tired. Mr. Bhalla gives her some pain killers. Ruhi comes there and gives oil for leg massage, its very effective, I used to do this. Mrs. Bhalla hugs her and gets happy. She says you love me so much and asks Mr. Bhalla to see this. Ruhi applies oil to Mrs. Bhalla’s legs. Mrs. Bhalla smiles and says thanks a lot, go and sleep now. Ruhi goes. Mrs. Bhalla says if Ruhi comes to us, I m ready to bear any pain. Mr. Bhalla says I also feel she will stay here now.
Raman asks Ishita what do you feel, Ruhi will stay with us. She says I m scared. He says I m not, I m confident, I m thinking to get Ruhi admitted in school now. She says lets hope so.
Mihika talks to Romi and says if Ruhi stays and everything get fine, we will also stay here, Raman and you had a peaceful compromise, we will give our house on rent, I always wanted to stay with family, I thought this won’t be possible, thanks to Ruhi, this can be possible now, did you see, the family helped us in fulfilling consignment, all the family came close, we will stay here. He says but we have to know if Ruhi wants to stay here or not. She says she will stay here. He says after delivery ends tomorrow, I will talk to Ruhi and ask her whats in her heart.
Its morning, everyone help Romi and pack the boxes to complete consignment. Ishita gives paratha to Ruhi and asks her to ahev it. Adi goes there and sits asking Ishita to love him too and feed him. Ishita feeds paratha roll to him and Ruhi. Raman smiles seeing the children arguing for Ishita’s love. yeh hai mohabbatein…………..plays………. Ishita laughs and goes to get more food.
Romi asks them to hurry. Mrs. Bhalla sees Amma and thinks to tease Amma. She tells about Ruhi doing good massage to her legs at night, all her pain is gone. Amma asks did she apply this oil, Ruhi came to me at night and said I will rub this to your hands and legs, but I work a lot and I m fit, I refused to Ruhi and kept this bottle, else Ruhi would have felt bad. Mrs. Bhalla says what do you mean…. She sees Ruhi and talks sweet to Amma. Amma says Ruhi takes care of us a lot.
Aaliya asks about Amma. Bala tells her about helping Romi and Adi, and he goes home to leave for his classes soon. He thinks to go for shower. Aaliya goes to help Adi. Adi asks her to come. Aaliya asks Vandu what is she doing here. Vandu says I m helping here. Aaliya asks her to go home, Bala is alone at home. Vandu says I m feeling nervous. Aaliya says he is your husband, go. A lady asks Vandu for help. Vandu goes with that lady. Aaliya gives tea to everyone. Aaliya goes to look for Vandu at her home and asks Vandu is she taking bath, if you are home, don’t wear anything boring, wear something s*xy and make this time special, I m going now, all the best. Aaliya goes. Bala hears all this and says what did Aaliya say, whats going on in Vandu’s life, it means Aaliya is Vandu’s love guru, okay…………
Raman asks Adi to check all cartons. Romi gets some call and gets shocked. He asks why did you not tell me before, how will I manage. Raman asks what happened. Romi says its tempo’s strike, how will we manage now, we worked hard. Appa tries to arrange tempos. Appa tells them that he arranged tempo but drivers are not available. Adi and Raman come forward to help. Bhallas and Iyers give credit to Ruhi for doing all this. Niddhi comes there and claps. She says Ruhi is here for few days now, make her have sweets aunty ji, I warned you all not to do this, Ruhi will come back to me, I have booked Ruhi and my tickets for Australia, we are going back forever, Ruhi bear them for some more time, is everything fine Ruhi, I hope you took your decision. Everyone get worried.


Sona’s mum is with her. She’s praying/thanking the God.
Outside, Dev recalls Sona’s accident and checks on her. Sona’s mum goes to him and tells him to go home, she’s with her. He says don’t worry about him, he’s fine. He asks if she needs anything. She says no. She breaks down. Dev makes her sit and says nothing will happen. Everything will be alright. Sona’s mum asks how did that happen. He was with her, right? He tells her how accident happened. He says he couldn’t trust his eyes. She asks how come he couldn’t see. What was point of him dropping her, if he can’t take care of her. Are they kids that they were walking in middle of road. She cries.
Sona’s dad wants to go hospital. Saurav comes and says
she was very serious, but operation is done and she’s alright now. He starts crying. His dad says nothing will happen to her. He calms Saurav down and hugs him.
Sona’s mum is not around. Dev keeps opening Sona’s room door and checks on her. Sona regains consciousness. She tries to get up, but struggles. Dev again checks on her. He sees her struggling and runs to her. She hugs him tight. She gets scared seeing blood on his shirt. She asks did he get injured? Did he show it to doctor? He says he’s fine. She hugs him again. He says she had an accident, but now everything is fine. She faints and is unconscious again. Dev calls doctor, nurse and shouts at them for not being there. Sona was trying to get off the bed. Nurse says, there is nothing to be worried about. It’s just her BP is low. He’s angry at her. Sona’s mum notices. He calms down and tells nurse to be careful next time. He turns back and looks at Sona. He says even in this condition, Sona cared for him, not for her. She was bothered thinking he got injured.
In morning, Dev’s mum comes to his room and is shocked. Mami asks what happened. She says Dev never came home in night. She’s worried. Mami tells her that she doesn’t tell him anything. If it was her, then she would have called him 100s of times. Dev’s mum says she called, but he couldn’t talk. He just messaged. Mami says she doesn’t understand anything. He’s grown up. Dev’s mum is confused. Mami says she used to worry about Vicky as well. But they should understand that they are grown up now. He doesn’t have as many friends as Vicky, but he might be with a girl. Dev’s mum says he is not like that. He has his 3 sisters to take care of and there can be no one else. Mami says there is one more. Dev’s mum is shocked. Mami says, you. No one is greater than her for him. Mami leaves.
Sona’s family visits her. They all have good time. Sona’s sister and brother tease her with Dev saying she got into an accident to get Dev’s attention. Their dad tells them not to bother Sona. Sona’s sister says they are making her happy by talking about Dev. Dev comes in. Sona’s dad thanks him for saving Sona’s life. Dev says anyone would do that. Sona’s dad says, no, not everyone is like him. He insists him to go home and rest now as he has been there whole night. Sona signs him as well. He says okay.
Mami is still around Dev’s mum asking if he picked up. Just then Dev enters. His mum gets shocked seeing blood. He tells her about Sona’s accident and him being in hospital whole night. His mum says she was feeling something wrong. She blames herself and says she wants to meet her. Dev tells her she is out of danger, she can go later. He says he has to go to office . She says he won’t go anywhere. He has to take rest. To hell with work. He asks what about how she was working day night. She says she was helpless. He says he has learned from her only to do hard work and come first in everything. He goes. Mami says, very bad Sona had an accident, but she was right about Dev being with a girl whole night. Dev’s mum just walks away.
Sona’s sis is alone with Sona. She’s checking something. Sona asks what’s that. She says love detector. Sona says shut up. Her sis tells her to listen to heart before it’s too late. Sona says she has nothing in her heart. Her sis says really? There is nothing between her and Dev? Sona says no. Her sis asks then how did her accident happen. Sona says they were talking and walking. Her sis says but she was saying he doesn’t talk. What they were talking. Sona says casual. Sis asks question 2, why long walk. To spend time with each other? Sona says roads were blocked, so he couldn’t drive her. Her sis asks how come she didn’t see car. Sona says what rubbish. Her sis wishes Sona could see her much she’s blushing. Sona says it’s nothing like that. She was telling him her childhood. There is nothing between them. Her sis says, but what Dev did one else would do it. She tells her how he called everyone to arrange blood. He waited whole night until doctor said she was out of danger. She doesn’t know what kind of guy she wants, but she won’t find anyone like Dev. Sona says, how many times she has to say there is nothing between them. Will she lie to her? Her sis says, whether she lies to her or no, at least don’t lie to herself.
Her family is back. Her dad says, at least she got to rest. Now no more work for a month at least. Sona says no. Her sis again teases her saying how she can stay away from Mr. Obedro for one month. Sona asks why she is calling him Mr. Obedro. When did he talk to her rudely. Her sis says, possessiveness. She gets jealous if someone else calls him that. Saurav also starts teasing. Their dad tells Saurav to stop.
Dev’s mum comes to visit Sona. Sona introduces her family to her. Sona’s sis whispers to Sona that saasu-maa has come. Dev’s mum asks Sona how she’s feeling. Sona says better than before. Sona’s mum tells Dev’s mum that “Devbabu” helped a lot yesterday. Dev’s mum asks who? She says Dev..Dev babu. Sona’s parents tell her how Dev called his he didn’t move till Sona regained consciousness. He took care of her a lot. Saurav says this is not first time. He’s such a big businessman and still takes care of small things. He brought cake on their mum’s birthday. Who would do all that? Dev’s mum just listens all..and doesn’t give any reaction.
Precap: Dev is sleeping in Sona’s room. Sona goes to him and tries to do something with her hand. Dev grabs her hand.
Ishwari goes to hospital to meet Sona. Saurabh says Mr. Dixit has very helping nature and describes how he went overboard and brought cake for his mother and other incidents. Ishwari says her son is of helping nature and he would have helped anyone even if it is not Sona. Sona’s stops smiling hearing this. Family continues their praises for Dev. Ishwari gets jealous.
Dev asks his secretary Tina about recent client meetings. Tina says clients are very upset with his ignorance in recent times. Dev says he will meet clients personally soon and goes to Sona’s hospital room. Bejoy seems him and says he will get coffee for him. Dev says he will get. Bejoy insists and goes to get coffee. Dev sits on a sofa. He falls asleep. Sona opens eyes and imagines herself getting out of bed and walking towards Dev and Dev holding her hand. She gets out of her imaginatino and sees Dev sleeping still and she on bed. Dev wakes up and their romantic nok jhok starts. Dev leaves for home next.
Ishwari informs Radha how Dev went overboard to help Sona. Radha tries to brainwash her. Dev reaches home. Ishwari asks why is he late even today. He says nothing and goes to his room. Radha restarts her brainwash and smirks.
Sona’s family writes their comments and wishes on her hand’s plaster of paris bandage. She asks them to leave some space. Bejoy asks for whom. Their jokes and quality family time continue. Once family leaves, Dev enters. She gets attracted to his love and care again and starts smiling. Their romantic nok jhok starts again. He feeds her food. Kuch rang pyar ke… plays in the background. They both look at each other.
Precap: Bejoy and Daadi request Dev to find a suitable match for Sona. Dev says he will try.


Scene 1:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
Anirudh reprimands her for doing something sop evil, and that too by conspiring with samrat, and is unable to believe how his win wife, could stopp this low. he asks her to think what ishaan shall feel when he gets to know this. damini apologises proufsely, vehemently saying that she wanted this earlier, but not anymore at all. She asks him not to tell this to anyone, and begs to be forgiven. he apologises saying that he cant forgive her at any cost. she is apalled.
Later, while all are sitting, damini asks rani to everyday prepare panjiri for urmi, and give it to her for dinner. sandhya comments how much damini wants and cares for her grandchild. Samrat thinks that its been evening, and urmi hasnt gone out, unlike other days. sandhya
asks whats she doing. urmi says that she is planning for her parents’ anniversary, the day after tomorrow. Urmi gets a call, wherein she tells the person that she shall just leave. she tells damini and sandhya that there’s a food inspection in the hotel, and ishaan isnt picking up the phone, hence she has to go. samrat is very happy. Sandhya says that she is tensed for her, that she shall leave this late. She asks if samrat can go for her. he says thats not possible. he asks how can he go, as its urmi’s restaurant. Shashi too insists that samrat should go. Samrat asks if they have gone nuts. damini asks why is she behaving so weird. Urmi is busy in the work. Samrat says that he wishes to stay away from urmi and her work. urmi tells him that its okay, as he wont have to go. she assures damini and sandhya that she shall easily manage, and shall drive safe too. samrat is happy. urmi asks rani to get the car keys. He thinks that finally, urmi’s life is over, as they might be thinking about saving the child, whereas he is concerned for her death. she finally leaves. But before that, she gets ishaan’s call, and tells as to how she had to go out. She then turns around again, and samrat urgently gets up and asks what happened. they are boggled. urmi informs them that ishaan has already reached and she wont have to go. sandhya and damini are relieved, while samrat is disappointed.
The next morning, while samrat reads the paper in the balcony, he overviews urmi, all dressed, ready to go out, and thanks the lrod, for this golden oppurtunity, but just then ishaan calls her from inside, and then asks that he forgot something. he presents her the good luck charm, that this shall keep her safe frm all evil spirits and wrong doings. he himself dons it to her. then he pesters her to stay back, but she says that its important. He allows her to go on one condition, thats to give him a good luck kiss. samrat thinks that this just might be their last kiss. he kisses urmi on the forehead, then get into a fight as to who shall go first. finally, urmi leaves waiving ishaan goodbye. ishaan eyes her and then goes inside. samrat, in the balcony, is amused, that urmi took her car and left. he thinks that the countdown begins, for her last breath.
Scene 2:
Location: On the road
urmi is in a wonderful mood, while driving the car, when suddenyl a truck comes in front, and she tries to control her speed, by pulling the brakes, and is highly tensed when the brakes dont work. she is extremely worried and scared. finally, she sees an inevitable collision, with the bus.
Scene 3:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
While all go about their daily routine, samrat anxiously hopes that any minute now, the news of urmi’s dfeath shall come. the phone finally rings, and samrat is alarmed. but it turns out to be anirudh’s bnusiness call. he is disappointed. Ishaan asks if he is planning to leave, and if he is, he cant go this week, as this friday, they ahave planned for his anniversary. samrat is shcoekd, while tani reprimands him for not remmebering. they both too tell that he cant leave. Anirudh says that they have grown beyond all this, and that there’s no excitement too like before. damini is hurt. ishaan asks her to convince anirudh not to go, as they are all very excited. she tries to badger him, but he lashes at her, saying that work is work, and he cant ignore his professional business. ishaan asks how can he talk like this, since he has always placed family over business. saamrat is frustrated, thinking that soon there shall be grief in the house, with the news of urmi’s death. damini asks him not to go. he angrily says that he doesnt wish to celebrate. all are shocked at his behaviour. Anirudh gets up and says that he shall never ever celebrate and she shouldnt tell him what to do or not to do. he also comments that he has to focus on whats going on in the house, instead of celebrations, and eyes samrat suspiciously. he leaves in a huff. tani comments as to what happened. damini cites that this must be work stress, and excuses herself too. All are boggled, especially ishaan.
In his room, Anirudh is in a fit of anger, when damini comes in asking whats he doing, as by behaving like this, those who dont know shall know too. but he is very angry. she again tries to vehemently deny that she doesnt mean harm now. ishaan, overhearing all this from outside, wonders why she has to apologise. anirudh keeps reprimanding and finally spills out,t aht he cant believe that she had the diea of separating urmi from ishaan, and how she was planning to spoil their marriage, and for that she conspired with the lowlife, samrat. ishaan is shocked to hear this. she asks him to be quiet, and says that she accepts that she made a mistake, and that she apologised, but there’s nothing more she can do for now. ishaan is in a daze. just then, his phone rings and he leaves to receive it. he gets a call from the hotel, asking for the elctricity bill. ishaan asks the receptionist to have urmi speak with him. but he is informed that she hasnt reached there yet. he is boggled as she had left an hour back. he begins to get worried for her, but says that she must be trapped in traffic jam. the screen freezes on his tensed face.
Precap: All are worried, by the eveing, when they dont find any clues about urmi’s whereabouts. sandhya tells them that she didnt receive any calls too. anirudh and ishaan leave to search for her. samrat thinks that its all in vain, as now all they should await for is news of urmi’s death to arrive. On the road, anirudh and ishaan search for urmi and her car, and find that the road ahead is blocked in a particular area. Ishaan asks a traffic inspcetor whats the matter that the road is blocked. the police informs them that there was a car accident of a female in the morning. they are shocked and apalled thinking and hoping that it isnt urmi. they are highly worried.
Update Credit to: Rimjhim
Scene 1:
Location: Ishaan’s office
ishaan continues to make anirudh understand that what damini is in the past, and that urmi’s goodwill changed her for the better, and despite his immense anger, ishaan is able to convince anirudh to get rid of his anger, and
Scene 2:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
All are tensed for urmi, while tani and samrat are least bothered. samrat evilly thinks that urmi is dead and the sooner they get the news, the sooner they can start grieving. samrat gets up and shashi stealthily goes after him, accusing him that he has hidden her deffinitely. He stumbles. ishaan and anirudh too come in tensedly. All are worried, by the eveing, when they dont find any clues about urmi’s whereabouts. sandhya tells them that she didnt
receive any calls too. anirudh and ishaan leave to search for her. samrat thinks that its all in vain, as now all they should await for is news of urmi’s death to arrive.
Scene 3:
Location: On the road
Anirudh and ishaan search for urmi and her car, and find that the road ahead is blocked in a particular area. Ishaan asks a traffic inspcetor whats the matter that the road is blocked. the police informs them that there was a car accident of a female in the morning. they are shocked and apalled thinking and hoping that it isnt urmi. they are highly worried. When they enquire bout the car’s details, they are shockeed to know that its urmi’s car. ishaan gets out saying that its his wife’s car. the inspector tells about the hospital where she is admitted. they rush there.
Scene 4:
Location: Hospital
Ishaan and anirudh rush to the hospital, and when he identifies himself, they are taken by the ward boys towards the room. they are highly anxious. They are shocked to find that they have reached the morgue room. the ward boy says that he shall have to identify his wife’s body. ishaan is in shock. The ward boy opens the door. Ishaan breaks down saying that urmi cant die, as nothing can happen to her. Anirudh convinces him that it mightnt be urmi. With much brave hearts, they come inside. when he lifts the sheet, ishaan is unable to look, while finally when anirudh and ishaan look, it isnt urmi. they are relieved and go outside. The doctor tells the ward boy, that he brought them to the wrong place. anirudh reprimands the person. the doctor apologises, and then takes them to another chamber. finally, anirudh and ishaan find urmi. they rush to her, while ishaan nudges her to be awake. he asks the doctor, and is informed that she is fine. Anirudh asks why is she unconscious. The doctor says that she is in shock, and soon shall wake up. Anirudh is rleieved. ishaan says that he knew nothing would happen to her. the doctor says that they shall discharge once she wakes up.
Scene 5:
Location: Restaurant
samrat celebrates galore and is overjoyed at the prospect of finally being free from urmi’s trap and getting rid of his problems forever.
Scenee 6:
Location: Ishaan’s residence
Samrat comes home to find urmi being pampered. All ask urmi as to how is happened. Samrat is tensed. Urmi finally says that her car brakes’ failed. They are surprised. samrat tries to diostract the attention, saying that its common. Urmi asks them all not to worry, as its all okay now. She reminds them all of the party tomorrrow. They all agree. Samrat evilly fumes and decides to think of another way to get rid of her. the screen freezes on his face.
Precap: samrat calls up shashi to say that he has decided to put an end to urmi’s life today. shashi is very scared. meanwhile, oblivious to this, urmi is happily driving her car on the road.